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Everything posted by Arch3rAc3

  1. I rather they properly fixed the game first and gave us necessary features, such as Delta-V in game calculation, instead of wasting time on eye candy and non essential features. But obviously, that doesn't bring as many $ as charging for unoptimized half complete DLCs that the average player will just gladly pay for with a smile on his face. Not to say that pretty much everyone who would have bought KSP probably has done so already, and I don't expect many more will do after the fiasco with the console launch and the accurate bad reviews. So why waste time on fixing it anyway...
  2. Sorry, but this is the lamest excuse possible. It's clearly a bug/downgrade. I'm with you. This is getting so ridiculous already!
  3. I don't use the cursor for everything in cursor preset though. There is a radial menu by pressing Y still, and even the D-Pad while flying opens the other set of radial - just not during EVA for an unknown bad design choice, since the D-Pad is not even used for anything else while in EVA, so I can't see why they wouldn't have it implemented... The 2 main problems I have with the radial preset are the throttle control - you simply can't (for another unknown bad design choice) move the throttle in small inputs without having to hold a modifier key (LB/L1), unlike in Cursor mode; The second problem is the time warp. While in Cursor I can just press LB+B or LB+X while flying, in radial I have to go all the way through a radial option, selecting time warp, having my controls focused on the timewarp window (forbidding me from flying the craft and leaving it uncontrollable while I'm dealing with timewarp) and then choosing to increase or decrease timewarp. It's a lot less intuitive and a lot more unnecessarily complicated, not just a question of getting used to. With proper design thought and more customizable control option for the players, this could easily be fixed.
  4. Edit: I have just tested again. I was in cursor mode, not radial. Cursor mode has no radial functions specific for the Kerbal while in EVA, only general radial options with the Y button. Radial does work as you say though. It only feels like it's less intuitive and harder to use if compared to cursor mode. But you are right, my mistake, radial preset soes have a open parachute function in a radial.
  5. I don't really have to use my PC at all. Google sheets, scientific calculator and a notes app are all available in my phone and enough for doing all the calculations I need - just like it would be necessary using a calculator and perhaps spreadsheets in the PC just as well. Still, your point stands! While it's fun doing the calculations - teaching me so much about astrodynamics and rocket science I would have never learnt in school - we don't have an option not to manually do these calculations all the time - unlike in PC where you have the choice to use a mod. So, especially when having to do minor changes to a craft you have already calculated its performance before, it can go from a pleasant experience to a repetitive time consuming frustrating one. We really, really need those changes for console ASAP, especially the quality of life ones!
  6. Can't wait to try it out on Xbox in one and a half year. You wish...
  7. Oh, I Fallout 1. The manual even explained the physical effects of a nuclear blast, which wasn't even necessary for the gameplay. Games used to have so many details and care put into. Now we are lucky to have a proper basic guide in games. It didn't, but no worries
  8. The quality of general bug reports is just horrendous. I'm surprised there's so few "Please HELP" as titles for bug reports/threads to be fair. The bug tracker, after the Devs allowed pretty much anyone to post, became just a mess, it's almost funny.
  9. It actually was removed. They removed it and made a PDF file in their website the cheapest way possible, taking screenshots of the pages, for people to download. They couldn't even mark it's topics (table of content) so you wouldn't have to painfully scroll down through the screenshots to find what you're looking for. I don't like to mention other games, but check Sea Of Thieves website for a contrast. They have all the menus interactive, not requiring a lazy file to be downloaded and they have all the sections separated for ease of access and reading.
  10. Thanks. There are a couple of issues still open, two of them being "the sun brightness/blinding effect being absent" and the "Test HAMMER Solid Fuel Booster at launch site not completable". They both - along with some other issues - have been reported already in the console's technical issues forum section, hopefully it draws some attention from the Devs. Thanks again.
  11. You do have to trail your falling Kerbal, there's no working radial for the chute with Radial controls preset (ironically).
  12. Just received a 654.07MB update on the Xbox today (2th April, 2019), but couldn't find any announcements about it. Anyone knows the changelog? Thanks.
  13. Check your settings options for "enable target marker" or something like that.
  14. Hello. I have just checked the KSPedia from the website and was wondering if changes are planned, as it feels like a very cheap placeholder at the moment. Based on the post by UomoCapra UomoCapra says "Now you won’t need to mess with the flow of your ongoing mission and you’ll be able to use your mobile phone or any other display to consult it via our website!", leading me to believe that one of the reasons KSPedia has been removed from the game was that it felt a bit inconvenient to be accessed while playing. Well, that's false. Having to open an app through the game was never a problem. And, just like when openning KSPedia through the game, if you do have to access KSPedia through your mobile phone you will also have to pause the game; the only difference is that you'll have to take more steps if going for second method. Ideally, having it both in the game and as a .pdf in the website would be better, although the first method feels more interactive and easier to access! Is the KSPedia app ever coming back to the game, or is this a permanent change? I wish this is only temporary and I do believe other players feel the same. At the moment the .pdf file is simply a very cheap compilation of screenshots from the KSPedia menus - showing even the Xbox controller button icons on the bottom. It would be interesting if it became interactive instead of a .pdf, plus with some section makers so you wouldn't have to scroll through the many pages trying to find what you're looking for. Was there any other reason for the app to be removed? UomoCapra says that it will be easier for the devs to update the KSPedia through the website (even though it's just a .pdf file). But this doesn't seem like a reason, especially when the PC version still has the app without any issue. It would be interesting to hear/read why it's been removed, listen to the community feedback before permanently removing features and saying wether it might come back or not. Communication with the community is always welcomed! Thanks.
  15. Correct, I haven't said it's not. I think this specific discussion about charging for a bug fix started when someone mentioned something about "spending" 0$ for the update (not the DLC).
  16. True, this ridiculous wait time developers have due to Microsoft certitication feels like a handicap! Yet, I'm quite certain that the developers can test their game out before launching the update to the public, no? They don't have to launch the update and only then find out the problems, I believe. The Long Dark is an example of this, most bugs that would show up after an update were relatively difficult to be found. I don't ever remember finding out a bug so easily noticeable in TLD like this one in KSP, where simply looking at the sky would be enough to notice it. Yet, nice to see they are already working on it. Hopefully it's fixed soon, although the actual patch launch will probably take a more while due to the certification process, again.
  17. Fair point. What I tried to say - and failed quite badly to - was that in this case, the problems we've been having are surely not related to software wear/bit rotting, but lack of proper testing and attention plus some serious technical debt (as explained in the video I linked in the previous comment). Thanks! But I believe I actually meant obligation, as in someone being morally required to do something instead of legally (although obligation may also have a legal meaning close to liability, no? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/obligation). Anyhow, if it makes it any clearer: I don't think the developers making their game playable is a favour or something we should be charged for, but actually nothing more than an obligation - especially when these bugs are not only showing up after OS updates, but are present from the moment they launch an update. I'm not sure how limited liability applies here though as in how broken the game must be for the devs to be legally forced to do something or not. I don't want to get my hopes up after so many let downs, but I'll have an eye open for what's coming. They are, at least, communicating more frequently with the console community, so that might a starting step. Still, we have quite some open problems and suggestions given - some listed, again, in my previous comment, on the bottom - that the devs seemingly ignored (purporsely or not) or fixed the cheapest way possible. I'd rather see them starting to adress those and to properly manage their own bugtracker page (which they asked us themselves to help on, but then resumed on forgetting to update their fixed/confirmed bugs status and bug fixing progress percentage) than to promise/anounce currently non-essential low priority features. Would be cooler if it was present in the console version...
  18. At the rate things are now - being stuck 1 to 2 years behind the PC version - this "eventually" would probably take a ridiculous amount of time unfortunately (if it does ever come).
  19. -Is it happening with other rockets as well? -Does it really happens "every time", how many times have you tested? -Does the perfomance/time indicator on the top-left of the screen ever turns to yellow or red during the ascent and close to the crash? -Do you have the Making History DLC installed / if so, are you making use of any of it's new parts? Although I'm on the xbox, I did not have this problem happening as of yet. Some more details would be welcome!
  20. It is not possible to scroll through long lists like before by simply hovering the cursor over a list and holding the right stick downwards to scroll down. Details: Platform -> Xbox Version -> Latest update 31/03/2019 without Making History DLC (I'd suggest that the version number be displayed in the main menu screen or the settings screen!) Control Preset -> Cursor or Radial Steps to reproduce: Have the active control preset as Cursor or Radial; Be in control of any vessel; Hover the cursor over the controls app (Top right of the screen, under resources, above contracts); Press A (X for PS4) over the controls app icon to toggle it; Move the cursor over the list that has popped showing all the controls mapping; Try scrolling down (unable!). Steps taken / workaround / notes: The Right Stick should be cursor dependent when Move Cursor is toggled on (by clicking the Left Stick) and the cursor is over a scrollable list, as opposed to control the camera; Now, the list is only scrollable when the "UI focus" is over the controls app icon (workaround): Be in control of a vessel and in Cursor/Radial control preset mode; Press Y (triangle for PS4) to open the Radial Action Menu; Select the "Select an App" action (3ºclock postion); Use the Left Stick to move down through the apps until the green square ("UI focus") is over the Controls app; Use the Right Stick to scroll down/up through the list. This is a workaround, but it adds a lot more unnecessary steps - compared to only having the cursor over the list as before and being able to scroll through. If using the Simplified control preset, you must hold Y (triangle) and move the UI focus over the controls app, very similar to the point above; I'm using the Controls list as an example of scrollable list here, but this problem will be present in every scrollable list, requiring that the Move Cursor is toggled off (click Left Stick) and that the list is the UI focus so that the Right Stick controls the list scroll as opposed to the camera.
  21. As the title says, the Test RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster at launch site contract does not complete after staging while necessary conditions are achieved. Details: Platform -> Xbox Version -> Latest update 31/03/2019 without Making History DLC (I'd suggest that the version number be displayed in the main menu screen or the settings screen!) Control Preset -> Cursor Steps Taken: Accepting contract at Mission Control; Building a ship with a Hammer SFB as first stage; Checking both testing conditions are met: At Kerbin; At Launch Site; Launching rocket trough staging; Recovering rocket and re-launching through manual part activation with the cursor. Results: -Contract does not complete through staging or manual part activation; Notes: -There was no problem completing the same contract for the Flea SFB; BACC "Thumber" SFB and RoveMax Model S2. I believe this problem may be related to the part redesign, with the game believing the object "Hammer" SFB from the contract is not the same SFB I have fitted in my ship. Video: https://xboxclips.com/Arch3rAc3/4a6517ce-1b65-4840-93ee-f0d822c082b9
  22. Have they even tested the game before releasing though? It's pretty likely that 100% of the people who updated the game are having this bug, with or without the DLC. They were either to lazy to fire up the game and look at the sun before releasing the update or they didn't even care.
  23. Keyword: "Wear". A software doesn't simply wear like a car, so you couldn't be more right - this doesn't applies as it* does in real life. Actually, "obligation" is very valid, but for another reason. We are not talking about simple "buggy software" - every single software will have bugs. What I been talking about are game breaking problems. When the game launched, it took about 1 WHOLE year for the devs only to adress it and one more year for them to come with a fix that didn't fix half of the problems. I don't want to get all specific and cite names of other developer companies here, but there are many, many more developers of different games out there that launched games with bugs - bugs not as serious as the ones encountered in KSP, because such bugs would have been easily noticeable with 2 minutes of gameplay testing - and had been in touch with the community from launch, checking feedback and quickly resolving problems + making use of multiple suggestions by the players to increase the quality of the game (as I will touch on at the end of this comment with some examples). What's going on with Squad though is simply ridiculous. Yet, Add'On authors - modders - have provided over and over minimal functionalities with high quality mods and proper testing before launching - it's almost like most of the modders give a bigger care for their unpaid mods than developers with their updates. Odd, so odd... Except mods are not available for consoles and the game was pretty much more broken on the consoles than at any state during the PC time WITH most mods. Can't blame mods in this case. Not error free, playable. I don't mind [much] about them asking people for money for Eye-Candy DLC such as parts design improvements (although modders have made a more complete job with parts redesign/revamp in PC already with less problems...), better textures, etc. What I do mind a lot is them charging for SUPER basic features - such as, again, just more launch sites from Kerbin. These basic gameplay focused features that one would expect from the Core game being added through DLCs is simply a joke. In an idealistic situation where we could install mods compatible with KSP 1.0 on consoles I could have many more launch sites around Kerbin for free because a modder went further than the developers here - adding twice something that the developers took so long to add, costless. I much rather they chose to stay afloat by properly working at essential parts of the game instead of employing a money grabbing strategy for super basic features because they decided to give minimal care for the console version of the game for whole 3 years in the past. Again, it's not a car, why is this analogy even here to start with? Also, if we must talk about cars, you do know that if a serious problem occurs, car producers are mostly obliged to repay any damage caused due to their fault, right? Now, I'm not asking for money from Squad, but note that there hasn't been any consideration after 3 years of a broken game for players who bought the game when it launched - except some odd stuffed-in and quite unnecessary features such as a PAID moon launch base just to pretend we are given proper care, since, well, it's a lovely EXCLUSIVE feauture! (for the time being at least). So, again, players not having to pay for a fix for their long broken game does seem to make a bit of sense for me - especially in this situation - does it not for you? It only started "working" one year ago (and "fine" is a really heavy word here), with many fixeable and easily noticeable problems still present that squad apparently didn't care so much or did the minimal effort to fix (more on this at the end of the comment again). But you didn't transmit science; had you done so, your whole game would have been broken, forbidding Kerbals of going EVA ever again due to a long reported ladder bug that apparently has only been half-fixed of yet. In turn, this forbids me from playing immersively with a Hard settings that requires lots of science transmission and minimal use of Kerbals in dangerous situations - because, no Kerbal Respawn. I haven't been able to properly play the game as of yet, with my latest save breaking one more time due to this same bug after many hours of gameplay. If you're fine with it, great. I'm honestly not, and any serious developers would have this fixed a lot sooner (but pretty much every other serious developer wouldn't have left their players in the dark after a whole year just as well). Now for some examples of their amazing care for our platform: (April 17, 2018). I detailed the whole problem with the trim system they created (and apparently didn't test) for the xbox version + many ways to fix it. What did the devs do? Did they implement a different system for trimming? Did they manage to separate trim inputs between the 3 axis? Did they make trim dependent on the orange arrow (control surface movement indicator) position instead of the physical analogue stick position so you wouldn't have problems when a re-trim was needed? NO! They went with the laziest possible option and created a "Disable Trim" toggle function in the menu's controls settings, pretty much not fixing the trim system they implemented, but allowing you to disable it completely and not make use of trimming because it doesn't work. So as of yet, you either have a non-functional trimming that messes up with your controls or you don't have a trimming system at all. Who cares about actually making it functional, right? and then posted in the suggestions section again No answer from the devs. No "Max physics delta-time per frame" settings implemented (like I had and used back on my low-end PC to make the game playable). No apparent effort for a fix or a workaround. Even when I'm launching biggers rockets - which start making use of the bigger engines fitted for the X200 series of fuel tanks - for 99% of the launch and ascent my time/perfomance indicator is between the Red and Yellow with FPS down to the 20's. But apparently this is not as important and adding more colors to parts and asking for money. One of the most annoying yet easily fixable (and a lot more easier noticeable) problem present on the consoles - requiring, as a quick workaround, only the use of a different key/button to interact with the Crew Hatch vs interact with any part on the ship - because having to click on that tiny part with the super innacurate cursor controlled by an analogue stick while everything is shaking and at 20 FPS was not hard enough by itself already. The thread received no attention at all. Devs probably never went as far on their tests as trying to launch a rocket and having to click on an science experiment close to the command pod to notice this bug... The lovely action (bugs) groups, which were broken after one of the few 2018 updates. Although my thread was started in March 4th, the bug was reported 7 months ago in the tracker https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/19997 3 upvotes, plus edited 4 months ago, yet it's considered low priority and the %done is 0 (ZERO). Apparently more parts painting types and charging for basic features have a higher priority than a bug like this one (which is still present for a matter of fact)... And then people ask me why I don't just report bugs instead of ranting here. Seems like bug reporting (and in depth suggestion of how to fix some of the problems) is pretty useful, right? What a joke. At least we get to pay for a DLC... Edit: + a bit more on the game problems and where the development focus should be:
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