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Everything posted by ballisticfox0

  1. So all the stars orbit very, very, slowly around the sun. So for all intensive purposes the SOI acts like you are in the SOI of a planet just that the SOI is really big.
  2. yup those are all in game and in the current release just with a grayscale filter All are in the Kespilon Kirilani first pic is blud or cyll around Ael (hard to tell as there colors really separate them as they are both icy dust balls with deep canyons) second is Aio, a lava moon, that is around Thythe third is Fen? around tias (I can tell by the ring gap) a bright gas giant that has a very unique color. The little dot in the background is tritae
  3. There is land on the dark side. There are a lot of heat issues so bring lots of radiators.
  4. Hello, I'm very interested in this mod and what it will mean log term for the KSP modding community, specifically the planet modding/Kopernicus community. I was wondering if you are planning to have multi-planet support (different models for Eve, Duna, Laythe, etc) and/or custom planet support with easy to add models for modded planets in the future. This could really diversify planets. Also do you have any experience in ROCKE-3D? If so can you help me create some models for a couple planets from the Galaxies Unbound mod?
  5. Please edit this message. Remove the dl link. The release was taken down intentionally because a couple bugs snuck through the review process.
  6. AVP is incompatible Extrasolar is known to break sunflares. This probably caused your issue
  7. then simply don't do the contract. Though seriously there are no good ways to stop the game from giving you exploration contracts to other stars in the early game
  8. Like with hemeac said GU is not compatible with other visual configs (AVP, Spectra, etc). GU provides it's own visuals for the stock system https://imgur.com/a/h1Zl8u5
  9. The unknown objects are kopernicus asteroids not planets. A lot of stars don't have planets because they are ambient objects
  10. When I reload a save all the planets become discovered and the observatory and telescopes don't work
  11. 1. does your other mod tilt'em work with LMP 2. do planet packs work with LMP
  12. Will this be updated to 1.9.1 or 1.10 using Kopernicus continued https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/194936-191-kopernicus-continued/ Also are there any plans for adding any new stars Great mod (planets and graphics) keep up the good work
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