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KSP Tips and Tricks


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<p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/7KKU3JwDhfA" width="420"></iframe></p>

<p>Between the launch of Beta Than Ever and gifting during the holiday season, we’ve had an influx of new players come aboard the KSP hype train. With new players come lots of questions. KSP community vets, what are the best tips you have for them? Where/who are some of your favorite sources of KSP tips and tricks?</p>

<p>There’s a lot of great choices and Bob Fitch is definitely one of them.</p>

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Not to toot my own horn, but I recently started a tutorial series as well called


So far I've covered launch to orbit, rendezvous, and docking. I also am accepting requests and even save files with problem situations, the first of which I did just a few days ago, a backwards, equatorial, Mun-height satellite contract that meant Mun was interfering with the satellite every half orbit.

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Great tutorial, intuitive, informational, educational etc.

however,,, (Yeah here comes the big but) Isn't this a bit fast and hard for a typical newbie? Please don't get me wrong here, I'm not knocking anyone, but if you were a newbie wouldn't you be a little intimidated with all the mods and such?

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Not to toot my own horn, but I recently started a tutorial series as well called

So far I've covered launch to orbit, rendezvous, and docking. I also am accepting requests and even save files with problem situations, the first of which I did just a few days ago, a backwards, equatorial, Mun-height satellite contract that meant Mun was interfering with the satellite every half orbit.

Oh yes you are, Your'e honkin' your a** off! But that's ok cause your vids are very informative. Gonna watch your new stuff.

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Nice video. Even after somewhere between 1500-2000h there were still things I did not know about the VAB.

Not to toot my own horn, but I recently started a tutorial series as well called


Also, you got a typo in that playlist title, it says "Fundamenals" there.

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Not to toot my own horn, but I recently started a tutorial series as well called

So far I've covered launch to orbit, rendezvous, and docking. I also am accepting requests and even save files with problem situations, the first of which I did just a few days ago, a backwards, equatorial, Mun-height satellite contract that meant Mun was interfering with the satellite every half orbit.

A question which is asked a lot is how to capture asteroids - something that isn't entirely difficult, maybe an idea.

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What lights is he using around 11:10? Are those stock Illuminator Mk1 and Mk2?

Looks like he has KW Rocketry installed or something else...those are NOT stock lights (except for maybe 1 or 2 up near the docking port on the top that may be Mk1's)

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When using Sepratrons to push boosters away, I like to only give them 0.8 or 1.6 fuel.

- It's plenty to push them away

- It saves a little bit of weight

- Less risk of the exhaust from the sepratrons blowing up my fuel tanks or engines on the way past

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