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The Minmus Derp

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Everything posted by The Minmus Derp

  1. Wait a minute, does that mean that you can shove a kerbal or a smol ship onto the mass driver, and have the mass driver car disappear, leaving you on a suborbital trajectory?
  2. All planets and moons orbit Jool
  3. This seems like an interesting mod! Cant wait for next release
  4. var error = new error(); Thats a funny error
  5. Would it be possible to make a tutorial on how to make parallax configs for other planets? I really want to make End of Kerbol parallax compatible.
  6. OK so I just got 1.9.1 with no other parts mods. Is this suggested?
  7. I don't have OWR. I would like to get it though. Does it work with 1.9.1?
  8. Is this still being worked on? I sure hope so, as this is one of the most beautiful mods I've seen.
  9. I think the Ciro system in GPP_Secondary is a liiiiitle close to the sun. It's like 1/100th the distance to Tersa/Iyo in 3LR, so that seems a bit close.
  10. It also says that I can download GPP Secondary in the OP, but there's no download link. Does it come with the main pack as an optional mod?
  11. So I'm compiling a giant stack of mods for my megagame and I'm wondering if GPP_Secondary still works for 1.9.1
  12. 2355: You find a large Karborundum Torch Drive. you run to the next floor before it fires.
  13. 2374: You climb up and find a small dog on your head. HAHAA
  14. It's... over? sniffle sniffle sniffle SOB NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! can't you, say, add a few more planet packs for more places to go? I have a few suggestions.
  15. 2/10 you're unclear on this. above means outside, right?
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