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[1.0.5] RemoteTech XF [RemoteTech v.1.6.9]


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  Gfurst said:
CKAN too please :)

Sadly because this overwrites the DLL from vanilla Remote Tech, it makes it incompatible with CKAN. (ckan will not overwrite files that are created by another mod)

So we would need to wait for CKAN to allow this feature, or for RemoteTech XF to be rewritten to be separated from the main DLL, or for RT to add this type of functionality.

Or, download and install this manually :)

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  Poodmund said:
Thank you for being so quick on the draw. :D

You're welcome! :)

  Red3Tango said:
Sadly because this overwrites the DLL from vanilla Remote Tech, it makes it incompatible with CKAN. (ckan will not overwrite files that are created by another mod)

So we would need to wait for CKAN to allow this feature, or for RemoteTech XF to be rewritten to be separated from the main DLL, or for RT to add this type of functionality.

Or, download and install this manually :)

Pretty much this. To do it via CKAN, I either have to redistribute the whole package myself (instead of just the DLL) or make my code separate.

The first isn't doable because the RT art may not be covered by the open source license1. I actually reached out to some of the artists recently to ask what the status was, and two of the four have gotten back in touch with me and said it was cool, the art would be covered. However, the other two aren't active on the forums (and I don't have their email) so I probably won't ever hear anything back.

On the other hand, I could probably use the ORIGAME antennas since they're open source and rebalance ranges of some of the antennas to make up for the few I'd lose, but that would make my mod that much more work for me to keep up with. Although, I really do think the antennas need a bit of rebalancing. You get Duna/Eve contracts way before you get an antenna capable of reaching Duna/Eve.

Anyway, the second option, where I make my own seperate DLL, is the more likely version. I'm going to play around with creating my own mod for realsies that interfaces with RT this week. It may not even be possible to do what I want, but we'll see. :)

1. From what I can tell, this is mostly just a case of no one ever explicitly asking the artists, since the current devs aren't the original ones. Additionally, most of the art was added after the license, and since the license is the GPL, this would necessarily make them covered by it. Basically, if I just decided to go rogue and start using the art, I think I'd be in the clear, and certainly no one could, like, sue me or something. That being said, I don't want to be an a-hole about it and annoy the RT devs, who after all have put together a pretty amazing mod. :)

Edited by Pharylon
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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, apparently my computer is being weird and hiding the issues page on your github.

Can I please ask you to add a method to the API interface to check if it is RemoteTech or RemoteTech XF installed?

I need to be able to tell the difference in my mod via code and I normally use the Assembly name to do so, however it looks like the Assembly name is the same in this case.

I just need something like this added to the RemoteTech.API class:

public static bool IsRemoteTechXF()
return true;

That way Remotetech XF will return true and Remotetech will throw an error which allows me to tell the difference.



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  • 2 weeks later...

RemoteTech+RemoteTech XF are both great mods.

Question, can you make this option to control a probe from a near by shuttle/rocket craft that is manned without been connected with mission control ?

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  GERULA said:
RemoteTech+RemoteTech XF are both great mods.

Question, can you make this option to control a probe from a near by shuttle/rocket craft that is manned without been connected with mission control ?

I've had this idea. RemoteTech already includes the option to create a local command centre with the large RC-L01 probe core and 6 kerbals. I wanted to remove the concept of a 'local command center' and replace it with local control of any probes by a crewed command pod.

How do I accomplish this?

Do I reduce the requirements for the local command center (from 6 kerbals to 1 kerbal or something), or do I change some property of the command pods somewhere?

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  Krakenfour said:
Do I reduce the requirements for the local command center (from 6 kerbals to 1 kerbal or something), or do I change some property of the command pods somewhere?

I had been considering having a go at this same problem so if you are lazy you might wait a couple of weeks and see if I solve it. But at a guess, with no access to the RTXF source right now, you would have to do both if you weren't going to recompile - reduce the requirement, and ModuleManager other kerballed pods to give them the same PartModule stanza as the RC-L01. It might be easier to write a patch, and that would offer some interesting possibilities like configuration options to eg allow control from any vessel with a pilot/scientist/engineer trinity.

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  damerell said:
I had been considering having a go at this same problem so if you are lazy you might wait a couple of weeks and see if I solve it. But at a guess, with no access to the RTXF source right now, you would have to do both if you weren't going to recompile - reduce the requirement, and ModuleManager other kerballed pods to give them the same PartModule stanza as the RC-L01. It might be easier to write a patch, and that would offer some interesting possibilities like configuration options to eg allow control from any vessel with a pilot/scientist/engineer trinity.

I tried looking around in the .cfg files in the RemoteTech install folder, but there is nothing pertaining to the local command center option. The RC-L01 has no special either capabilities either.

It seems all these options are locked away in the plugin .dll

- - - Updated - - -

I took more time and looked harder.

Try this:

%IsRTCommandStation = true
%RTCommandMinCrew = 1

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  • 1 month later...
  Pharylon said:
But fortunately, their project is open source, and that means anyone can tweak it, so THANK YOU RemoteTech, for having an open source project!

I'm going to put on my pedant hat for just a sec. It's true that RemoteTech is open source, but so's any KSP addon posted to the forums -- that's part of the forum rules. What lets you make and distribute your own variant is the fact that the RT devs chose to release it under the GNU GPL (as opposed to reserving all rights), making it Free ("free-as-in-speech") Software.

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  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
I'm going to put on my pedant hat for just a sec. It's true that RemoteTech is open source, but so's any KSP addon posted to the forums -- that's part of the forum rules. What lets you make and distribute your own variant is the fact that the RT devs chose to release it under the GNU GPL (as opposed to reserving all rights), making it Free ("free-as-in-speech") Software.

If you disregard the last fifteen-odd years of context in which "open source" is a synonym for "Free Software" - starting with the Open Source Definition being the Debian Free Software Guidelines with the serial numbers filed off - sure.

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  Pharylon said:

It makes one minor change that has major implications: antennas are always controllable by the player, even without a connection to Mission Control. This allows the player to simulate what real-life probes do when something unexpected happens: they try to re-establish a connection with home! It's handy for...


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FYI. I think the installation of this mod makes CKAN not working anymore because it replaces the README.txt in the main KSP directory (CKAN uses a readme.txt in the main KSP directory to check the version of the game). I was wondering why such a nice mod wasn't listed in CKAN. Maybe that's the reason?

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