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[0.90] KSP Interstellar port maintance thread


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Could you please, please, PLEASE add Nitrogen as an electrical propellant? The whole point of my request was to get the coding work done for Fractal_UK so he could add Nitrogen as a resource and allow players to create their own Propulsive fluid Accumulators. This simply isn't possible (or if so, is VERY marginal- and doesn't work AT ALL for Real Solar System players such as myself- I play with the Kerbin 6.4x re-scale...) without Nitrogen-electric propulsion.

Alright, Alright, you convinced me, no need to presure me. Remember, I'm just a gamer/programmer, not a rocket scientist :wink:

I will add RealFuels Nitogen back and make it the electric propelant. I just wished someone had given me a definition for nitrogen as an electro propelant, but for now I will follow your advice and add Nitrogen as an electric propellant with an ISP of roughly 1000 seconds and efficiency slightly worse than monopropellant.

Regarding the NTR, I think we should add some efficency config setting for each NTR propelant, simply because "not all propelant are created equal", and certainly not 100% efficient. This should allow us to give certain propelants an isp/thrust bonus based the break down effects of applying high temperature to these molecules. Ammonia is nice in this regard because it breaks down into gases (Hydrogen and Nitrogen)

Regarding building a Propulsive Fluid Accumulator, yes I did (without FAR) and noticed as well that I lost more speed than I gained from collecting resource. Only after installing electric engines I manage to gain more fuel weight than I lost. After a few runs I also noticed it started to become very boring. What I could do about it is allow an increase the height at which we can collect resources with an atmospheric scoop. Perhaps 1% above the edge of space should do. Resource gathering would be very slow but if an electric (plasma) engine would be present, it should allow continued resource gathering off screen, effectively creating the Propulsive Fluid Accumulator you wanted. I will probably implement it like it currently implemented with Reseach Labs, meaning you gather the resources after you switched back to the Accumulator Satelite and push the "Accumulate" Button.

Also, now that we added Nitrogen, shouldn't we also add other propelant which can be be found "in the wild", like carbon dioxide (CO2). This allows you to go to duna refill your tanks with CO2 and return back home. CO2 should perform about similar to Nitrogen (NTR) and has the added bonus of beeing clean (for the engine) and reduce global warming. :cool:

By the Way, I'm looking for someone experienced in making ksp models/texture, to help me add more nitrogen/co2 fuel tanks.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Just some info about Nitrogen:

Nitrogen and Hydrazine are a popular bipropellant for rockets. Used in military, orbital, and deep space rockets because both liquids are storable for long periods at reasonable temperatures and pressures. N2O4 is the main fuel for the Proton rocket, Long March rockets, PSLV, and Fregat and Briz-M upper stages. This combination is hypergolic, making for attractively simple ignition sequences. The major inconvenience is that these propellants are highly toxic, hence they require careful handling.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_propellant

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Some quick calculations using an online Thermodynamics calculator showed that it is EASILY possible to get as much as 800x effective compression by pressurizing to 200 atmospheres (not an unrealistic pressure level for a service module tank- it's similar to what we use for breathing Oxygen) and then cooling it to -125 degrees Celcius (by comparison, Liquid Nitrogen has to be stored at a maximum temperature of -196 degrees Celcius). Sure it's still a fairly low density for a fuel resource, but it *does* help to counteract the other problem you mentioned... ("One Resource to Rule Them All")

800x effective pressure !! are you sure? That's even better than the 645x compression you get from converting Nitrogen Gas (0.001251 kg/L) into Liquid Nitrogen (0.808 kg/L)

- - - Updated - - -

You could even add the RCS thruster animation to the reactor while doing the cooling procedure to make it look like you are venting. Also, N2 wouldn't be the only thing you could use. LH, LHe and a few other resources could be exploited as well. I think Mr. Manley mentioned this should be an option in one of his early IQ videos.

Alright, I don't know how to add an RCS thruster animation but I added the ability to remove WasteHeat using liquid nitrogen and turn into, wait for it ... Nitrogen!! The Nitrogen can then be used as a propellant for either thermal/magnetic or electric engines, convert it back into Liquid Nitrogen (using a build in compressor) or to produce Ammonia in Space!!

This makes Liquid Nitrogen act as Nitro for your electric generators, allowing you to rapidly lose extra waste heat before you start you electric engines which benefit from the now very efficiently cooled reactor, allowing your generator to produce much more power and therefore allow your electric engines to produce more trust.

Tomorrow, after some tweaking, I will upload the new version

Edited by FreeThinker
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800x effective pressure !! are you sure? That's even better than the 645x compression you get from converting Nitrogen Gas (0.001251 kg/L) into Liquid Nitrogen (0.808 kg/L)

I may have miscalculated- it only goes up to about 500-600x compression before it liquifies (but your compression factor is off for Liquid Nitrogen: it's 694 times as dense as N2 gas at STP, not 645x). I used the following thermodynamics calculator software to figure out the density:


The density of Liquid Nitrogen at 1 atm (101.325 kPa) and *just* below its boiling point (-200 degrees Celcius) is 824.907 kg/m^2

The density of Nitrogen at 200 atm (20265 kPa) and -125 degrees Celcius is 571.465 kg/m^2.

The density of Nitrogen at 1 atm and 20 degrees Celcius is 1.188 kg/m^2

That means that the highly-compressed, highly-cooled Nitrogen is more than 481 times as dense!

Of course, if you cool Nitrogen at 1 atmosphere of pressure (101.325 kPa) to -125 degrees Celcius, density increases to 2.319 kg/m^2 (making 200 atm of pressure only 246.4 times as dense). But the densities given for Nitrogen in RealFuels assume it is at STP (1 atm and 0 degrees Celcius), not cooled to -125 degrees. The tank capacities are higher to account for cooling and pressurization...

For what it's worth, Nitrogen at 200 atm of pressure and -125 degrees of Celcius may be 246.4 times as dense as at 1 atm of pressure, but the fuel tank is also 200 times more massive as it is a pressure vessel (and its mass increases proportionally to the pressure differential with the outside environment)! Still, I'd take the highly-pressurized fuel tank any day for a rocket, because it still has a better mass fraction (23.2% better, to be precise) AND it has a more compact aerodynamic profile that generates MUCH less drag than the equivalent tankage at 1 atm of pressure.

Of course, when considering mass fractions, Liquid Nitrogen is as good as it gets (effective compression of more than 694 times compared to Nitrogen gas at STP, with pretty much the same fuel tank mass except for insulation!)

So if you figured out a system that allows engines to use both the Nitrogen gas (the resource in RealFuels) AND Liquid Nitrogen, I'm happy- as it means I can either use the cryostats for Liquid Nitrogen and superior fuel-density and mass fractions, or just the RealFuels+Procedural Parts Service Modules when I need a fuel tank of a precise size and shape and at a much lower cost in Funds than a cryostat (RealFuels+ Procedural Parts tanks follow realistic tank costs assuming 1 Fund = $1000 USD in 1965, which makes fuel tanks less than 1% of their cost in stock, while engine costs remain relatively the same after adjusting to 1965 USD costs- thus obtaining a much more realistic relationship between tank and engine cost...) Money rules the universe, after all :)

Alright, I don't know how to add an RCS thruster animation but I added the ability to remove WasteHeat using liquid nitrogen and turn into, wait for it ... Nitrogen!! The Nitrogen can then be used as a propellant for either thermal/magnetic or electric engines, convert it back into Liquid Nitrogen (using a build in compressor) or to produce Ammonia in Space!!

This makes Liquid Nitrogen act as Nitro for your electric generators, allowing you to rapidly lose extra waste heat before you start you electric engines which benefit from the now very efficiently cooled reactor, allowing your generator to produce much more power and therefore allow your electric engines to produce more trust.

Tomorrow, after some tweaking, I will upload the new version

That sounds awesome! So I take it I can use *either* resource (Liquid Nitrogen using the densities you provided, or Nitrogen gas from RealFuels) in the thermal/electric engines in the next update?

Also, I hope the compressor generates as much WasteHeat as gassification of the nitrogen absorbs. Otherwise, you get a highly-imbalanced system where players can just keep turning Nitrogen to gas and then back to liquid and then to gas over and over again in order to make WasteHeat simply disappear into thin air!



Edited by Northstar1989
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is there anyway to disable the radiation system for interstellar? and can anyone spin off the wasteheat mechanic out of interstellar? ive gotten the way i only use interstellar cause i like the wasteheat mechanic and wish i could use it without all the outer stuff. its mainly due to how interstellar is becomeing incompatiable since it still depends on ors for to much. right now its not compatiable with most planet mods as the radation system throws null errors around anything but default bodies.

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Also, I hope the compressor generates as much WasteHeat as gassification of the nitrogen absorbs. Otherwise, you get a highly-imbalanced system where players can just keep turning Nitrogen to gas and then back to liquid and then to gas over and over again in order to make WasteHeat simply disappear into thin air!

Good point, that sounds fair. Makes me wonder if the heat generating effect should be added to other Machinery like for instance the Atmospheric Scoop which also compresses gas...

Regarding the Cooling effect, I have however encountered some problems with balancing (using basic conversion ) because it either get's rediculous effective or hardly noticable (depending of the reactor used). Also instead of adding the Nitrogen on a cryostat tank as a "free" feature, I think instead will modify the often overlooked Inline Radiator Model, which now get the "Active cooling" function which will require Liquid Nitrogen. That way it no longer act as a "free lunch". Perfaps I could also should also some cooling overdrive feature that would spray liquid nitrogen directly onto the reactor thereby wasting it into space. By the way, would you know what would be an acurate amount of heat absorbed when LN is converted to 200 baar and 0 bar?

So if you figured out a system that allows engines to use both the Nitrogen gas (the resource in RealFuels) AND Liquid Nitrogen, I'm happy- as it means I can either use the cryostats for Liquid Nitrogen and superior fuel-density and mass fractions, or just the RealFuels+Procedural Parts Service Modules when I need a fuel tank of a precise size and shape and at a much lower cost in Funds than a cryostat (RealFuels+ Procedural Parts tanks follow realistic tank costs assuming 1 Fund = $1000 USD in 1965, which makes fuel tanks less than 1% of their cost in stock, while engine costs remain relatively the same after adjusting to 1965 USD costs- thus obtaining a much more realistic relationship between tank and engine cost...) Money rules the universe, after all

Agreed, I initialy wanted to limit propulsion to (RealFuels) Nitrogen, that way Nitrogen usage would be a bit more chalanging, but your argument to balance Liquid Nitrogen by economics is also convincing. I will make sure liquid nitrogen propulsion & tanks will be significantly more expansive than (realfuels) compressed Nitrogen propulsion & tanks . For a quik Google seae I leaned that Liquid Nitrogen cost about $0.1 , so using you 1$ = 1000 credit, together with your more accurate date about the density of Liquid Nitrogen I come to the folowing resource definition :

name = LiquidNitrogen
density = 0.000824907
unitCost = 0.0001
transfer = PUMP
isTweakable = True

Note this effectivly trippels the cost of Liquid Nitrogen compared to RealFuel Nitrogen. Atmospheric scopes and chemical processes however must choose between either RealFuel Nitrogen or Liquid Nitrogen. I guess the safes bet is to require RealFuel Nitrogen here for maximum compatibility.

- - - Updated - - -

Several parts from KSP Interstellar have a graphical glitch in the VAB; instead of rotating when hovered over, they simply grow larger and larger. A bit of research suggests this is due to a part having more than two resources on it, and no modules; however, though all the parts that do this do have more than two resources, they also have modules representing their status as fission reactors. Adding an SAS module to one of them (simply to test) does fix the problem; I suspect it's due to the fission reactor module not showing up in the module list in the parts list... or is that also a bug?

ModuleManager reported some trouble with RealFuels and KSPI; going to try running without RealFuels to see if that fixes the problem.

EDIT: Alright, seems that was not the cause of the problem. I've somewhere to be now but I'll try running KSPI all on its own later and post results.

Weird, perhaps you can fix your Blowing Up in VAB with the Modulefixer

- - - Updated - - -

is there anyway to disable the radiation system for interstellar?

No. Right now, the radiation effect has no gameplay effect (except perhaps to scare players)

- - - Updated - - -

right now its not compatiable with most planet mods as the radation system throws null errors around anything but default bodies.

This however is a serious bug, could you give me a log report, then I will fix it.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Just some info about Nitrogen:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_propellant

Indeed, Now what we have Nitrogen, we can also add the ability to add Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), hydrazine (N2H4), hydrogen peroxide and nitrous oxide to the Refinery. Incedently they all require oxigen. So once we have the Propulsive Fluid Accumulator implmented to the Admospheric Scoop, we can create fully automated fuel stations that feed from trace amount of Nitrogen and Oxigen just above the atmosphere. That reminds me, I need some good model that allows you collect these trace amounts

Edited by FreeThinker
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Indeed, Now what we have Nitrogen, we can also add the ability to add Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), hydrazine (N2H4), hydrogen peroxide and nitrous oxide to the Refinery. Incedently they all require oxigen. So once we have the Propulsive Fluid Accumulator function added to the Admospheric Scoop, we can create fully automated fuel stations that feed from trace amount of Nitrogen and Oxigen just above the atmosphere.

I think KSPI assumes monopropellant is Hydrazine

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I love the RealFuels direction that this is going in, it fits wonderfully with the spirit of the original ISRU options.

I wonder though, is the Propulsive Fuel Accumulator planned to work on rails and without being focused? Because it seems to be a very time consuming process, one that nobody is going to want to endure in their active playtime.

Regolith does have the option to implement a system like that with ease, but you would loose any form of drag simulation in the process, which is a pity. Apart from writing some complex orbit manipulation code which would then require constant manual correction, maybe it can be implemented with adjusted collection rates to simulate the propellant that is being used up to maintain orbit... Ideally, there would also be a requirement to have an engine with a very high exhaust velocity. I dont know whether this is feasible, but if resource collection rate could be tied to specific impulse, that might accurately model such an installation and encourage us to not stick an engine with hypergolic propellants on a PFA.

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I love the RealFuels direction that this is going in, it fits wonderfully with the spirit of the original ISRU options.

I wonder though, is the Propulsive Fuel Accumulator planned to work on rails and without being focused? Because it seems to be a very time consuming process, one that nobody is going to want to endure in their active playtime.

Regolith does have the option to implement a system like that with ease, but you would loose any form of drag simulation in the process, which is a pity. Apart from writing some complex orbit manipulation code which would then require constant manual correction, maybe it can be implemented with adjusted collection rates to simulate the propellant that is being used up to maintain orbit... Ideally, there would also be a requirement to have an engine with a very high exhaust velocity. I dont know whether this is feasible, but if resource collection rate could be tied to specific impulse, that might accurately model such an installation and encourage us to not stick an engine with hypergolic propellants on a PFA.

Well for the moment, I think we should implement the minimalistic way, which is to check if you got a plasma engine, verify that pe and ap are near the edge of space and collect all available resources depending on avaialbility and time past since the last check. This is is essentialy all you need you to create your handfree space-refuel stations

Edited by FreeThinker
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Indeed, Now what we have Nitrogen, we can also add the ability to add Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), hydrazine (N2H4), hydrogen peroxide and nitrous oxide to the Refinery. Incedently they all require oxigen. So once we have the Propulsive Fluid Accumulator implmented to the Admospheric Scoop, we can create fully automated fuel stations that feed from trace amount of Nitrogen and Oxigen just above the atmosphere. That reminds me, I need some good model that allows you collect these trace amounts

Incidentally, the KSP-I/RF integration config already makes Hydrogen Peroxide production compatible with RealFuels (the resource is re-named "HTP" for High-Test Peroxide). The only thing that is missing there is the ability to manufacture Hydrogen Peroxide directly from Liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen, instead of from Liquid Oxygen and Water...

The same integration config was slated to change Monoprop production into Hydrazing production when RealFuels is installed, but Dreadicon went AWOL on its development (he did most of the complex coding- I was the ideas man who did just a little simple coding) before that could be completed.

N204 would be awesome, though. See my PM for a bit more relevant info to that.

Not sure what a player would do with Nitrous Oxide. It *might* already be a RealFuels resource though (I think used for RCS or some very specialized engines), I'll have to go check on that...



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I'm looking to play a interstellar carrier game are there any mods I should stay away from installing with interstellar? I'm planning to use.

ATM Aggresive


Deadly Reentry

FAR (I have used NEAR before this will be my first time with FAR)

Final Frontier

Kerbal Alarm Clock


Kerbal Construction Time

Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Procedural Fairings


ScanSat v9

Stage Recovery

Station Science

TAC Life Support

Infernal Robotics (and Tweak Scale)

Universal Storage



USI Exploration Pack

Karbonite and K+

I was thinking about using B9 but its so many parts and I am not great at making space planes.

What do you think? Anything I should add or just isn't going to work.

Edited by Tirello
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I'm looking to play a interstellar carrier game are there any mods I should stay away from installing with interstellar? I'm planning to use.

ATM Aggresive


Deadly Reentry

FAR (I have used NEAR before this will be my first time with FAR)

Final Frontier

Kerbal Alarm Clock


Kerbal Construction Time

Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Procedural Fairings


ScanSat v9

Stage Recovery

Station Science

TAC Life Support

Infernal Robotics (and Tweak Scale)

Universal Storage



USI Exploration Pack

Karbonite and K+

I was thinking about using B9 but its so many parts and I am not great at making space planes.

What do you think? Anything I should add or just isn't going to work.

all those should be fine to use. mks if u hunt around there is a kspi integration patch to help mks work with kspi better. 1 suggestion is to not use aggressive use normal if u go and use the dds converter and dds loader u wont need aggressive.

@freethinker reason i asked if ther a way to disable the radation system is with the outer planets mod u get this error when usint the outter planets mod.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at OpenResourceSystem.ORSPlanetaryResourceMapData.loadPlanetaryResourceData (Int32 body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at OpenResourceSystem.ORSPlanetaryResourceMapData.getResourceAvailability (Int32 body, System.String resourcename, Double lat, Double lng) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FNPlugin.VesselExtensions.GetRadiationDose (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FNPlugin.FNModuleRadiation.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

im not a coder but i looked at the code just to make sure planets are not hard coded and they not so it means koperis added planets are missing something that kspi looks for to compute where it is for radaition. im probaly for hell of it try to strip out the radaiton code and see how it does. thats about the extent of my codeing knowlege. since the outer planets are analogs of stock planets dont see why it throws the error when u get in orbit around them.

Edited by sidfu
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Alright, I uploaded the next version (0.3.2) of my KSP 0.90 Extended Configuration Mod at KerbalStuff


Added several new configuration settings including MaxThermalNozzleIsp and RadiationMechanicsDisabled

Added Liquid Nitrogen en (RealFuels) Nitrogen as a resource which can be used for Thermal/Magnetic/Electric Rockets

Added Cryotank which stores Liquid Nitrogen at low temperature, requiring electric power to maintain

Added Integrated Nitrogen Radiator which stores Nitrogen gas and can perform Active cooling with Liquid Nitrogen

Nitrogen can be scooped from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop

Improved Lab research : Profession & Skill now matter (+/- 50%) , effect of stupidity reduced (+/- 10%)


Fixed KSPI Legacy issue where stupid Kerbals would actually improve research output in the Lab

Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Athmospheric scoop would not reset flow to 0 when flying out of atmosphere

Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Double Pivoted Solar Power generators could not be converted to Microwave power


First install [KSPI 0.90](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23572905/KSP_Mods/Interstellar_090_0136.zip)

Then extract this patch into Your GameData folder.

Changelog 0.3.1:

  • Added Configuration setting RadiationMechanicsDisabled which will disable all Radiation processing and Gui

Changelog 0.3 :

  • Added Nitrogen as a resource which is which is compatible with RealFuels Nitrogen
  • Added Nitrogen Radiator which is a Radiator with integrated pressurized Nitrogen storage tank which can perform Active Cooling with Liquid Nitrogen
  • Added compressor to Liquid Nitrogen Cryostat which converts Nitrogen gas into Liquid Nitrogen
  • Added pressurized Nitrogen radial Hexcan
  • Increased density and cost of Liquid Nitrogen
  • Thermal/magnetic noozle can use both Nitrogen/Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant
  • Electric plasma engine can use both Nitrogen/Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant

Changelog 0.2:

  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a resource
  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant for magnetic/thermal noozle
  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a resource for the Haber Process when not in an atmosphere with nitrogen
  • Fixed issue in Atmospheric Scoop not resetting properly to 0 flow when flying out of atmosphere
  • Added support for retrieving Liquid Nitrogen,from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop
  • Added support for retrieving existing resources like CarbonDioxide, ArgonGas, LqdHelium, LqdMethane, Ammonia, LqdDeuterium and Helium-3 with Atmospheric Scoop

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Since it seems I accidentally reported it in the middle of a debate, I think I'll re-report this bug I'm getting. All of the reactor parts are, instead of rotating, growing indefinitely when hovered over in the editor parts list. Some hunting around suggests this is due to them having more than two resources and no module, but they do in fact have a module, just one that doesn't show up in the module/resource list in the editor. I was able to fix the bug by adding an SAS module to the parts, but that's a workaround at best, and should really get looked into.

I'm working on editing in the workaround, and will be submitting a pull request once that's done... if I can figure out how to do that. It is only a workaround though, and should be fully fixed at some point.

Edited by Xolroc
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Since it seems I accidentally reported it in the middle of a debate, I think I'll re-report this bug I'm getting. All of the reactor parts are, instead of rotating, growing indefinitely when hovered over in the editor parts list. Some hunting around suggests this is due to them having more than two resources and no module, but they do in fact have a module, just one that doesn't show up in the module/resource list in the editor. I was able to fix the bug by adding an SAS module to the parts, but that's a workaround at best, and should really get looked into.

I'm working on editing in the workaround, and will be submitting a pull request once that's done... if I can figure out how to do that. It is only a workaround though, and should be fully fixed at some point.

Try deleting all files associated with KSPi, and do a reinstall using Boris's mod.

Alright, I uploaded the next version (0.3.2) of my KSP 0.90 Extended Configuration Mod at KerbalStuff

Great work. Does this allow you to cool the generator without needing to setup a way to capture the N2 (venting (would still love to see an anim for this))?

While you are doing so much work with N2, it seems like maybe cold gas thrusters should be looked into. Perhaps you can set a hotkey to have the RCS thrusters switch over to N2 propellant.

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Try deleting all files associated with KSPi, and do a reinstall using Boris's mod.

I've never had KSPi installed on here before. This is installed as a test of a CKAN package for this version of Interstellar; I hadn't thought to try installing without CKAN. I was informed, though, that this is a problem with this mod, not CKAN.

I have gotten all the configs edited to work around this bug (though lots of random parts now add SAS, which I figure isn't a terrible problem as most every command module adds SAS anyway), but I can't figure out how to make a pull request.

Edited by Xolroc
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Alright, I uploaded the next version (0.3.2) of my KSP 0.90 Extended Configuration Mod at KerbalStuff


Added several new configuration settings including MaxThermalNozzleIsp and RadiationMechanicsDisabled

Added Liquid Nitrogen en (RealFuels) Nitrogen as a resource which can be used for Thermal/Magnetic/Electric Rockets

Added Cryotank which stores Liquid Nitrogen at low temperature, requiring electric power to maintain

Added Integrated Nitrogen Radiator which stores Nitrogen gas and can perform Active cooling with Liquid Nitrogen

Nitrogen can be scooped from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop

Improved Lab research : Profession & Skill now matter (+/- 50%) , effect of stupidity reduced (+/- 10%)


Fixed KSPI Legacy issue where stupid Kerbals would actually improve research output in the Lab

Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Athmospheric scoop would not reset flow to 0 when flying out of atmosphere

Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Double Pivoted Solar Power generators could not be converted to Microwave power


First install [KSPI 0.90](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23572905/KSP_Mods/Interstellar_090_0136.zip)

Then extract this patch into Your GameData folder.

Changelog 0.3.1:

  • Added Configuration setting RadiationMechanicsDisabled which will disable all Radiation processing and Gui

Changelog 0.3 :

  • Added Nitrogen as a resource which is which is compatible with RealFuels Nitrogen
  • Added Nitrogen Radiator which is a Radiator with integrated pressurized Nitrogen storage tank which can perform Active Cooling with Liquid Nitrogen
  • Added compressor to Liquid Nitrogen Cryostat which converts Nitrogen gas into Liquid Nitrogen
  • Added pressurized Nitrogen radial Hexcan
  • Increased density and cost of Liquid Nitrogen
  • Thermal/magnetic noozle can use both Nitrogen/Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant
  • Electric plasma engine can use both Nitrogen/Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant

Changelog 0.2:

  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a resource
  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a propellant for magnetic/thermal noozle
  • Added Liquid Nitrogen as a resource for the Haber Process when not in an atmosphere with nitrogen
  • Fixed issue in Atmospheric Scoop not resetting properly to 0 flow when flying out of atmosphere
  • Added support for retrieving Liquid Nitrogen,from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop
  • Added support for retrieving existing resources like CarbonDioxide, ArgonGas, LqdHelium, LqdMethane, Ammonia, LqdDeuterium and Helium-3 with Atmospheric Scoop

yep the newest update with the disable radation works to get rid of the radation error when using a planet mod.

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Alright, I uploaded the next version (0.3.2) of my KSP 0.90 Extended Configuration Mod at KerbalStuff

Awesome! How do I actually install the config? Do I also need Boris' update to KSP-I for this to work, or is this a version of KSP-I patched to work in 0.90 with these changes already made?

[*]Added support for retrieving Liquid Nitrogen,from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop

[*]Added support for retrieving existing resources like CarbonDioxide, ArgonGas, LqdHelium, LqdMethane, Ammonia, LqdDeuterium and Helium-3 with Atmospheric Scoop

Also, CarbonDioxide was already a resource you could harvest and store? I thought, like Nitrogen, that it was a resource that only showed up in atmospheres...

Speaking of atmospheres, any word on making it possible to scoop from just outside the atmosphere yet? A couple mods already allow this for their ISRU systems, one of them being Karbonite. Waiting for an atmospheric scoop to collect Nitrogen at physical time warp can be *QUITE* boring...



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Awesome! How do I actually install the config? Do I also need Boris' update to KSP-I for this to work, or is this a version of KSP-I patched to work in 0.90 with these changes already made?

First make sure you have a working KSPI 0.90 Boris installation (see OP) then download my mod, extract the contents into the GameData folder and allow everything to override, then you can profit!!

- - - Updated - - -

Also, CarbonDioxide was already a resource you could harvest and store? I thought, like Nitrogen, that it was a resource that only showed up in atmospheres...

Technically, if you have a (Real Fuel) CarbonDioxide Tank, and installed my patch corectly, you should already be able to scoop CarbonDioxide from the atmosphere (using the modified OSR definition file).

- - - Updated - - -

Speaking of atmospheres, any word on making it possible to scoop from just outside the atmosphere yet? A couple mods already allow this for their ISRU systems, one of them being Karbonite. Waiting for an atmospheric scoop to collect Nitrogen at physical time warp can be *QUITE* boring...

Yes, in the short term I will add a configuration setting that will allow you to scoop what ever is available with the Atmospheric Scoop. At high warp this should allow you to scoop any selected resource at a very slow rate. Later I tend implement also an off screen version that will retrieve multiple gases the moment processing is reactivated.

Edited by FreeThinker
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I am having issues with stock solar panels not generating waste heat. Reactors still generate. I don't have any mods installed that change how solar panels work aside from tweakable everything (sun tracking enable/disable).

Read the OP, it's a configuration setting which you can change.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm having solar panels not generate heat unless the ship gets close to the sun, such as on approach to Moho then waste heat production snaps on.

Well that was boris intention. It appears to work as intended

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