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[1.2.2] Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) - Lightweight RealismOverhaul career v0.53 June 12


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On 12/21/2015 at 7:26 AM, Nnimrod said:

The Pioneer antenna description says it's good to "1500Gm, Jupiter and beyond" That would be right, as Jupiter can be (very) roughly 500-975Gm from earth. But if you plug the stated range (20Gm) and the DSN range (500Gm) into the range formula it comes to 120Gm. Am I doing the math correctly?

You do, but the ground stations have changed -- the DSN stations now have 1.14e14 meters (500GM would be 5e11).
That said, I notice that the Voyager antenna won't even reach Venus. Nominal range should be 1e12 for an effective 10Gm.

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Btw, isn't it funny that the Astris engine seems to be one of the the most efficient engines for use in space, even more so since you get it relatively early in carreer?

And in reality, while developed in 1968, the astris and it's stage failed 3 times, and performed only a single succesfull burn, which ended in a failing fairing seperation? :D

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Hi Guys,

Now that 1.05 has settled down I'm doing a little Xmas Kerballing and started a new RP-0 Career Plus RSS

I'm trying to build my first XPlane. Previously, I've been using the XLR11. 

I see the pack has changed and now I have early access to the NK-31/39 x4. I use tweek scale. everything else is as recommended

I can't get the thing to ignite. I tried boosting it to increase pressure, pumping fuel from the gantry and various configurations of procedural tank. No Joy,

Did some searching on it and looked for a YouTuber who had used it, again, no joy.

So, appreciate of someone could bring a little xMas joy to my sound barrier bound Kerbals


EDIT: OK, found that scaling it was reducing the TEATEB to below 1, hence no startup.

I searched for the part to change the default amount of TEATEB, but can't find the part. Says the name is SKTNK21 Block V.

Anyone any idea where this could be changed?  Or can Tweek Scaller be told to ignore TEATEB?


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14 hours ago, Fiddler said:

Hi Guys,

Now that 1.05 has settled down I'm doing a little Xmas Kerballing and started a new RP-0 Career Plus RSS

I'm trying to build my first XPlane. Previously, I've been using the XLR11. 

I see the pack has changed and now I have early access to the NK-31/39 x4. I use tweek scale. everything else is as recommended

I can't get the thing to ignite. I tried boosting it to increase pressure, pumping fuel from the gantry and various configurations of procedural tank. No Joy,

Did some searching on it and looked for a YouTuber who had used it, again, no joy.

So, appreciate of someone could bring a little xMas joy to my sound barrier bound Kerbals



i think it might be misplaced/configured, the XLR11 should be fine imho

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I'm not 100% sure I'm reporting in the right place, but I'm getting contracts for interplanetary missions with complete by dates so short that its impossible to do it on a hohmann transfer window. Like right now it wants a mars flyby completed within 1 year 286 days, but the next transfer window has an arrival time of 2 years 187 days.

It's possible by shoving enough dv down the throat of the thing of course, especially for flyby, but it still seems unrealistic to launch without the transfer window for anything but an emergency situation.


If RP-0 isn't handling the contracts where should I send this?

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I noticed that the science gathered from the Film Return Camera is HUUGE (42000 science units). And transmitting it back to earth only recovers arround 1% of the science (a photo from atmosphere is 24 science returned vs 0.3 when transmitted).
 Seems like the only possible use for science out of the camera is landing it back on earth with 1 experiment in it (1 photo taken). Is this intended or am I doing something wrong?



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On 21.12.2015 at 1:57 AM, Lilienthal said:


I just installed RP V0.41, KSP105.x64, Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (it is called long-term support :) )

I ran into a major problem: When I installed RaiderNick's mods, I KSP wouldn't start. Instead X.org took over 100% CPU and KSP would be very slowly grinding ahead in its starting sequence. When I removed RaiderNick's mods everything was fine.

I will file a proper bug report in a few days, but just want to give this 'solution' to those of you having the same problem.  - Did anyone, BTW? 


Hi all,

sorry took a while. Christmas etc.

So I redid it, installed only "Soviet Rockets" out of RaiderNicks awesome mods, and again, the starting process ground to a almost (but not complete) halt. Removing RaiderNick's mod and all was fine.  (Just managed to impact on the moon. :).

Here are the logs:





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On December 26, 2015 at 4:14 PM, NathanKell said:

If you want xplanes use the recommended Taerobee mod.

I managed to do pretty well with the default. Actually, I found it kind of fun to see what I could do without rockets; I managed to get a supersonic (barely) in level flight (!) aircraft with just Derwent Vs, so it's rather a lot, actually...

EDIT: Actually, I have a question which should probably go here (maybe). As you might guess from the above, I'm playing an RP-0 campaign. Recently, I started designing my first orbital launch vehicle. The design is basically fine, but I've run into a peculiar problem with it; whenever I hit a speed of 2-300 m/s, the game abruptly throttles down whatever engines I happen to be running at the time, which causes them to cut off. Naturally this isn't so good for making orbit. And I don't have solids yet (besides the Tiny Tim and Baby Sergeant, anyways), so I can't just power through to where I can ignite the liquids again.

think this has been caused by a strange interaction with MechJeb and the extreme instability of the game (as modded) on my computer (I'm usually happy if I can do more than a few missions without crashing). See, my plan is/was to launch my first satellite into a polar orbit so it can grab all the rest of the science in near-Earth space (aside from crew reports and EVA reports, obviously). I tried manually launching into orbit (in a Kerbal Construction Time simulation), but was well short of the goal. Later, to check whether my rocket actually had enough delta-V to reach the desired orbit (in terms of inclination), I decided to use MechJeb to launch it. While configuring the ascent autopilot, I checked the box for limiting dynamic pressure without thinking about it, because I would normally have used that in "stock" KSP, and when it throttled down to limit dynamic pressure the engines cut off. I realized that was a stupid thing to do and tried to revert to try again (I think), but the game crashed (I think). Somehow, despite not subsequently activating the autopilot, the throttle seems to be closed whenever I begin to experience significant dynamic pressure, so I can't exceed the speed of sound with liquid rockets. Indeed, not only did this affect this particular design, it affected other rockets which had previously worked just fine on multiple missions.

I, um...well, how do I fix this? Is there any way to fix it, short of nuking everything and starting over? I could save my craft files, so all wouldn't be lost...

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If you think it's MechJeb try deleting all the setting files in the MechJeb folder - I'm not entirely sure which folder these are in exactly as I'm not at my pic but it should be a folder with a MechJeb Settings cfg and a lot of other cfg files. Just delete the lot. You'll lose all new windows you made and where they were placed but you can easily make/place these again. Hope this helps :)

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@Lilienthal all I'm seeing that's relevant is you're getting exceptions from Proc Parts. Are you on the absolute latest release? Double check the github releases page just in case...

@Workable Goblin first, let me just say what an honor it is to have one of the coauthors of Eyes playing RP-0! :) (And that I'm tickled you finally picked up KSP...)

The Taerobee remark was regarding the XLR11: we used to make that SXT part the XLR11 but now that Taerobee has it covered, the best way to get the XLR11 is via Taerobee and we un-repurposed the SXT part. That said, as you say, if you're a dab hand at area-ruling, you can get supersonic on dry thrust alone. :)

As to the issue: It sounds like one of three things:

1. Somewhere the "limit acceleration" checkbox in MJ got checked. Look in the Ascent Autopilot panel or the Utilities panel (I think those are the only two places, paging @sarbian ).

2. Q limiter is doing it. Unlikely, since AFAIK the Q limiter works by constraining AoA based on a Q limit, rather than thrust, but who knows. Clearing your MJ folder's PluginData folder (GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/PluginData IIRC) should solve that, if you can't undo it.

3. @Laie reported an issue with the Bell 80xx engine (but only the VSR version of it) where it cuts out early. What engines are involved? Craft file? I'm away and can't easily test right now, but maybe some other kind person on this thread could. :)

Ok, 4 for kicks: there used to be issues with electric charge and RemoteTech. Do you have consistent LOS to a groundstation, and do you have sufficient battery reserves of on the LV? Avionics is thirsty.

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@Workable Goblin @NathanKell The current MJ version has 2 dynamic pressure related settings. One is the "Limit Q to"  checkbox that will limit the thrust so the dynamic pressure stays under a set value. It could easily kill the engine if set too low. The other one is the "Limit AoA to" that limits the Angle of Attack until the dynamic pressure is under a set value. That one has no impact on the engines

There is also the "Limit to terminal velocity" checkbox that could limits your ascent, but that one should stay deactivated and I removed it in the current dev version since most user don't seems to grasp what the Terminal Velocity actually is.

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Are there any known issues with the HG-55 antenna? It doesn't seem to have the ability to function as an antenna, and the "start deployed" option isn't there in the VAB. I can't right click extend or activate it while it's on the launch pad either.

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10 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@Lilienthal all I'm seeing that's relevant is you're getting exceptions from Proc Parts. Are you on the absolute latest release? Double check the github releases page just in case...

@Workable Goblin first, let me just say what an honor it is to have one of the coauthors of Eyes playing RP-0! :) (And that I'm tickled you finally picked up KSP...)

The Taerobee remark was regarding the XLR11: we used to make that SXT part the XLR11 but now that Taerobee has it covered, the best way to get the XLR11 is via Taerobee and we un-repurposed the SXT part. That said, as you say, if you're a dab hand at area-ruling, you can get supersonic on dry thrust alone. :)

As to the issue: It sounds like one of three things:

1. Somewhere the "limit acceleration" checkbox in MJ got checked. Look in the Ascent Autopilot panel or the Utilities panel (I think those are the only two places, paging @sarbian ).

2. Q limiter is doing it. Unlikely, since AFAIK the Q limiter works by constraining AoA based on a Q limit, rather than thrust, but who knows. Clearing your MJ folder's PluginData folder (GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/PluginData IIRC) should solve that, if you can't undo it.

3. @Laie reported an issue with the Bell 80xx engine (but only the VSR version of it) where it cuts out early. What engines are involved? Craft file? I'm away and can't easily test right now, but maybe some other kind person on this thread could. :)

Ok, 4 for kicks: there used to be issues with electric charge and RemoteTech. Do you have consistent LOS to a groundstation, and do you have sufficient battery reserves of on the LV? Avionics is thirsty.

Taerobee: Ahhh, there you go. I did kind of want an XLR-11 so I could make an "NF-104"-alike before I got the XLR-99...it's not on CKAN, though (or at least not a version for 1.0.5), and I do everything through CKAN since...well...I have about forty mods installed and trying to manage that manually would drive me round the bend.

As for the issue, I thought about it some more after asking and decided to nuke and pave (not before backing up the save, of course). I almost decided to just put this particular campaign on hold for 1.1, because it is so unstable, but it's just so much fun...

Anyways, that particular issue went away after doing that, so I suppose the issue was, as you and Sarbian said, something to do with a setting being checked which shouldn't have been without my seeing it.

1: I recall looking at that and specifically deciding not to check it because this was an uncrewed launch and I knew from the T/Ws that there was no way there would be dangerous accelerations.

2: I think this was the cause, since I recall recalling that limiting by Q was somehow 'good'. I know it's throttled down for Q in some stock launches, and the threshold where this issue would hit was precisely where FAR tended to warn about high dynamic pressures when I was flying airplanes.

3: The RD-103, X-405, and Aerobee sustainer were involved. It wasn't an engine-specific issue.

On 4: Not running RemoteTech (surprising, I know!), anyways it was doing this literally right over Satish Dhawan (I could barely get up to 10,000 meters if I was lucky), and yes, it had a ton of battery space, some 30k. I wanted to make sure that it would last long enough to get all the science from all the biomes, and I had tried before and had no problems of that sort. Plus, I could still control the rocket it just, you know, wouldn't let me fire the engines.

Incidentally, that particular launch vehicle worked fine (modulo the usual sort of tweaking) once this issue was sorted. It wouldn't make a polar orbit even launching over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, but it did solidly hit the target at a lower inclination, about fifty degrees, entering a Sputnik-like orbit. So now I'm just thinking about a kOS script to launch it, because I've proved to myself that I'm a dog at controlling the vehicle smoothly, it has almost zero margin to deal with my keyboard punching, and MechJeb really, really wants the launch azimuth to be towards the north, which isn't much good for range safety...

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Ah, glad it's sorted! Also, I put in a request to the CKAN folks to bump up the Taerobee metadata. While I highly recommend CKAN I don't personally use it (too many dev folders) and thus was not aware it was not 1.0.5-listed.


For playing without remotetech, you'll actually be slightly handicapped, since with RT installed pretty much everything has an antenna, whereas without it installed you'll need to add your own antennas to transmit science (I'm thinking of sounding rockets in particular). On the other hand you already passed that stage, so... ^_^


Sadly the RP-0er who most did stuff with kOS has gone MIA, the only extant RP-0 kOS ascent script of which I'm aware relies on a Juno I/II style launch-to-apogee-and-kick.

For Mechjeb, you can maybe try a negative inclination? Does that kick it into launching south?

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35 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

Ah, glad it's sorted! Also, I put in a request to the CKAN folks to bump up the Taerobee metadata. While I highly recommend CKAN I don't personally use it (too many dev folders) and thus was not aware it was not 1.0.5-listed.


For playing without remotetech, you'll actually be slightly handicapped, since with RT installed pretty much everything has an antenna, whereas without it installed you'll need to add your own antennas to transmit science (I'm thinking of sounding rockets in particular). On the other hand you already passed that stage, so... ^_^


Sadly the RP-0er who most did stuff with kOS has gone MIA, the only extant RP-0 kOS ascent script of which I'm aware relies on a Juno I/II style launch-to-apogee-and-kick.

For Mechjeb, you can maybe try a negative inclination? Does that kick it into launching south?

Well, I just added a couple of Sputnik antennas to everything. Actually, I liked the way things ended up looking. I have to admit that there was another reason for not installing RT, which is that I was messing around with drone aircraft a bunch for testing and doing long-range flights, and they were flying places where they probably would not have gotten signals from any RT ground station. In "reality" they would be flying automatically (just, considering the era, but there were autonomous "aircraft" that more or less functioned back then), or they would be controlled from stations that wouldn't be modeled by RemoteTech (aircraft, ships, etc.) So I felt that installing RT would cramp my style, so to speak.

I knocked together a kOS script that came pretty close to working, actually. I mean, it would hit a periapsis of -300 km at final stage burnout, whereas Mechjeb only hits about 200, 250 tops. So, considering that I knocked it together in about four hours of trial and error, it didn't do so bad. Probably if my vehicle had a bit more delta-V margin and slightly higher TWRs on the upper stages the script would have done fine.

On Mechjeb: Oddly enough, it does. I say oddly, because I tried putting in an inclination of 310 degrees, which seems mathematically equivalent to one of -50 degrees (and the one I wanted due to Sri Lanka preventing launch azimuths below 140 degrees), and it decided to go towards Myanmar and China instead. The discrepancy between the two is not what I expected at all. 

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22 hours ago, NathanKell said:


... That said, as you say, if you're a dab hand at area-ruling, you can get supersonic on dry thrust alone. :)


I would love to see any example of starting tier tech jets that can complete the crewed airplane "break the sound barrier" contract, i cant seem to get past mach 0.9 (about 293 m/s @ 2km altitude)

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Guys, what do you think about BD Adjustable Landing Gear compatibility? I tried it, but I ran into compatibility problems. The Wheels were instantly overheating on the runway and exploding almost instantly after engine startup. I found it is the problem with the low default temperature of gears! External temperature is 300K and external is 1730K. The problem is that I don't know how to change it.

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12 hours ago, Aazard said:

I would love to see any example of starting tier tech jets that can complete the crewed airplane "break the sound barrier" contract, i cant seem to get past mach 0.9 (about 293 m/s @ 2km altitude)

Well, I can see part of your problem. It is far easier to reach Mach 1+ at higher altitudes like 8,000 or 9,000 meters where the air is thinner and there's less drag; reaching Mach 1 at low altitudes like 1-2,000 meters is more for showing off. Additionally, you can use the potential energy of high altitude to break Mach 1 in a dive (which is what early jets had to do, anyways).

I designed a jet that can reach Mach 1(.075) in level flight (going by FAR's Mach meter; that corresponds to a speed of about 323 m/s), and can easily complete the contract by going into a dive. I just fired up KSP, took some screenshots, and put them together in an imgur album for you:


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