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Everything posted by aluc24

  1. If Breaking Ground is not supported in RP-1, what should I use for robotics? Tried installing Infernal Robotics - Next, but it conflicts with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement.
  2. @linuxgurugamer I'm having an issue with (on KSP 1.12.3, RP-1 install). If vessel is rotating even slightly when entering time warp, upon exiting time warp, it is rotating faster than before. 3-4 time warps more, and it is spinning wildly. This happens with all vessels, regardless of anything. Let me know if you need any logs or anything to debug this.
  3. @zer0Kerbal, I am trying version on KSP 1.12, basic RP-1 install (with KCT and Kerbalism). Full mod list: Here is my ksp.log: https://ufile.io/10ajcruv Even with this version, I am still getting "Graph already contains item" error on the debug menu. Clicking "new parts" or "quick apply" doesn't seem to change anything in VAB/SPH (KCT build time prediction doesn't change). I haven't used Scrapyard for years, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here, or is the same old bug? Any quick fix?
  4. Hi, Well all know it - one of the Unity updates, somewhere around KSP 1.5 made landing gear nearly unusable - bouncy as hell, throwing aircraft up in the air no matter how slowly and carefully you land. Playing around with Spring and Damper settings (available by turning on Advanced Tweakables) helps a little bit, but even with ideal settings, the landing gear is nowhere near to what it was before the that Unity update ruined it. And the devs don't seem to care to fix it. Since the gear used to work before that update, it means it should be possible to somehow restore it to the old behavior in the current version of KSP. Is there any mod, any cfg tweak, literally ANYTHING that restores the landing gear to what it was before? Because the game is literally unplayable if you want to do aircraft stuff. There have been dozens of posts about this, and we need a goddamn solution to make the landing gear like it was before. Please tell me there is one. Rant over
  5. You got Mechjeb planner working? Half of the time I try to use it (even with normal, circular orbits), I get no solution error, or, like you said, nonsensical nodes. Is there no alternative?
  6. Hi, I have been using Transfer Window Planner, but it has not been updated to 1.12, and the older versions do not work anymore. What are some other porkchop generators that work with 1.12, and also support Outer Planets Mod? The stock planner added in the 1.12 does not generate porkchops, and it only generates one solution for active craft, so planning missions from VAB is very inconvenient. I tried Astrogator, but it doesn't give porkchops either, just one solution, like the stock planner. Same for Kerbal Alarm Clock. Right now I'm using this online plotter, but it doesn't support OPM planets. Any advice, guys?
  7. Yes, I noticed that this usually fixes it - but only temporary (for one game launch). Then I have to re-launch the game without AA 2 or 3 times to get one good launch with AA... Very inconvenient
  8. @Boris-Barboris Hey, I am having a problem with Atmosphere Autopilot when launching KSP. The game stops loading at some point, and the last lines in the log show this: [LOG 11:27:56.945] [FAR v0.16.0.2] debug: Parsed GuiColors.CdColor = RGBA(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 11:27:56.945] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-rd701-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.945] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-rd704-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.945] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-rs84-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [FAR v0.16.0.2] debug: Parsed GuiColors.CmColor = RGBA(1.000, 0.922, 0.016, 1.000) [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-rutherford-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-rutherford-vac-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [FAR v0.16.0.2] debug: Parsed GuiColors.L_DColor = RGBA(0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-stbe-kero-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nflv-engine-tr107-1' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [FAR v0.16.0.2] debug: Parsed Debug.logLevel = Info [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'orbital-engine-0625' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'orbital-engine-125' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'orbital-engine-25' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.946] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'orbital-engine-375' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'turboJet' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'turboFanEngine' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'smallRadialEngine' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'smallRadialEngine_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngineMini' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngineMini_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'radialEngineMini' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'radialEngineMini_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine3' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine3_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine1-2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngineMainsail_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'radialLiquidEngine1-2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine2-2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'liquidEngine2-2_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'engineLargeSkipper' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'engineLargeSkipper_v2' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SSME' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'omsEngine' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it [LOG 11:27:56.947] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'RAPIER' config node contains ModuleGimbal, moving it The game doesn't crash, it just freezes mid-loading. Removing Atmosphere Autopilot or FAR from GameData seems to fix it. Full mod list: https://i.imgur.com/meHFdS9.png Any ideas what could be causing this?
  9. Thanks for the suggestion... But it didn't work What's the normal procedure to register parts to work with RO? Perhaps I missed some vital step?
  10. Hey guys. I'm trying to get BonVoyage mod to work with Realism Overhaul. The mod itself loads fine (the menu is there in KSC view), but the part is missing from VAB/R&D. I have NoNonRO and NoNonRP0 folders in my Gamedata, so I have created a .cfg patch in Gamedata as well, like this: @PART[BonVoyageModule]:FOR[BonVoyage]:NEEDS[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True %title = BonVoyageModule %description = BonVoyageModule %TechRequired = stability } But the part is still not showing up. The "stability" tech node is definitely there, and it is unlocked. But it doesn't have the BonVoyage module part. This is my first time messing with configs like this. Can anyone help?
  11. Hi guys, I am having an issue with KSP-RO installation on 1.8.1. I get these really weird shadows in KSC, they are flickering when I rotate the view. Additionally, it is very difficult to select VAB, SPH and other facilities, the mouse target zone is way off. I have followed this guide to install KSP-RO on a fresh KSP 1.8.1 installation. I installed all the required mods exactly like described in the guide. Additionally, I have installed these visual enhancements: EVE v1.8.0-2 RSSVE v1.8.1-RC1 Scatterer v0.0621 (also tried 0.0610) Distant Object Enhancement v2.0.0.2 It does look like Scatterer issue to me, but I have tried both version suggested in the guide, and also every possible setting in Scatterer (with game restarts, of course). Has anyone had this kind of an issue? My graphics drivers are up to date, and as far as I can see, I did everything per the guide.
  12. How can I make the vessel auto-send the data that is generated in the Lab by analysing samples? Every time there is connection loss, the data fills up, the lab stops, and I have to manually resume everything.
  13. @Sir Mortimer, I am having an issue with Kerbalism 3.11. The frequency of solar storms is insane. They are happening one after another. I mean, literally hours apart. I can't even get a flight from Kerbin to Minmus - even with full shielding, the radiation kills my kerbonauts. I am using default profile, solar storm probability is set to 60% in game settings (I didn't touch it, it's the default value). Is this the intended behavior?
  14. @JPLRepo, hey, I think I found a incompatibility issue between TAC and Kopernicus. Issue: Electricity is not updated for background vessels, and runs out despite vessels having solar panels. It seems that the electricity simply does not regenerate when vessel is unloaded. Mods: KSP TAC LS 0.15.0 (with all dependencies) Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 20 (https://github.com/R-T-B/kopernicus/releases) Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch a vessel with solar panels and lots of batteries into Kerbin orbit; 2. Return to KSC view, open TAC monitor; 3. Time warp; 4. Watch how electricity runs out and everyone dies. I know that TAC is not updated yet for 1.10, but perhaps there is some simple fix for this? Otherwise TAC seems to work great in 1.10 P.S. I have attempted to delete SolarPanels.cfg from Kopernicus/config, but it did not help the issue.
  15. @theJesuit, I did the compatibility test though regarding the issue in the post above. It appears that TETRIX is incompatible with WarpPlugin from KSPIE. Steps to reproduce: 1. Update to KSP 1.9.1; 2. In Gamedata folder, have: Squad SquadExpansion TETRIXTechTree (1.12) WarpPlugin (from KSPIE 1.25.11) ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll 3. Create new career; 4. Enter R&D; 5. See the research nodes scattered all around, one on top of each other, etc. What can be done to fix this?
  16. Hey, @theJesuit, I just installed TETRIX for the first time (KSP 1.9.1, latest TETRIX version), and I've got this in my R&D: Is this a known issue? I've got tons of mods, but nothing that really relevant to tech tree except TETRIX. Is there a way to determine the cause of this without going through the painful mod compatibility grind?
  17. I am still running KSP Latest version of Planetary Base Systems.
  18. @Nils277, I think I found a potential bug. When I try to place the Planetary Base Heat Shield on any craft in VAB, the KSP freezes and has to be shut down via Task Manager. Sometimes it doesn't freeze outright, the game allows me to place that shield, and freezes a few seconds later. I think it happens when I hover my mouse over the already placed heat shield. The log file shows no errors - actually, it continues to print out other messages (from other mods), but the game is unresponsive. This only happens with that particular heat shield, nothing else. No other parts from your mod ever caused a freeze as far as I've checked. Is there anything special about that heat shield that could cause this weird issue?
  19. Here is the entire log, taken at the moment of game freeze: https://easyupload.io/gxey37 I hope it helps at least somewhat. Please let me know if you see what is causing the problem.
  20. @sarbian, I am getting unrecoverable game freezes in VAB/SPH with Mechjeb 2.9.1 running on KSP 1.8.1. These freezes do not happen without Mechjeb installed. The game log is flooded with exceptions like this: [EXC 13:41:06.329] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.<SetupToolBarButtons>b__30_4 () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu+<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<CreateFeatureButton>b__0 () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.OnMenuUpdate () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebCore.Update () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) [EXC 13:41:06.337] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.<SetupToolBarButtons>b__30_4 () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu+<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<CreateFeatureButton>b__0 () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.OnMenuUpdate () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebCore.Update () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) [EXC 13:41:06.347] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.<SetupToolBarButtons>b__30_4 () (at <2e230d4e49354a07858a9faa52799159>:0) MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu+<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<CreateFeatureButton>b__0 () (at <2e230d4e ...and a lot more of them. Could you please look into it? I can provide more info if necessary.
  21. Hi, I am looking for a mod that makes simple experiments with numeric data (temperature, pressure, etc.) transmittable for 100%, not requiring being returned for full science value, while the experiments that produce samples (science lab, mystery goo, surface samples, etc.) must still be returned. I used Kerbalism up till now, and it tweaks this like I described, but I had to ditch it because of it's incompatibility with other mods. Is there a a stand-alone mod that does this? I am having a hard time finding one. SETI Rebalance used to do this as well, but it hasn't been updated since KSP 1.3...
  22. My mistake, then. Thank you for taking the time looking into the log and figuring it out. As I don't use CKAN (I was told that it's better/safer to maintain mods manually), sometimes mistakes happen. Thanks again.
  23. Well, I'm one... But I guess I will be dropping Kerbalism. As awesome as it is, it has tons of bugs, and it's incompatibility with so many mods makes it not really worth it in the end.
  24. I have Kerbalism, which comes with DynamicBatteryStorage. Perhaps that mod could be related? Otherwise, this is my mod list: Do you see anything that could be causing a conflict? If so, I can try removing it to narrow down the problem.
  25. Sorry, I forgot to mention I am running KSP 1.7.3. Was the support for NF Electrical added only for KSP 1.8.1 version of BV?
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