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Everything posted by Gfurst

  1. Oh yeah, I wanted to give some clarification to my reasoning, for some reason I remember using the mod quite a long time ago, so I just assumed it was left over, which obviously isn't the case. But second reason, is that it seems like something that would really fit the restock+ category, my game has a set of RCS combinations that I'm assuming are from restock, so it was just an obvious logical leap that the internal RCS set would also fit in. But either way, just a thought.
  2. How so? I use kOS at one point, had a very neat navigational autopilot, to make automated ascent and powered descents, execute maneuvers and actions while remote tech was of touch. However I lost those scripts the last time I wanted to quit KSP, so yeah, rather not do that again. I understand that, just thought it would be interesting to use the input stabilization part of the mod as regular, and replacing the stock SAS as the default mod behavior, plus the neatness of having integrated as the stock commands. No worries then.
  3. Awesome, that new KV texture looks amazing, I'm curious to see how the extended airlock looks with it, sadly, its so far down the tech three there is barely any point to using it. Btw, for those who needed to the work around to play on 1.10, its just a case removing the whitelisted references I presume? Brilliant.
  4. So, I'm not sure if you already noticed this, but it appears that the RCS thrust is the same no matter how many nozzles are in the part, is that just a glitch in the editor or is it actually supposed to be that? Also, I'm not sure you need different parts to be configured as proper engines, as you can just config the nozzles to not act as attitude actuators but only respond to throttle.
  5. So how is the model coming along @Stone Blue, willing to share it? Isn't that kind redundant with the stock transparency though? All you would need to do is apply a mesh mask just over where the windows would be, I rather use the standard mesh masks, but that's more of a case of preference.
  6. No that was exactly my question, like the AA works a bit like a stability assist itself, but lacks the functionality to point to a certain direction, it does however handle rotation wobblyness better than the stock director that's why I kind want to use it in that tiny gray area where I shouldn't. have you tried actually replacing the Stock director, is that possible at all?
  7. Ok, I took the craft to a sanbox save to test it out, gave it a spin and couldn't find the issue again, maybe it clicked then, does the mod save anything to the craft itself? Still I recorded it if you to waste some time watching a incredibly laggy footage https://a.uguu.se/rueokh.webm I'll keep an eye on it and try not to mess things up. On another question as the one above, if I cannot use SAS, is there a way to keep a steady orientation relative to a vessel direction, such as for example 10° pitch from prograde or retrograde, like something that would be useful for launch or controlled descent.
  8. So no, 3) I'll have to double check, but I usually only assign the proper command surfaces, 4) I have external input for sure, 2) no far either, 1) will be an issue only if there is residual effect from me having clicked rocket mode accidentaly I'll try to get that weird behavior again and record it. As a side question, but is there any difference activating SAS while FBW is enabled? I'm sure is not the aim of the mod, but I found using FBW for vessels while outside the atmosphere, to be much smoother than stock SAS.
  9. Hello there, so I happen to use this mod quit a lot, but one thing I don't get is why these lateral drafts happen from time to time. Is this what coordinated turn is? Cause from what I learned a coordinated turn is just lightly pressing the yaw while pulling on the elevator so you don't drop altitude while turning. But eitherway, I do understand if this is part of that behavior, the weird part is that some times it will keep with a strong yaw even after leveling up or some plain strange situations.
  10. So, forgive me for double posting after a couple of days, but with the issue of duplicating lights persisting, I took the liberty to give a quick peek on the mod files, and the supposed config to "unhide" the legacy light parts, this however wasn't working for me. That is, the patches with ".nocfg" are actually being applied on my game, I suspect this is a linux thing where file extension is a bit fuzzy, and since it still has the same "cfg" ending, MM applies the patch all the same. I still have to test this, but thought to give you a heads up anyway. Alright nevermind, the supposed change "category" is still "-1". I guess it just has to do the one mod changing part categorization, it shows the legacy lights due to modules, despite them being hidden.
  11. Alright, to better illustrate on what meant above, new attempt at this rocket, but still forgot to take a picture at the VAB (or is just that F1 doesn't work there?). In the first picture here you can see the apoapsis is near the 30s but not quite there, yet still full throttle, but when it will reach it will start throttling back, however the time to APO target is also varying as it goes through. My thinking is that the optimal delta-v usage is achieve by having the least throttle that still gets you to orbit (literally doesn't fall short), the default suggested values work very well for this (constant 50s time for APO), the one I picked above was a bit too short for me, but one like 30s initial ~120s terminal should work as well with the caveat of being a more sub-orbital trajectory, on the other hand a inverted value alike @OhioBob suggest is interesting to ensure thrust initially but fine curvature at the end of the ascent. The mess with my rocket above was because I was experimenting with two different versions of it, both a sort of asparagus staging, but one with crossfeed enabled, the other with direct fuel lines, the difference being that, the crossfeed one the lateral engines would still keep burning with their tanks empty, but as soon as noticed the throttling back (due to lower time for APO) I could drop the stage dead weight with it (as now I didn't need the extra thrust), the difference was just a few seconds apart, so I figured it wouldn't have that much, but indeed that little bit extra thrust time could make a difference between making it to orbit or not. Eitherway I digress, my point is just that throttling back could prove beneficial in the case of excessive drag, I think the mod does take drag into consideration but still makes a bit a bad guess on how steep it needs to go. Anyway, completely unrelated to discussion above, but I had another crash, seems to me related to the mod and memory leak. After aborting the flight above (just shortly after taking that second picture), and trying to save the results, the games gets very unresponsive, and my RAM nearly blowing the limit, causing my whole PC to halt to crawl. Here is the log though I haven't found anything obvious https://gist.github.com/Gfurst/247d0b729202d126729bccf7e8d5c115
  12. Ok guys, so I have this mod working fine, installed regularly with most of its recommended stuff, such as chatterer and real plumes (among others). However there seems to be something affecting atmospheric engine effects, it bursts as thunders during launch to go completely silent while on orbit, while I appreciate it being "realistic", I would still rather have my speakers/ears not bleed during every launch. Does anyone have idea which mod does that? As I've before the only aesthetic mods I have installed are the ones usually recommended with this one, and none that I know off explicitly affects that. I mentioned this some posts earlier, honestly if looks fine in game, I took it as just a signal that the mod works, its probably because of some parts of the mod (and dependencies) not being loaded fully in the menu. For the problem quoted above, someone had suggested replacing the "clouds.cfg" for the scatterer default one, I did that just to test and got Kerbin exactly like that, it works but is completely cloudless, have you by any chance done that as well?
  13. There is one weird thing happening to me, testing a payload of 15 tonne, I had nearly found the perfect settings for it with very optimal fuel usage, however near the end it starts tumbling quite a lot upwards, and the funny thing is that doesn't it when it actually needs when flying too low. And I checked, there was pretty good control authority and the flight director intentionally keeping it angled when at that point it could easily push the apoapsis into desired orbit (though after double checking it is indeed a bit low). Also as a side note, the game just crashed nearly taking my computer with it just after this shot, actually after I tried saving the config for gravityturn, due out of memory kernel panic. Could be something to do with the mod after the test quite a few times, could also have to do with KRASH simulation, just throwing it out there. It is indeed, but you can also do that by start a gentler curve (less angle at higher speed), so it will give you room to still make a suitable curve without loosing to much fuel to drag. If you follow your launches you can how much off the mark the time to apoasis is, having it higher usually just means full throttle all the way. For example, very rarely you will even have a higher than time for AP than 20s below 15km altitude, unless on a very high thrust ballistic missile. But of course this should always vary from rocket to rocket. For reference but just look how shallow ascents the mod was giving me earlier And that's just one older one that manage to get up there without problems, most of my rockets have blank pictures
  14. So hello there, first I want to show my appreciation for the help you guys gave me, after actually understanding it better I'm able to make much greater use of the mod. Its more or less how I used to do gravity turns manually as well, but I've never thought of using the time for apoapsis as a parameter of where I was in the gravity turn. Anyway, allow me to disagree with you on this regard, the best results I've found for heavier rockets, is setting a shorter "AP time start", but a more subtle initial curve as well. And I believe this is the answer to why Mechjeb does a more efficient curve, because it use black magic to calculate the terminal velocity of craft, and edge velocity just below this threshold. So throttling down is good for this, however it need a gentler initial curve, otherwise you risk going too shallow and burning up. The final AP time, on the other hand serves pretty well for getting a truly final circular trajectory, but can be quite useful if you get shorter time too shallow still in the atmosphere, while a having a longer time you can get a sub-orbital trajectory much quicker, of course this is up to each situation and rocket style, but more ballistic trajectories can be better for example if you're doing a direct transfer burn, or rendezvous with another craft in orbit, so you want a bit time to plan the maneuver. Anyway², despite all of that, I've something weird going on in the picture above, I set initial AP time to 30 and lock it, but the mod will unlock itself and adjust to that value as shown. I'm wondering why it does that, the rocket has a couple SRBoosters to give it a initial kick, but otherwise I don't understand why it adjust in this situation but not in others. I don't even click the improve guess button.
  15. Looks pretty neat, I wouldn't mind they had at least something to look at, but then again, the front is pretty much just a very small window as well. One thing that bothers me though is the large "look inside" window, I hope though its just a mask you're using while working on it, not entirely sure how it works. Yeah I also wondered exactly because of that, there is very little actual documentation on the stock part switcher module, but from from what I read, you can change its exterior mesh, but can't change the INTERIOR config, and neither does the FSswitcher able to do that. You could just change the main part's interior, and then have a switcher to change capacity, but then again I fail to see how this would have any purpose if you can just use the three seater but not crew it fully.
  16. Why would you even feel the need to remove Squad's official content? I have the expansions and they seem to work fine. However I was just about to ask if I am actually doing, because there doesn't seem be any plume on my rockets when reaching upper atmosphere, but I don't a reference to compare it, to know if its working properly. But anyway, it seems I get some extreme lag hiccups, specially changing stages, or when using multiples engines, is that an known issue? And finally, idk if actually due to this mod, but I don't get sound effects at all from engines outside of atmosphere, and I as far as I'm aware haven't installed any mod that explicitly does this, does anyone have any idea which one might it be? edit: ok, I've found on the OP, that there is something about rocket sound not diminish with zoom, but it doesn't say anything about going lower with atmosphere, also rocket sounds doesn't seem to be tied to any specific audio setting in the menu, making it extremely loud at launch, specially with certain combination of boosters. I think there the issue lies there, anyway I can disable this feature/behavior?
  17. So I was just going through some parts, of this amazing modpack btw, stations can look amazing with them. And having TAC life support, it got me wondering about some design decisions: First, that of the greenhouse taking in the named resource "minerals", while granted, this resource can be acquired at the spot at the cost of mostly food, but instead wouldn't be better to use the generic stock "ore" resource for it? While it could still be rather small comparative amount, its still some other incentive to get foreign mining going on. Or at least, it could be a direct resource conversion from food -> greenhouse with the ratios taken care of. Second, my confusion about what the resource that the greenhouse should actually be able to provide, as it seems to take mostly food and convert it to oxygen, whereas, from my understanding of the TACLS mod, food is the only actual resource that is not renewable by other means. Also taken into consideration that waste is the only resource not being used as well, why not make the greenhouse primarily a conversion from waste -> food, a-la martian style. Plus some extra conversion of course, of CO2 -> O2, and usage of water, wastewater preferably, after all, what not better use of human waste as to not fertilize your own potatoes. Third, I also noticed that most habitable modules have their own set of life-support keeping, essentially making utility modules optional, I'm just wondering why that is.
  18. Is that a specific mod or what? Pretty sure I haven't installed anything like that.
  19. I'm wondering if there is any configs that achieve the actual effect of real plumes like in the picture above. I've notice some extreme lag at launch as well, specially some couple of seconds gap while staging, wondered what could be the cause. Searching the log for error spam is always a good way start investigating. On another wildly unrelated note, I've noticed I get no audio from rockets in space anymore, inb4 can't hear sound in space. But I still like do hear the engine audio cue, I have no clue what might cause it, does anyone have an idea which mods do this?
  20. Really, I don't think the mod needs a maintainer just yet, the last update (the fix to the vostok fairing node) was just some days before I got to post the picture (that I noticed at least). But did find out the fairing work like airbrakes, the fun way:
  21. Ohhh, thanks, this makes a whole lot more sense, its actual "time to apoapsis", I thought it had something to do with how much it held the angle before going prograde. And considering that usually if you had a efficient enough ascent, time to AP is pretty big, wouldn't it make sense the have start value smaller than end value, by quite a lot? Maybe that could be the key on making a rocket avoid as much atmosphere drag as possible.
  22. Thanks, is the turn angle the initial tumble angle? What I just don't get is the "Hold AP start time" supposed to mean.
  23. LoL, was about to reply to you when I saw the underline. But yeah these capsules were incredibly cramped, even the Vostok inspired capsules. One thing I like roleplay as, since I found out the game has an actual airlock config that forbids kerbal EVA directly (only one part that I know has the limitation), so I roleplay that all pods are actually airlocks in themselves, eg, they could be depressurized without problem, and I even got kerbs wearing helmets in IVA
  24. Alright, I'll give some more tries, still I would like to know how to fine tune, like what the values mean, I understand "start m/s", but what to the "curve angle", "hold prograde start/end" each means? The problem I see is that the logic expects the rocket to have enough trust, to be able to push through the curvature, if you have a reasonably low TWR rocket, than it just falls short.
  25. Oh I see, its a bit hidden folder, and also includes a snapshot of the ascent curve. But yeah, I'm re-running the simulation but trying to tweak the rocket as well as I go along, but with so many simulations I might as well reduce its KRASH price or otherwise go broke. But here is the thing though, does the director learn still learn from really badly gone situations where you never got to orbit or had to abort?
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