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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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You have a gaming PC with top-of-the-line materials with bullet-proofing, heat-proofing, and water-proofing, as well as a military-grade processor and motherboard, .45 Colt with 3 rounds left, and 120 km through the jungle to the rescue helicopter chopper Oops! Sorry... LZ. Three jeeps with guys from the nearest farm are searching you to welcome.

I wish they don't have dogs.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Granted, but they only made one prototype and it crashed on the first test flight

I wish I had a new powerful computer (this is a similar wish two posts above me but my computer sucks sooo much)

Edited by LazySoUseHyperedit
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Granted, but it's a million bucks in dish detergent coupons.

I wish for the ability to visualize in four dimensions, and the ability to show it telepathically to other people at will.

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Now everybody knows what you did last summer and what's in your pockets.

5 hours ago, Samniss Arandeen said:

I wish I had a million bucks.

Granted, too.
I wish you can find enough food in tundra to feed them.

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Granted. You make an order on eBay and they send it.
But your customs office stops it and tries to understand what's that for several years.
While they are doing this, Po decays and at last you receive a handful of lead dust.

I wish the Kerbal in your signature were yellow not because he is too close to the Sun.

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Granted, except the airlock where you are keeping them is doomed to fail around your third harvest

I wish school would just hurry up and end already (I'm sure some people are already out)

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