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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You couldn't do any ATC contact (Since you're overly stealth) , got lost even you're flying VFR (Since you're flying really low in thick fog) in the middle of downtown Chicago, IL, almost hit several buildings and when you got outta the fog, you've escorted by another F-22 & two F/A-18 Super Hornets.

I wish Lockheed Martin started selling stealth jets to the outside of USA.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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Inside the cup is a large amount of plutonium. Inside the kitchen is a larger amount of plutonium. And now there is larger than critical mass of plutonium in the kitchen. In consequence, EXPLOSIONS. Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-SCIENCE-ha-ha-ha-ha-:science:.


I wish for a K-Drive ship to place me in a safe and secure Eve orbit within 5 days of launching. Alive.

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10 hours ago, fulgur said:

I wish for a K-Drive ship to place me in a safe and secure Eve orbit within 5 days of launching. Alive.

Granted, but you run out of fuel and die a lonely death on eve!


I wish that I would get invited to BETA test KSP2

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Boeing YAL-1

Just grab four engines from a Boeing 747-400F in Tucson, AZ, ask FAA whether it's clear to fly or not then profit.

I wish we can use pictures of our Identification Card for tomorrow's speaking test.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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Lets do a full on traduction of what he said

Them:Refers to multiple people

on:On top of something

keys:Similar things to buttons

paw:what some animals have instead of hands

so this means

Multiple people on top of something similar to buttons what some animals have instead of hands

Congratulations you now know what that is


I wish to know what the heck i just wrote

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On 8/22/2019 at 4:44 PM, KerbolExplorer said:


Lets do a full on traduction of what he said

Them:Refers to multiple people

on:On top of something

keys:Similar things to buttons

paw:what some animals have instead of hands

so this means

Multiple people on top of something similar to buttons what some animals have instead of hands

Congratulations you now know what that is


I wish to know what the heck i just wrote

You just made an error on the word 'translation', instead spelling 'traduction'.


I want to know why that was the first thing i noticed.

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11 minutes ago, KerBlitz Kerman said:

You said the letter nsla not the letters nsla. And the same for the letter Duc part

Depends on alphabet used by you.

Otherwise how can one confuse nsla with duc

Yes, I meant exactly letters.

Edited by kerbiloid
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You can sleep, but you wake up an hour afterwards. Always.

I wish to acquire a -14 gauge shotgun to use as an anti-air flak cannon (it shoots an enormous slug filled with not shot, but normal size slugs, filled with osmium shot)

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