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Everything posted by kurgut

  1. Yes this was it's used for prop placement in the internals, and it is indeed the correct unity version : )
  2. Thanks, yeah I use it too ! : ) Altough I'm completly unfamiliar with smokescreen/realplume configs, since the engine doesn't produce smoke in space too ^^ Edit : managed to add waterfall smoke config to it : )
  3. Hello, I'm trying to use vapor vent parts in space, for some cinematic, is it possible to make them work in space via config change ? or does that require code change ? Thank you
  4. Today, I've continued building those "big-enough" stations and statio-ports : ) I almost finished the statio-port, first time I tried, well it spawned on the runway without exploding, which had me wondering if the Kraken wasn't on vacations or something... Did you see him lately ? It's inspired by Port Olisar station from Star Citizen That will be put in orbit around Earth, thanks to the best Launch Vehicle ever : the venerable Cheat-Menu mark F-12. : P I also started to build the "space-city" and docking hub, for the Kantive IV spaceship. Now with this, it starts giving a real sense of the scale haha It's ~ 2,000,000 t, and 500 parts, which isn't so bad, but I started the process of part welding to save on performances even more : ) Then, I started to build the refuelling depot, which will sit in the orbit of Jupiter. And it might recall you of something... Can't see it very well here, but this is a poor attempt at recreating the 2 kerbals that wave some red flares to help the spaceship maneuver around.. Cheers !
  5. Today, good news ! The painting company has finished their work on the ranch house ! (This is made out of B9 proc wings, with custom textures applied to conformal decals put on them ^^) I also made this Rooster vane thingy part, and it's a proud blender moment for me haha KSC team also started the consctruction of a new spaceship, Kantive IV.... ... And the Statio-port to go along with it ! (not finished yet ofc, this gets kinda tricky as it's already 1.5 km long, and only half of it is finished. Quite funnily I've hit the limit of the 1 km craft size in SPH, even with hangar extender, forcing me to package the thing in multiple subbassemblies haha) more : Cheers
  6. Thank you, meanwhile I'm moving the whole craft sideways and working were I need to. ^^ I also have a tendinitis to my left finger, caused by scrolling to zoom in/out that far haha
  7. Hi, Is there a way to increase camera limits ? I'm trying to build a "large" station and get limited by this, I can see the settings.txt have this : //NOT IN USE -- Max camera distance. Setting this high may cause the cam to start zoomed far out, so adjust as needed 250 //NOT IN USE -- Max work area 1000 Is this a future feature that might be added ? Thx : )
  8. Well today, I planted some corn (Korn ? : P) in the plain middle of the Kerbin desert, and started the new construction of a ranch house.... The company to paint the walls has delayed again. They say they're used to paint on bricks and wood, not on some weird procedural wings on which the paint doesn't catch. That house sure is the one of a pilot to be made out of wings.. Cheers
  9. Hi, no problem, I my self forgot about it, and made good progress since : ) Thanks a lot for all those details, this will definitely be useful Since then, I've managed to get this model working in KSP (very WIP, still need to make most of the props work...) : Cheers
  10. New PCR IVA PLUS update : 0.9.1 : - Add seat UP/DOWN props for all stations, so the camera can move down from the default position, allowing for better visibility at both the wall screens and stations panels/instruments at the same time. - Various prop alignment fixes / cleanup. Release 0.9.1 - Seat up/down · kurgut/PCRIVAPLUS (github.com) Small video :
  11. and @Bimo1D : Yes I don't think there's much a point adding FreeIVA support for this indeed, since it's just... a chair in the open really. Bimo1D what did you have in mind for freeIVA and this, the ability to move around to go EVA ?
  12. Thank you ! Ooooh how lucky is that !! What a chance you had ! I won't Are you working on some IVA projects these days ? I used mainly warbird props for the B-29, so the easiest to make it available to people would be probably pulling to warbird's C., if not I'd have to do plenty restructuring to make that thing standalone, and I think it better fits in WC, and also have others projects cooking so... Tell me what you think about this ! Cheers Edit : Of course, the B-29 cockpit could be modified too, giving you have Doc's pics haha. Oh, and I started creating a custom Bell XS-1 yoke, based on the original, but my blender skills are small, but slowly growing, didn't have enough time to put it in the video, but I'd like to tackle this when I have some time again...!
  13. Well Mechjeb is kinda complementary and different, he has standard/commonly used "create maneuver node" options, where here you have all the freedom of a manually plotted maneuver node. But yeah ! You can do everything with the planner
  14. Congrats on the release ! Loving all the new improvements you made (without speaking of all the fixes )
  15. Ep. 5 - Fly me to the Mun After the excitement provoked by the first unmanned landing, sparks started in engineer brains back at the KSC, this added with the pressure from the press, and 1 month later, tada, Doksov-1 is on the pad, ready for the first Kerbal-ed Mun landing ! Scientists insisted that crucial parts such as manned rendez-vous or reentry from the Mun should be done first for safety, or even testing the new launch vehicle, Saucisson-01... But Jeb insisted as usual, saying "just give me a big abort button I can smash if somehting goes wrong", and voilà. Jeb and Bill are assigned to this historic flight, tho Bill is a bit unhappy about that, he might even try to....
  16. Today, I started working on this collaborative project, which is an IVA for the mk1 pod (and BDB one) to replicate the mercury command pod interior in KSP ! (still WIP obviously, most of the props are textures only, and don't work ingame yet). We got some props working, as well as the periscope ! Also notice something interesting : Mercury didn't have a navball ! It had 3 displays at the top, for pitch, yaw, and roll. Yes, it's confusing to look at... so pilots manifested their urge to have something more natural to look at, and the navball (FDAI, "8-ball") was born, first flew on Gemini ! I aslo continued my IVA-only career, and did my first kerbal-ed Mun landing, in a gemini-alternate-ish style (don't know how to call this thing ) : Cheers
  17. I downgraded Persistent rotation, not mechjeb ! just to the previous version.
  18. Hi, I've got this issue where my log is filled constantly with : [LOG 10:16:17.747] [PR] MechJeb wrapper.Active 1, , I believe this is Persistent Rotation ? (sorry if it's not ) When In low orbit around the Mun, upon engaging timewarp, my vessel teleports to a random location in the orbit, which... isn't convenient let's say...^^ I noticed some commits about Mechjeb (which I have installed) in latest release , so I downgraded to the previous version, and the issue is apparently gone. Here's the log, sorry it's a big modded install, but I can try reproducing this with less mods If you need me to : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m3qai07xlloov2xltd2po/KSP.zip?rlkey=3fymtibd71iicytsapw33v6nj&dl=0 Note that I have PRE here, but the issue occured without it too. ( I wanted to issue on github, but apparently forked repo don't allow it...) Thank you, and have a good day !
  19. Today, I continued refining the new KV2 IVA (added custom manufacturer flags , and bunch of fixes) : I then tested the whole Doksov-1 assembly in a simlulation (first Mun landing in IVA only career), seems good sa far, I was just a bit short on delta v for the ascent stage : (IVA landing went very well, except the lander almost tumbling over because I landed on a 12° slope... ) More details : And then I accompanied Jeb, going for a hike in Kerbin Northern mountains for his vacations, he wanted me to take some photos of him once arrived at the summit : Mooore : Cheers
  20. This is the default map view (Orbit page), that is found on Alcor MFD, but here applied to a CRT prop model instead. You have this in most IVA packs out there (De_IVA extensions, Raster Prop Monitor IVAs, KSA IVA Upgrades, etc).
  21. Today, I dedicated some time making a new IVA for the KV2 command pod (still WIP), as I will be using it in my IVA career for the first Kerbalized mun landing. I'm still early in the tech tree, so it comes in a low tech analog flavor. Altough we have some new instruments, like a CRT that wasn't used on spacecrafts yet ! I also messed around with KOS a bit (I had previously, but really a tad), and I forgot how it's rewarding ! I didn't do much at all, just a little UI that displays the next SOI's inclination and infos, (since I can't have those in IVA, so it's really convenient), as well as a little "situation info" screen, for now. Cheers! : )
  22. We know kerbals have multiple lives, so you just probably ended all their quota in one single second ^^ Me too hehe... and I love your videos too btw Yeah, although I gotta admit another part of my brain secretly wishes this thing would have flown to see how it looks haha Oh, and there was even a craziest idea from those brilliant Nasa engineers, yeah ^^ -> the MOOSE ("Man Out Of Space Easiest", then changed to a more professional "Manned Orbital Operations Safety Equipment"). MOOSE - Wikipedia
  23. I had fun around with the ASET ext command seat IVA, doing a Kerbal version of the LESS (Lunar Escape Systems)... A wild Nasa proposal to say the least, as you may know ^^ What we like : An astronaut in his space suit, strapped to a fuel tank, an engine (possible without RCS, and without gimbal, you control your attitude with your own weight only, while moving around (YES! )), no fancy speed or altimeter displays, you navigate with a clock and visual landmarks of the Moon, and you've got only 4 hours to rendez-vous with the CSM, because otherwize you'll run out of oxygen. Is this Kerbal enough ? Cheers
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