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Everything posted by ballisticfox0

  1. Ah it’s been… a while. If you haven’t noticed yet I’ve been doing literally anything other than develop this mod, and for what I’d like to think is a fairly good reason; we simply don’t have enough good data, and the data we do have is a bit borked at best. I’ve tried the best that I can, it’s just that it’s a time consuming, menial labor and you can only put yourself through so much of that before you start to question if you’re still having fun. But… that being said, I have new motivation after joining the KSRSS team and I am planning on releasing Saturn’s moons, just in two parts: The first part will contain Mimas, Enceladus, Iapetus and Rhea while the second part will contain Tethys, Dione and Titan. I’ve made some serious progress on Iapetus and Enceladus and I have a texture already set up for Rhea I’ll try to keep this thread updated a bit more than I have been, so expect Enceladus screenshots later today. And thanks to everyone who stuck it out till now (looking at you @track).
  2. Ah That was one of the configs that I had planned on releasing before the new scatterer update came in with the new tonemapper and made everything look oversaturated. Thanks for asking again though, I’ll upload them to the github in a few hours.
  3. Thanks! If you want my TUFX here's the repo link https://github.com/ballisticfox/FoxProfiles-TUFX. I do indeed use RSS, and annoyingly, even with SMURFF the parts are a bit under-powered so I use infinite fuel quite a bit . I honestly have not touched the EVA Footprints, I just use PRVE and the latest version of KopEx. Thanks again! It's probably the most realistic screenshot I've taken so far! I actually try not to, the only thing I really do is crop the image and add a bit of film grain, on screenshots I really like I'll do a little bit of color and exposure touch-ups but that's about it. (The software I use is DarkTable, as it's free and gimp isn't really the best for image touch-ups) If you still feel like your install is missing something mine has feel free to shoot me a dm and we can try to work it out.
  4. @Rodgerfixed it up quite a bit, I haven't noticed any texture issues so far, just make sure you clone the repo instead of downloading the release.
  5. I think I'm going to do Mercury, LM, and the Apollo SM before I try to release this. May end up in Bella_TU, may end up as a standalone, may even end up in normal BDB or the Extras.
  6. You can also compile it yourself (don't try to compile blackrack's new clouds, it's been confirmed by him that he's left stuff out of the github on purpose to avoid people complaining about bugs he already knows about)
  7. Both of these questions sadly have the same answers, this game wasn’t designed with interstellar in mind. The contract system goes by a rather finicky weight system which is hard to get right and most of the time just doesn’t work at all. As for the encounters there’s not much we can do to stop it, it’s on the game, not GU.
  8. Could you be more specific on what’s exactly’s not working?
  9. Hmm, maybe try changing Rhode's initialRotation? https://kopernicus.github.io/wiki/main/Properties.html
  10. It's strongly recommended for any ksp install that you have 8gb of RAM to run KSP, but if you have less you may be able to run with less since GU is modular. If you're truly determined to get all of GU running or something crazy like that, join the GU discord as there's an experimental mod in testing at the moment that can drop KSP's RAM usage to as low as 128mb (yeah you heard me right).
  11. Just a friendly reminder that the KSP 2 team doesn't have to give us any news.
  12. About the scatterer thing, that’s due to broken configs, not scatterer itself
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