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Things that need fixed before final release

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All right. 1.0 is coming, and I've noticed that there are still several totally unecessary and (some very easily, I think) fixable unrealisms roaming around KSP that I haven't seen any mention of fixing. For example: engines still decrease fuel flow and keep thrust the same as they transfer from an atmosphere to a vacuum, instead of increasing thrust and keeping fuel flow the same. ISP doesn't get reduced when pressures are above 1 atm. And LV-Ns still burn Lf+O, instead of hydrogen or something of the like (Though it wouldn't be unbelievable if they just burned liquid fuel. Or if Lv-Ns were just called a nuclear-chemical hybrid).

So, what other unnecessary unrealisms, long-standing bugs (Squad is working on a lot of bugfixes for this update, though), or just plain weird things do you think need looked at before 1.0 is released?

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  Vaporo said:
For example: engines still decrease fuel flow and keep thrust the same as they transfer from an atmosphere to a vacuum, instead of increasing thrust and keeping fuel flow the same.
This is not considered a bug (or a priority) by Squad, I've tried reporting it as such.

Also, g0 for engines is incorrectly coded as 9.82 instead of 9.81. Small thing, really.

  Cpt. Kipard said:
Texture loading and handling, Mipmaps.
This, right here, is one of the biggest problems with the game right now.
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Proper tutorials built within the Contracts system, gradually teaching new players the fundamentals of playing KSP. Tutorials separated from the main game is not a good idea, in my opinion. This will, of course, be selectable when starting a new game.

Required information for atmospheric flight and space flight given directly to the player.

An in-game wiki to look up information on planets, parts, etc.

I've got plenty. I'll add more if not brought up by other players.

Edited by klgraham1013
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The biggest problem I have with 0.90 right now is that it frequently--VERY frequently--freezes up (requiring a force-quit) when in the VAB/SPH. Sometimes it takes me an entire day to design a new craft because of all the time wasted on the repeating cycle of freeze, force-quit, re-open.

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I've had a few odd glitches, moving from a sandbox mode to testing the gameplay.

1. Docking ports. I do a lot of assembly in orbit, launching modules via SSTO and docking pieces together. Quite frequently I have modules that I cannot undock again. Particularly annoying when I want to leave mothership in orbit and want to bring the science modules back to the surface.

2. Falling through the surface of the moon, especially when the lander is on an uneven surface. I land on the moon, and then go EVA to a waypoint for a surface sample. Then I come back to the lander. When I get to within about 200m of the lander, or if I try to switch to it, it has magically sunk slightly, leaving it's landing legs below the surface. The lander then accelerates towards the center of the planet. Happened on Mun, Ike and Duna.

3. Sometimes unable to quicksave. Seems to be related to on occasional bug ignoring mouse clicks. Only recovery is to restart - cannot save, go to space center, etc. This has happened a few times in the past month.

The gameplay itself was a pleasant surprise. I believe it still needs considerable work, but that is a topic for a different thread. The gameplay in general is looking very promising.

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  spearsp said:
The gameplay itself was a pleasant surprise. I believe it still needs considerable work, but that is a topic for a different thread.

Actually, I created this thread is to discuss any feature that you think is rough around the edges and needs looking at before the final release. Not just bugs.

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  AbacusWizard said:
The biggest problem I have with 0.90 right now is that it frequently--VERY frequently--freezes up (requiring a force-quit) when in the VAB/SPH. Sometimes it takes me an entire day to design a new craft because of all the time wasted on the repeating cycle of freeze, force-quit, re-open.

Have you tried waiting? I've had a fair few freezes and in the majority of cases if I alt + tab out and come back a minute later, it's unfrozen. I'm not saying it doesn't need fixing but you don't need to force quit and waste your effort in the interim.

Incidentally, does anyone else feel KSP not really ready to be declared 1.0 yet? I think there's still too many obvious missing features and program issues.

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  Vaporo said:
Actually, I created this thread is to discuss any feature that you think is rough around the edges and needs looking at before the final release. Not just bugs.

In that case... The contracts are too insular and easy to cheat. Let's start with the latter: Build an orbital station that has power and an antenna, and support for 5 Kerbals. If I have two such contracts, I can satisfy the requirements of both with a single station. Once I have established an orbit and satisfied the first contract, I can then take the same station and move it to a different orbit to satisfy the next contract. This exploit could be overcome by not automatically completing the contract, but actually clicking on the contract to hand over control of the active vessel to the agency, at which point you no longer have control over it - or if you destroy it or move it, you lose the credits and science points you received for the contract in the first place.

Insular contracts - this has been mentioned before. Making the contracts build on one another. For example:

1. Create an orbital station around Kerbin, that has power, an antenna and a docking port. The station must be able to support 5 Kerbals.

2. Upgrade your orbital station to support 10 Kerbals.

3. Upgrade your station to include capacity for 20k LFO.

4. Refuel your station with at least 20k LFO. Difficult to do without SSTO but still possible.

5. Upgrade your station to include a docking port Snr, so it can be used as a staging station for missions to other planets.

With the help of the contracts, you now have a station that you can use for staging. The next contract involves assembling an interplanetary transfer vehicle with xxxx delta-V, and make the contract very difficult indeed to accomplish without assembling the parts in space. Again, the IPTV can be formed of multiple contracts, or a single contract in multiple parts. For my last mission to Duna, my IPTV consisted of a core and two fuel pods, and my lander had 3 engine nacelles, all of which were assembled in orbit. This, however, only works if the pieces don't get stuck together with the docking port bug, which I previously reported.

The career mode serves both as a motive to do things you wouldn't try if you were just playing around with the sandbox, and also as a training tool. On this point, I think the contracts and the tech tree do a good job - trickle feeding you parts and giving you contracts that can be accomplished with the parts you have.

Some of the contracts are just whack - why would anyone care if an SRB works on an escape trajectory from Kerbin?

Same-vessel collisions: I make ample use of quantum struts, and I don't feel that I'm cheating with this. In the real world, if I put a 300 ton pod into an SSTO cargo bay, docked at one end, the pod does not fall through the floor of the cargo bay. I would have rubber blocks on which it can rest until it gets into orbit. The only way to make this work at present is with quantum struts, because as soon as a sub-assembly becomes part of a ship, all of the parts of the same vessel are able to move through one another.

Are they ready for 1.0? They've all but met their targets in .90, and given some work on the contracts and a few bug fixes, I think it's ready.

I think some more thought should be given to how the mods are to be included in the game. There are a lot of mods out there that are exploits, but many of them I think should be included. B9 I use extensively, so I do with MechJeb, procedural tanks, FAR, TCA Fuel Balancer, docking port navigation camera, and NavHud, since the kerbals, having discovered space travel, have not yet figured out the intricacies of a compass. I'd be inclined to say we need sub-contracts to develop certain parts or part packs, which are looked up from online resources. B9 Aerospace offers to do some development for you, at a cost. If you accept, you pay them and you have access to the parts pack. However, the parts that are offered as part of the game need to be moderated, such that the obvious exploits do not offer easy cheats to the serious player.

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The damned bug that happens when you hit a kerbal in a command seat. They're either permanently ragdolling or get knocked clear and turn into debris. Both bugs require manual savefile editing to fix. This is doubly annoying when you remember how rubbish stock wheels are, so flipping over is not only probable, it's normal. Yeah, that too - make rover wheels not suck.

In other news, Bill is heading to a seismic scan location on the Mun in this first career saves rover. Well, he did for the first 2 kilometres. Then I got anoyed at both above problems and decided to cheat Unlimited EVA Fuel and fly the rest of the way there *sigh*

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