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[1.3.x] SETI, Unmanned before Manned [Patreon]


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34 minutes ago, NemesisBosseret said:

@SpaceInvader @Galileo.... I found the issue.     Ur both going to laugh.       I dont know how or why the heck it did this but under the RT settings in game under world scale.   Mission control multiplier with seti RT config active it sets it to 0..........

That's gotta be something you did by accident at some point because that is not behavior that I've ever seen.

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5 hours ago, KerbalMaster2016 said:

Stock game 

what do you mean by stage of the game

Are you just starting out with your first few probes, or have you unlocked a lot of tech nodes and are launching more advanced missions? The reason I ask is because I've never had a problem with how much power communication takes except for the first few launches before I've managed to unlock any decent solar panels or RTGs since those launches are operating only on batteries so every EC counts. Once you've got a few solar panels to work with, comms could take hundreds of EC per transmission and it wouldn't matter because it would be replaced in a matter of seconds or at most minutes.

That said, unfortunately since you're using the stock communication system the only ways I know off the top of my head to change the amount of EC that transmission uses are either to go into each antenna's config and manually change it or to write a module manager file that uses math to adjust them all at the same time. If you were using RT, there is a slider right in the settings window in-game that would allow you to adjust consumption to taste.

Edited by SpacedInvader
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@SpaceInvader just letting you know so far all good.  Got 101 mods now.   Comms working as intended.   Got some glitchyness here and there but its working.    Off seti topic came up with an awsome drop ship with rekt escape pods and two early tech jet engines and early tech 6 man cockpit designed for prop plane lol the jet hauls butt gotten up to 400 m/s and i can pin point drop pods on target (the vab roof from 5000 meters)   working on a comm net now so long range comms 

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I've tried everything to get SETI Greenhouse to work with TAC-LS. I guess it has something to do with the settings on TAC-LS? Is there a way to fix this so the SETI Greenhouse is more than just a pretty green ornament? I see waste build up in the greenhouse, but nothing comes back out. I feel like this is a simple fix and I just don't know what it is.

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On 2/25/2017 at 6:45 PM, smckamey19 said:

I've tried everything to get SETI Greenhouse to work with TAC-LS. I guess it has something to do with the settings on TAC-LS? Is there a way to fix this so the SETI Greenhouse is more than just a pretty green ornament? I see waste build up in the greenhouse, but nothing comes back out. I feel like this is a simple fix and I just don't know what it is.

Won't have time to look at it myself for a couple of days, but after having fixed the recyclers recently, my best suggestion is to look at the way the TacGenericConverter module is written for the part. At some point in the past, TAC-LS changed the way it is structured and none of the SETI parts got the update, breaking pretty much all of them. If you need an example of how it should look, open up the configs for the converters that came with TAC-LS.

Edited by SpacedInvader
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Okay, this is weird... I've set up a fresh install with a crapton of mods, including SETI Rebalance and Unmanned before Manned, and I deleted the 'wheelsrebalance' folder, but still got the nerfed reaction wheels (definitely the changes from SETIReblance, no other mod I have would 'result' in those values). So I uninstalled and reinstalled just the SETI stuff, deleted that folder again, and I'm still getting the nerfed wheels. Any ideas? Maybe something in the log that I can search for that might help narrow the problem down?

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3 hours ago, Phelan said:

Okay, this is weird... I've set up a fresh install with a crapton of mods, including SETI Rebalance and Unmanned before Manned, and I deleted the 'wheelsrebalance' folder, but still got the nerfed reaction wheels (definitely the changes from SETIReblance, no other mod I have would 'result' in those values). So I uninstalled and reinstalled just the SETI stuff, deleted that folder again, and I'm still getting the nerfed wheels. Any ideas? Maybe something in the log that I can search for that might help narrow the problem down?

Can't get you exact answer, but some starting point should suffice:


Use notepad++, it is free for download and much more powerfull text editor for moders. Use function "find in files" and search for keyword "ModuleReactionWheel" trough GameData folder.


Most probably you have either leftover from uninstalled mod or some other mod also change reaction wheels. Above should reveal all places where it is modified in config files.

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10 hours ago, Phelan said:

Okay, this is weird... I've set up a fresh install with a crapton of mods, including SETI Rebalance and Unmanned before Manned, and I deleted the 'wheelsrebalance' folder, but still got the nerfed reaction wheels (definitely the changes from SETIReblance, no other mod I have would 'result' in those values). So I uninstalled and reinstalled just the SETI stuff, deleted that folder again, and I'm still getting the nerfed wheels. Any ideas? Maybe something in the log that I can search for that might help narrow the problem down?

Firstly, most people aren't going to be very interested in helping you sort through a "crapton" of mods to find the culprit. I know first hand that running a heavily modded install means that I have to keep a 100% stock install as well to test individual mods to see where the conflict is because showing up in a thread with an issue an letting people see that I have 200+ mods immediately results in responses of "most likely a mod conflict somewhere else" or "try it on a clean install and see if you have the same problem". That said, your best bet is to search for the part and / or file name of the part (in this case something with reaction wheels) in the KSP.log and output_log.txt files after starting your game, loading everything, and the closing it again. By doing this, you can see each config file that makes changes to them which will help you track down the source of the "nerf". One thing I would point out is that SETI is a couple of years old at this point and many of its tweaks have been adopted by other mod authors (including some of the authors of the mods SETI rebalances), so you can't just assume that the result you're seeing is SETI's fault.

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Yeah, I guessed as much, but that's too much hassle for something that I can fix 'locally' by overwriting the changes with a couple of ":final" entries. Note that I didn't ask for a "how to fix", but "how to narrow the problem down" thing; I know the quick and dirty fix, it would only have been worth any hassle to find a fix for the SETI mod itself to get the "just delete the trigger folder" to work despite any possible conflicts with other mods.

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On 3/4/2017 at 2:39 PM, SpacedInvader said:

Firstly, most people aren't going to be very interested in helping you sort through a "crapton" of mods to find the culprit. I know first hand that running a heavily modded install means that I have to keep a 100% stock install as well to test individual mods to see where the conflict is because showing up in a thread with an issue an letting people see that I have 200+ mods immediately results in responses of "most likely a mod conflict somewhere else" or "try it on a clean install and see if you have the same problem". That said, your best bet is to search for the part and / or file name of the part (in this case something with reaction wheels) in the KSP.log and output_log.txt files after starting your game, loading everything, and the closing it again. By doing this, you can see each config file that makes changes to them which will help you track down the source of the "nerf". 

Perfect answer really. Could not have put in better myself. Considering that is possible to have many separate install directories. If is fairly easy to test out mod combinations in smaller groups. I am not going to look through a "crapton" of mods either.    

On 3/4/2017 at 4:25 AM, Phelan said:

Okay, this is weird... I've set up a fresh install with a crapton of mods, including SETI Rebalance and Unmanned before Manned, and I deleted the 'wheelsrebalance' folder, but still got the nerfed reaction wheels (definitely the changes from SETIReblance, no other mod I have would 'result' in those values). So I uninstalled and reinstalled just the SETI stuff, deleted that folder again, and I'm still getting the nerfed wheels. Any ideas? Maybe something in the log that I can search for that might help narrow the problem down?

I suspect that your not actually doing this as cleanly as you think. Unfortunately KSP can be tricky and it best to take extra precautions. Uninstalling a mod for debugging means having a completely different game directory for each test. Despite your best intentions mods leave stuff behind and it can cause all sorts of problems. CKAN does now have some safe guards to prevent damage but the best policy is always to uninstall, export .ckan and import to a fresh directory. That way folders are guarantee to be cleaned. 

8 hours ago, Phelan said:

Yeah, I guessed as much, but that's too much hassle for something that I can fix 'locally' by overwriting the changes with a couple of ":final" entries. Note that I didn't ask for a "how to fix", but "how to narrow the problem down" thing; I know the quick and dirty fix, it would only have been worth any hassle to find a fix for the SETI mod itself to get the "just delete the trigger folder" to work despite any possible conflicts with other mods.

Or you could just go into the SETI general settings and comment out the original changes. Which of courses also helps with debugging. Using final entries should be avoided at all costs. After is much better which is how it supposed to work here....

//---Semi-Saturatable Reaction Wheels---\\

//---Thank you, Rokanov
        @name = ModuleReactionWheel
        @name = RWSaturatable
        %saturationScale = 10
        !bleedRate,* {}
            key = 0 0.025 0 0
            key = 1 0.025 0 0
        !torqueCurve,* {}
            key = 0 1 -1 -1
            key = 1 0 -1 -1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there.

SETI rebalance causes quite a bit of issues with entrycost changes.
Some parts for some reason have costs which are floating point values.
Like for example near future parts or Extraplanitary launchpads.
(Issue: Entry cost is using int.parse and will choke on the part of it contains a floating point value)

I have been replacing prices on the parts i need, since i like the current entry cost balance that SETI gives,
But isn't there a way to truncate a float value to integer with module manager so we can fix this in the script once and for all instead?
Like Round/Floor/Ceiling? ( i couldnt find in the docs i saw, but i never modded before :))

Edited by Lennartos
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I'm coming back to KSP after a long break. I've reinstalled the game cleanly, and then added mods through CKAN.

One of them being Unmanned before Manned (SETI-Ubm), since I really love this one (thanks for making it!). Thing is that it doesn't reorder the part through the tech tree. I've browsed a few pages of this thread, without finding even the start of a solution. I've the CTT 3.0.3 and the Module Manager 2.7.5. I don't think I've an other mods related to the tech tree, but is there an other mod known for being non-compatible?


Edit : I solved the problem. Seems I failed to clean correctly my previous install, and there was some remnants of SETIctt, who prevented UbM to change the tech tree.

Edited by Ikare
Problem solved
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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the reasoning, in UbM, for putting Stayputnik at the second-level node, after the more advanced OCTO? I would think that you should start with this most basic probe core with no real controls, for both historical and gameplay reasons, and then "learn" to actually steer the rocket. Besides, this is how it works at ETT and it feels right.

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Are you supposed to be still using the tier 1 R&D facility by the time you do a manned min landing? I'm still off from being able to afford it by $500,000 and can't do surface samples without it. I'm using part research purchasing and 60% contract settings.

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