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'End' of career mode


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The first few (or in my case, a lot) contracts in career mode, are really necessary to accumulate science and cash to unlock the tech tree.

At what point do you consider yourself 'done'? And do you start building and flying crazy missions of your own liking and don't bother any more about the contracts?:rolleyes:

For me it's after I unlock the last heavy lifting node, the techtree is done. I take contracts until I have around 3M cash.:P

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I don't think there's ever an end to it, always something new to try and do even if its just for fun.

What would make for an interesting end to the game is assembling a ship in orbit that has the technology to travel to other star systems, and a message pops up saying you have helped Kerbal kind to leave the cradle of their civilisation, and there is no limit to what they can accomplish now because of your efforts. Then you get the option to finish game or continue playing, with details about ships launched, what Kerbals have gone where, etc.

In order to build this ship though you would need a LOT of science, probably from most planets to accomplish this. It wouldn't be something you could just do after a Mun/Minmus scince harvest.

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Career mode ends when a save-breaking bug appears or a new version comes out.

At least, that's how each and every one of my career saves has ended :D

Me, too. Mostly the latter, but last time it was the former.

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I consider the Career Mode 'won' if you have all Science maxed out from everywhere. Completely filling the Science Archives. Although I have to say I have yet to achieve that (made Jool SOI in my Jool-5 at least)

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I consider the game won once I've unlocked the entire tech tree and upgraded all the facilities.



But what do you do beyond that? Wait for the next update? Go crazy on mods? Challenges?

- - - Updated - - -

I don't think there's ever an end to it, always something new to try and do even if its just for fun.

What would make for an interesting end to the game is assembling a ship in orbit that has the technology to travel to other star systems, and a message pops up saying you have helped Kerbal kind to leave the cradle of their civilisation, and there is no limit to what they can accomplish now because of your efforts. Then you get the option to finish game or continue playing, with details about ships launched, what Kerbals have gone where, etc.

In order to build this ship though you would need a LOT of science, probably from most planets to accomplish this. It wouldn't be something you could just do after a Mun/Minmus scince harvest.

Well, that's basically the "building crazy stuff for fun" part I was referring to :D

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I dont see an end to the game..

Basically, yes, the game ends once you have everything unlocked and all science gathered.. but doing this on stock takes ages. So far i have not made it once between two updates..

Beyond that i tend to "optimize" crafts and missions.

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I consider the game complete once I finish the tech tree. At this point, I usually have enough funds to do whatever I like, and more funds are readily available. I would like to see a better use for science once the tree is unlocked.

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But what do you do beyond that? Wait for the next update? Go crazy on mods? Challenges?

Well... I accomplish that before ever leaving Kerbin's SOI, so after that it's building my "Space Transportation System", establishing colonies and stations all over the place, and collecting science.

I also do challenges, but those are in sandbox mode.



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I'd say Career mode is over when you've completed all of the Kerbin World-Firsts Society contracts for exploring other planets and moons. Or it would be, anyway, except that they're very easy to miss out on if you jump the gun and go somewhere before the game generates the contract to do that for you. Really hope 1.0 sorts that out and makes them overarching goal milestones that aren't explicit contracts, it would solve a number of issues (including the contract-lock stalemate scenario, something I don't think the devs intended to be possible).

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IMHO the game should not end, but rather enter into a sustainable model. One wherein you attempt to maintain funding to support more massive and long range missions while holding your reputation at a desired level.

Funding from harvesting science will dry up once its all obtained.

Which leaves only contracts -> testing and many "do over" missions to plant flags for every agency/contractors.

How boring will this ultimately become? From my perspective, its about as boring at it gets after about 3 "go back to Duna and plant a flag" missions come up. Or the constant replicant "survey missions" which while they pay well, are usually way too time intensive or precise for more spontaneous play. Building stations for no purpose which become non-reusable for following contracts. Fine Print added substantial breadth to career, but not a lot of depth.

SO... you ultimately get to a point of frustration and boredom, you get tired of these endless repeating types of contracts and either start a new game or just quit and revert to sandbox play only.

The balancing of career mode to enable sustainable, non-deterministic play will require a complete "do over" of the Rep/Funds/Science relationship. (For example: an annual budget based on your rep level or, perhaps science points may respawn in biomes over time.) I'm sure there are many other levers which can be designed and aligned into a proper behavioural systems model which responds more intelligently to player actions and faults.

I feel Squad really needs to totally rethink what I interpret as a narrow and simplistic implementation of career mode. This is probably my only long term soap box so thanks for listening.

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I think you should be able to set winning goals for yourself in the game, like

- earn 1 Million credits;

- land on every body in the Kerbol system;

- unlock the entire tech tree.

And then there should be criteria on how you you achieved your goals, like

- with how big an investment you reached your goal;

- how many science points you won;

- how much reputation you got; ...

Just my POV...



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What would make for an interesting end to the game is assembling a ship in orbit that has the technology to travel to other star systems, and a message pops up saying you have helped Kerbal kind to leave the cradle of their civilisation, and there is no limit to what they can accomplish now because of your efforts. Then you get the option to finish game or continue playing, with details about ships launched, what Kerbals have gone where, etc.

Ah, this is an interesting concept. I recently realized that the game is supposed to have a way to "lose" by running out of money, but it lacks any way to "win". I agree that there should be some kind of mission to be declared the winner of KSP. I think building an interplanetary vessel or large colonization mission would be a very cool way to win, and it would also allow a smooth transition into any future content if Squad decides to go that way.

Details about all of your flights, crew, and acomplishments is would also be a cool feature. Perhaps in the form of a time line? I think I would want to check that out even before I officially "Beat the game"

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Career mode ends when a save-breaking bug appears or a new version comes out.

At least, that's how each and every one of my career saves has ended :D


Or an interesting mod comes along that changes gameplay fairly seriously and I want to try it out from scratch (LS mods, something like Interstellar, etc).

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Testing contracts have allowed me to unlock tier 4 tech tree . I now have the tech from that limited resource to start interplanetary exploration by low cost probes. The Minotaur 5 probes are on their way to Mun to fulfill that contract. They are Duna capable. The SRB is steered by the SAS during flight into a proper orbital turn as it will lift the second stage to sub orbital altitude.


Edited by SRV Ron
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