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[1.4.1] Fuel Tanks Plus 2.0.2 (2018-03-14)


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I am having texture problems with FTP 1.8.3.    I am using KSP 1.1.2 and no other mods, just FTP by itself.  Now, when I say 'texture problems' I really think its z-fighting, as it looks like two textures are interfering with one another.

ModuleManager 2.6.23, fresh install of KSP 1.1.2.

Stock tanks look ok.


Edited by Apocrypha
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17 hours ago, MisterFister said:

That said, the metadata for this mod and a few others are specifically calling for a dependency here.  It's not calling for dependency to a mod that's listed but hasn't itself been updated to KSP v1.1.1 (what I think might be known as a "secondary version mismatch" or something) but it's listing to a prerequisite mod that's not listed at all, at any KSP version


Hi there, I think something might be messed up with your CKAN configuration then. The "core" versions of several dependency-mods exist so that other mods can require only the DLL that provides the functionality, without all of the other features that a mod includes. IFS and Firespitter both have these, and they show up fine when I look for them in CKAN. I haven't checked how things look for KSP 1.1.2 yet, but for 1.1.1 the dependency definitely does work when I try to use it on my test installations here. Obviously if there is a problem, then I really do need to know about it. But in this case, I think your copy of CKAN is doing something funny. :wink:


4 hours ago, Apocrypha said:

Update:  Recent upload of Module Manager 2.6.24 seems to resolve this problem. I'll test some more to make sure.


Awesome. :)


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24 minutes ago, NecroBones said:

Hi there, I think something might be messed up with your CKAN configuration then. The "core" versions of several dependency-mods exist so that other mods can require only the DLL that provides the functionality, without all of the other features that a mod includes. IFS and Firespitter both have these, and they show up fine when I look for them in CKAN. I haven't checked how things look for KSP 1.1.2 yet, but for 1.1.1 the dependency definitely does work when I try to use it on my test installations here. Obviously if there is a problem, then I really do need to know about it. But in this case, I think your copy of CKAN is doing something funny. :wink:

I'm aware of core-dll and shared-asset mods.

I'm at a loss as to what could ever me wrong with my copy to any extent that I could diagnose, as it's a single standalone .exe that was most recently released six weeks ago.  Nevertheless, I redownloaded it just now to recreate the issue and took recorded video of the process, available here.  Note, I establish in the video that I have a v1.1.1 and a separate v1.1.2 copy of KSP active, and CKAN is entirely unable to confirm the existence of your mod's prerequisite within the index in either event.  Switching focus to the v1.1.1 copy allows me to attempt to install your mod so as to generate the actual error message in question.

If you're telling me that the symptom is different for me than for you, then fine, but if you'd care to view my video capture before commenting further, that would at least allow me to verify if I'm going crazy or not.

Note, the file views best when you download it and play from VLC, instead of WMP and instead of viewing it through the Dropbox browser portal.

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7 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

I'm aware of core-dll and shared-asset mods.

I'm at a loss as to what could ever me wrong with my copy to any extent that I could diagnose, as it's a single standalone .exe that was most recently released six weeks ago.  Nevertheless, I redownloaded it just now to recreate the issue and took recorded video of the process, available here.  Note, I establish in the video that I have a v1.1.1 and a separate v1.1.2 copy of KSP active, and CKAN is entirely unable to confirm the existence of your mod's prerequisite within the index in either event.  Switching focus to the v1.1.1 copy allows me to attempt to install your mod so as to generate the actual error message in question.

If you're telling me that the symptom is different for me than for you, then fine, but if you'd care to view my video capture before commenting further, that would at least allow me to verify if I'm going crazy or not.


Oh I believe you, no worries.


I tried another test over here, and it turns out that since I had it already installed, it showed up in the list just fine. After removing it, it's no longer available to add. So I think CKAN has delisted it for some reason. This is definitely something to take up with CKAN.


EDIT: This probably just happened in the last couple of days, since I was playing around with it this past week, and had been keeping my copy up to date via CKAN.


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Hello Necro,

I seem to remember being able to toggle fuel crossfeed for the radially attached fuel tanks. I cant seem to find the option on the 1.1 version.

Has this been cut? Or is this not yet working as fuel crossfeed is now stock?

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21 minutes ago, Sacnoth said:

Hello Necro,

I seem to remember being able to toggle fuel crossfeed for the radially attached fuel tanks. I cant seem to find the option on the 1.1 version.

Has this been cut? Or is this not yet working as fuel crossfeed is now stock?


Unfortunately as far as I know, stock still doesn't support crossfeed from radially attached parts. I would love to be wrong about that though. :) There's a crossfeed toggle module that exists now, but I don't think it works radially.


The mod in question was Crossfeed Enabler, if I recall correctly. CKAN show it as only being available up to KSP 1.0.4. It's from NathanKell, who has been doing a lot of feature coding and debugging for stock lately. I wonder if he's abandoned this one?


EDIT: I looked at the thread for the Crossfeed Enabler, and yes, it's deprecated since the feature can be turned on in stock, by modifying a physics setting. I'll have this enabled in the next version, with the module that adds the button for the radial tanks.



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Here's a fun little trick

Step 1) Take the MK1-2 Command Pod (Or any pod. I just happened to pick this one)

Step 2) Attach the Kerbodyne S3-10800-FTP tank or the S3-1800-FTP or the S3-21600-FTP and tweakscale the size down to 2.5m.

Step 3) Now remove all but leave the least amount of fuel and oxidizer in the tank. (This step is important) 

Step 4) ???

Step 5) Watch the craft slowly float upwards. I saw this bug/feature lift my 38 ton MAV off the launchpad. 


Now this wouldn't be such a huge problem except that when the part floats up about 10 meters it then stays there and can't go any higher. Firing engines with a TWR of 2.00 doesn't move the craft an inch. It is stuck at the height and can't go any higher.


That's a tweakscall problem not FuelTanks+

I tested this using the stock 3.75 m S3-3600 tank and did not have the same result. (Re-sized and removed fuel)  Also, if I take a smaller FTP tank and size it UP this doesn't happen. Likewise, if I use a 2.5 meter tank this does not happen. Only when I downsize the 3.75m tank and remove most of the fuel.


OK. Then that's a Interstellaer Fuel Switch issue

That might be the case. Though, Since I can only recreate the issue using a FTP tank (and only a certain sized tank) I figured i would mention it here. I did read how IFS put out a patch that was designed to fix some phantom force issue. Maybe that's what this is. Either way, I hope this helps.



P.S. All mods have been update to their 1.1.2 version

Tweakscale 2.2.9

Interstellar Fuel Switch 1.28

Fuel Tanks Plus 1.8.3



After a bit of testing with Kerbal Engineer it seem that the craft has a constant vertical acceleration of 192 mm/s. And the craft will actually not level off but continue upwards very slowly. The previous point stands though that even if I fire my engines the craft will not move any faster.

Edited by gonzo98x
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Just now, gonzo98x said:

OK. Then that's a Interstellaer Fuel Switch issue

That might be the case. Though, Since I can only recreate the issue using a FTP tank (and only a certain sized tank) I figured i would mention it here. I did read how IFS put out a patch that was designed to fix some phantom force issue. Maybe that's what this is. Either way, I hope this helps.



Check with InterstellarFuelSwitch. FreeThinker was making adjustments pertaining to phantom forces relating to mass changes. There's nothing in the tanks themselves that can cause this.


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@NecroBones, separate from the issue of IFS being de-listed from CKAN that you and I have both reported to CKAN, I see through chatter here that your most recent version of FTP seems to be working well for KSP v1.1.2.  The one listed on CKAN is hard-keyed to v1.1.1 and is therefore filtering against my v1.1.2 as incompatible.  Do you have plans to report metadata that your mod is compatible through KSP v1.1.99 or some similar "range" range that would remove the need to re-update it for every hotfix of KSP?

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Just now, MisterFister said:

@NecroBones, separate from the issue of IFS being de-listed from CKAN that you and I have both reported to CKAN, I see through chatter here that your most recent version of FTP seems to be working well for KSP v1.1.2.  The one listed on CKAN is hard-keyed to v1.1.1 and is therefore filtering against my v1.1.2 as incompatible.  Do you have plans to report metadata that your mod is compatible through KSP v1.1.99 or some similar "range" range that would remove the need to re-update it for every hotfix of KSP?


That's not actually what's wrong. The mods all set AVC versioning with no maximum KSP version, but CKAN attempts to lock it to what SpaceDock's current version is at the time of each mod file upload. Since SpaceDock has it flagged as 1.1.2 compatible now, what CKAN is supposed to do is pick that up and use it. But the indexing bot is failing to update it, because of IFS failing its dependency check. So once IFS is in the index again, it'll all flow through and update normally. My only other choice is to switch the dependency over to Firespitter, but since I don't have any control over how quickly those Pull Requests get processed, doing so would probably result in the dependency changing right when they fix the IFS issue, making it unnecessary.


It's a pain, and it sucks, but the best thing we can do right now is just wait for it to get untangled in CKAN. The PRs are already there for IFS.



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I managed to install FTP through CKAN by manually tweaking the registry.json file in the CKAN directory in the KSP folder, adding in the version info for the latest patch for FTP and then installing it. It's a bit of a rigamarole but it DOES work.

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It looks like it's all showing up now.


8 hours ago, StevieC said:

I managed to install FTP through CKAN by manually tweaking the registry.json file in the CKAN directory in the KSP folder, adding in the version info for the latest patch for FTP and then installing it. It's a bit of a rigamarole but it DOES work.

Good to know. Yeah, lots of manual hacks can be done of course. But I'm glad we got the CKAN stuff straightened out now.


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3 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

It still puzzles why why it wasn't showing in CKAN


We finally got it all figured out yesterday, to a point. I still think something weird was going on with the CKAN indexer, since you would think it would just fail to pull more recent copies of the mod, rather than delist it altogether. But, basically what was happening was that since the IFS-Core was listing CommunityResourcePack as a dependency, and CRP wasn't showing as updated for 1.1.2, the indexer would fail, and it dropped IFS-Core from the CKAN listings (which I think is a pretty broken behavior). Since IFS-Core was missing, FTP and CCC stopped updating in CKAN too, since they listed IFS-Core as a dependency.


Really strange behavior on CKAN's part, but at least it was an easy fix to remove the CRP requirement from IFS-Core.


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3 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


We finally got it all figured out yesterday, to a point. I still think something weird was going on with the CKAN indexer, since you would think it would just fail to pull more recent copies of the mod, rather than delist it altogether. But, basically what was happening was that since the IFS-Core was listing CommunityResourcePack as a dependency, and CRP wasn't showing as updated for 1.1.2, the indexer would fail, and it dropped IFS-Core from the CKAN listings (which I think is a pretty broken behavior). Since IFS-Core was missing, FTP and CCC stopped updating in CKAN too, since they listed IFS-Core as a dependency.


Really strange behavior on CKAN's part, but at least it was an easy fix to remove the CRP requirement from IFS-Core.


Damn, some of my own mods KSPI-E are highly dependant on CRP. How should I configure the CKAN file when directing to CRP as a depandancy?

Edited by FreeThinker
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Hi Necro,

Interesting issue that took me a long time to figure out. It has to do with FTP, but might be related to fuel or texture switching (?) too, beats me. Here are the important bits:

1. On copy of KSP with FTP (1.8.3 on KSP 1.1.2),

2. Go into VAB, place root part, then place another part in radial symmetry - make sure this has a stack node.

3. Now attempt to attach a FTP tank via stack node to those parts (in symmetry), and you'll notice it won't do it - oscillates between green and red, can't place.

3.5. Does not apply to ALL FTP parts - for instance, nuclear canisters (no texture swapping?) can be placed, but FL-T100-FTP bottom dome (just for example) can't.

4. If you install Color Coded Cans, the same problem will now apply to the tanks CCC changes - like the FLT100, 200, etc.

Should be replicable...

Log (but no exceptions): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/output_log_cantattach.txt

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I have the same issue like AccidentalDisassembly. Additionally if I will try to add part without using symmetry it sometimes got stuck to mouse cursor and i cant place or do anything I have to close ksp from task manager.

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