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  1. Trapped in the Sky! Disaster! The luxury SSTO space-liner Fireflash finds itself trapped in low kerbin orbit, unable to use it's landing gear without activating a bomb stowed aboard by the dastardly Hood Kerman. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to design and prove the most creative way you can think of to bring the 18 crew and passengers of the Fireflash back down to kerbin safely. Rules: 1: don't use the Fireflash's landing gear to land. 2: don't just ditch it in the ocean, while technically the most practical solution to the problem it is also the most boring. 3: don't just send shuttles up into LKO to dock and collect the passengers, again not a whole lot interesting. 4: do pretty much anything else that you need to do. want to use modded parts? go ahead! 5: success is nobody crashing into the planet and dying. The Ship: The Fireflash Prototype, a Hackenbacker Class Single-Stage to Orbit luxury Space-liner with a crew of 2 and 16 VIP passengers. Current Situation: in Low Kerbin Orbit with more enough oxidizer to deorbit and plenty liquid fuel for low altitude manoeuvring/powered glide on final approach. Action Groups: 1: toggle rapier engines 2: toggle engine mode (currently closed cycle) 3: open/close orbital components (solars, antenna) 4: deploy emergency radial drogue chutes 5: toggle in-line radiators between passive and active (currently active, can and should be indefinitely sustained with RTGs) Tips on landing the Fireflash: The Fireflash while able to glide will drop too fast to make an unpowered landing, or at least requires maintaining power till just before touchdown. it can survive high physics warp and is mostly stable both in and out of atmosphere as well as being easy to manoeuvre at subsonic speeds. when re-entering be careful as the front section has a habit of burning up, though losing it does not fatally detract from the stability of the craft. The Fireflash has a relatively short stopping distance with just the air/breaks compared to the length of the ksc runway. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3bAkbqjp8mGY1lsdGRPR3dmRXc contains a savefile with the Fireflash in orbit, there is also the Fireflash's craft accessible from the SPH list as a "Hackenbacker Spaceliner" in case you need a reference vessel to mess around with. Good luck.
  2. The Extrasolar Discovery Challenge Largely inspired by the Planet Nine Probe Challenge, the challenge is (sorta) simple: select a planet pack that adds a new solar system that must be one of the following: Larinax Solar System (in my signature, this is not an attempt to get more downloads ) (LSS) Galactic Neighborhood and supported planet packs (GN-stock for stars without planet packs, GN-S uses stars with planet packs) Other Worlds (OW) Keridani Solar System (KSSy) Any others please notify me! And complete a challenge below. The code next to the names of the packs will determine which are suitable for them. Everything but Hyperedit and Alt-F12 allowed. The challenges: The Flyby (LSS GN-stock GN-S OW KSSy) Simple: pick a star and flyby it! Probes. Easy: pick a star and flyby it with a manned ship. Must return to SOI of Kerbol. Medium: Flyby the star with a life support mod. A base mod edit is allowed for recreation of supplies. Must return to SOI of Kerbol. No Warp drive. Hard: Flyby the star with: A: A manned mothership that either flybies with a closest approach that is either inside the furthest planet ( or within the SOI of one of the stars in GN-stock) - MUST return to Kerbin SOI and orbit. No warp drive. Life support mod. B: A probe that does the same above with Remote Tech Extra Hard: Flyby the star and a planet (or both stars) and return to Kerbin. No warp drive. The orbiter (LSS GN-stock GN-S OW KSSy) Simple: Orbit the star at any altitude. Probes. Easy: Orbit the star at any altitude with a ship that is manned. Medium: Orbit the star at any altitude with a LS mod. Must be manned and have no warp drive. Hard: Orbit the star with a mothership with LS and a semi-major axis below that of an orbiting planet. GN should be inside the SOI of a star. Must return to Kerbin and must have RT installed. No warp drive. Extra Hard: Orbit the star and flyby a planet using the rules of Hard. The networker (LSS GN-S OW KSSy) Create a Remote Tech network that covers the system. May have a central control booth. The explorer (OW KSSy GN-S) Explore all of the planets in the system. LSS not allowed. The Discovery (LSS GN-S KSSy OW) Get all the science from a planet and its moons. The colonizer (LSS GN-stock GN-S KSSy OW) Do the Jool 500! Except colonize the star system with 500 Kerbals. You are rated by the following format: LEVEL-LEVEL-BOOL-BOOL-BOOL-BOOL The order is the same as the challenge order, listing the challenge level within the first two and and Yes/No with the other four. Have fun!
  3. The is the mission report of Jeb's trip to Mun, Duna, Minmus and finally a return to Kerbin for the One with Everything challenge. A total of 54 parts (all unique of course, per the challenge rules) took Jeb on a trip to these bodies. Now the pics. Album OPYyQ will appear when post is submitted
  4. I set myself to the challenge of making the smallest space shuttle possible in KSP still capable of reaching orbit. This was the result. It still managed to get into orbit with 900-1000 extra delta V, so apparently, it's STILL not as small as it could be. Anyway, this is the full flight of the vehicle. Enjoy. I'll probably be attempting more "tiny space program" missions in the near future.
  5. The KSP 1.1/1.0.5 Benchmark Challenge! Do you think that you have a powerful PC and you think KSP is running very fast on your PC!…LET’S RUN A BENCHMARK AND SEE WHO WINS! Rules and Prerequisites Full HD resolution 1920x1080 Graphics Settings maxed out as shown below: FRAPS tool to measure AVG fps and store them. Benchmark Before you run the test, remove/recover any vessels from KSC, or begin a new game for the benchmark. · Test 1 (GPU intensive): Load Runway with Stratolauncher for 1.0.5 or Stratolauncher for 1.1. As soon as is finished load, press F11 to run the FRAPS Benchmark. Wait for 60 seconds until the FPS shows again. Note: Don’t touch anything! · Test 2 (CPU intensive): Load Runway with Stearwing Heavy Transport for 1.0.5 or Stearwing Heavy Transport for 1.1 go to Launch Pad and load it. As soon as is finished load, press F11 to run the FRAPS Benchmark. Wait for 60 seconds until the FPS shows again. Note: Don’t touch anything! · Score calculation: Open the C:\Fraps\Benchmarks\FRAPSLOG.txt file and you will see something like: 016-04-04 20:52:50 - KSP_x64 Frames: 6792 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 113.200 - Min: 107 - Max: 118 2016-04-04 21:16:50 - KSP_x64 Frames: 926 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 15.433 - Min: 11 - Max: 16 Your score will be AvgTest1 + AvgTest2*6. I have decided to go with this formula because I think KSP is more CPU intensive so Test 2 should contribute more to the final score. Valid score submits · Specify your PC specs: CPU, GPU/s, etc. · Specify KSP version, OS, x64 or x86, DX11/DX9/OpenGl · Score calculated = AvgTest1 + AvgTest2*6. · Copy paste FRAPSLOG.txt
  6. I had an idea for racing small planes in Kerbin. The race is not plane versus plane; however; it is a speed race; who can get the fastest speed? Rules: Must show a screenshot of the top speed. (Put these images in a spoiler tab if you can) Must use either one J-33 Wheesley jet engine or two J-20 Juno jet engines (you can use one J-20 Juno jet engine if you want) This is version 1.05+. Due to aerodynamics changes, any planes tested before this will produce different results. Don't use mods that specifically alter game mechanics or fly the game for you. Informational mods are fine (i.e. Kerbal Engineer). Don't clip tanks, engines, intakes, wings, command pods, or other objects into your craft. Altitude limit is 5,000 meters to prevent really high altitude diving; inclination on the Navball can't exceed -50 degrees down. Don't edit the files to make the engines more powerful - don't use the cheat panel either (basically no cheating). May the speediest craft win! Fastest airspeed 1. 735 m/s - SeaDart - Kanil 2. 715 m/s - Unnamed craft - Sanic 3. 697 m/s - Unnamed craft - Kanil 4. 674 m/s - XR-1 - Mudkip775 5. 643.5 m/s - Tails Mk.2 - Alphasus 6. 600.7 m/s - Pell-Mell - littlebuddy0 7. 580 m/s - The Orkney Blast - HamnavoePer 8. 573 m/s - Unnamed craft - Friethjoph 9. 380 m/s - K-G23A - MacGamer04 10. 333.8 m/s - G3032 - AeroArchonite_ 11. 274 m/s - Hexaglider 2 - AeroArchonite_ 12. - 13. - 14. - 15. - 16. - 17. - 18. - 19. - 20. - Smallest Plane 1. 5 Parts - Hexaglider 2 - AeroArchonite_ 2. 6 Parts - Unnamed craft - Kanil 3. 8 Parts - XR-1 - Mudkip775 TIE 4. 9 Parts - SeaDart - Kanil TIE 4. 9 Parts - Unnamed craft - Friethjoph 6. 12 Parts - Unnamed craft - Sanic 7. 13 Parts - Tails Mk.2 - Alphasus 8. 15 Parts - K-G23A - MacGamer04 TIE 9. 18 Parts - Pell-Mell - littlebuddy0 TIE 9. 18 Parts - The Orkney Blast - HamnavoePer 10. 21 Parts - G3032 - AeroArchonite_ 11. - 12. - 13. - 14. - 15. - 16. - 17. - 18. - 19. - 20. - And yes, this challenge is based off of the Red Bull races, though since KSP doesn't have propeller plane engines, I substituted jet engines. My plane is the G3032, click the spoiler below for more details: NOTE: This is partially out of date. My second entry is on the second page. Here's my entry to the race: The G3032. Pretty small, uses one Wheesley jet engine. Here's the official signature banner for the thread:
  7. This challenge is really simple. You can use any 10 parts that are NOT a type of fuselage. You may use solid fuel boosters or external fuel tanks, but remember: you have a limit of 10 parts. You must be able to fly all the way to Duna and back . If you decide to upload a video of you doing the challenge, please put the following in the description: Challenge by *GGKSPMC* (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtLy17F1L83z3oqtcGWML4g) forum thread at (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134860-no-fuselage-challenge/) Badge ONLY PUT ON YOUR SIGNATURE AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE!!!:
  8. Here is something to consider. How about trying to get to Mun or Minmus, without achieving orbit. The Challenge is... to get to the mun or minmus without orbiting. This means that you can not have ny stable orbits. You cant orbit kerbin or mun or minmus. It must all be sub orbital Normal Mode: Just get there Hard mode: Get back Very Hard Mode: Impress me You need proof via video or pics. No hyperedit of alt+f12 . It must be stock and mechjeb is allowed. If there are any other mods that you think would be fair please tell me about it and i will consider adding it. Have fun and good luck
  9. We have probably all built a mother ship before but have you ever sent one up whole? Challenge Easy Launch a mother ship up with at least 32 crew capacity. Launch the ship in one piece. No mods (except hanger extenders). Escape pods for all crew. All science equipment. No refueling. Ship alone has to be over 30 tons. Medium Launch a mother ship up with at least 64 crew capacity. Launch the ship in one piece. No mods (except hanger extenders). Escape pods for all crew. All science equipment. No refueling. Ship alone has to be over 60 tons. Only liquid fuel and oxidizer for launch. Hard Launch a mother ship up with at least 100 crew capacity. Launch the ship in one piece. No mods (except hanger extenders). Escape pods for all crew. All science equipment. No refueling. Ship alone has to be over 90 tons. Only solid fuel for launch. Good Luck!
  10. Top 4 winners will be featured in my next video, and subsequently raced against each other. Will be linked here in case you wanna see it [Reserved for video] Challenge will last until Monday (3/28) Recommended Mods: Kerbal Foundries TweakScale Required Mod(s): BahamutoD's Burn Together Buffalo MSEV {Reserved for the leaderboard] Submissions will be judged by: Rules:
  11. If you have done much plane building you will know that planes usually have 5 sets of control surfaces: 2 sets of ailerons, 2 elevators/canards and 1 rudder. It is possible to combine the elevators and ailerons into elevons, and so use 3 sets of control surfaces (2 elevons and 1 rudder). Your challenge today is to reduce that further. The challenge Design and fly a plane from the KSC runway to the island runway with as few control surfaces as possible. End your flight on the runway of the island and show the flight time. In addition to few control you must also not use gimbaling, RCS or reaction wheels as this would make the challenge far too easy (and not nearly explodey enough). Post pictures of the flight and landing. The challenge is split into 3 levels: Who needs yaw control anyway? level - using just 2 control surfaces Who's steering this thing? level - using only 1 control surface Asymmetric thrust master! level - using 0 control surfaces The winner of each section is the pilot with the fastest time. The rules You must have 0, 1 or 2 control surfaces on your plane (or vehicle - I assume that you will build a plane, but any other type is fine) Planes can be manned or automated You must actually fly - no driving to the water and then sailing there! Although you can taxi around You may include components that contain reaction wheels, but you must disable them (post a pic of them disabled) You may also include components that have gimbal, but again you must disable them (and post a pic) No cheaty cheating! (e.g. hyperedit, etc...) You must start off flying directly East (i.e. no pointing your plane directly the island and trying to get the right ballistic trajectory) Your plane must arrive in one piece Mods Infernal robotics + regular wings = control surfaces, so I am going to ban IR. No mods that change aerodynamics - let's keep this a level playing field No mods that add wing parts If mechjeb can fly your plane then well done to you - so go ahead I might disallow some more mods if they look too cheaty Who needs yaw control anyway? leader board Who's steering this things? leader board @ineon - 3:22 Asymmetric thrust master! leaderboard @funk - 3:10 @zolotiyeruki - 17:04 Notable mention to @Nich - first to get close to the the island runway without any control surfaces. My try Here is my submission demonstrating that it is actually possible. I am doing the Who's steering this thing? level with a single control surface on the tail providing some pitch. Roll is achieved by moving ore between 2 tanks on the wings. Time 3 minutes 22 seconds.
  12. I Challenge all the KSP Community to launch a whole satellite (and a big one) including science labs and docking ports in just one launch !. More Harder: Make it look like ISS, as big as ISS also ! Im not trying to force you guys, just for the guys that can actually do it. Good luck ! P.S. Just do it for fun, this is not a competition ;)
  13. So I was scrolling through the challenges section to see what might make a decent video and I came upon this. I would like to know what you think of my trip and how I could improve it.
  14. That is (basically) a hard mode completion. If you give me the last bit of drama.
  15. Challenge: Build a rover that fits inside a 2.5m cargo bay. Impetus: In Scott Manley's Career Mode Tutorial Part 22 he builds a rover and mounts it into a 2.5m cargo bay; see 10 minute mark). Seems like a reliable and intelligent way to get it from here to there. Goal: Design a small one-size-fits-all rover inside a cargo bay (for easy subassembly) with the best balance of mass, power, reliability, durability, science, and part count. Motivation: It sure would be nice to have a rover subassembly ready to attach to the rocket you're building. If we could get the mass and part count low enough we could even add multiple rovers to the same rocket or lander. Rules: 1. Use stock parts. 2. Parts may clip, but must still be visible/clickable. 3. Post a picture of your rover. Consider posting the craft file as well, especially if you think you've come up with something exceptional. 4. Explain your risk mitigation strategies for broken wheels, overturned craft, etc. 5. OPTIONAL: Score your craft (honor system) as below and post the score. Scoring: low part count (includes cargo bay lander): 1 point for every part less than 24. example: if your total part count is 20 then your score is 24-20=4 points. part count includes the can you delivered it in, and also whatever part was used to dock it to th light mass (can carry more than one to a planet): 1 point for every 0.1kg less than 3kg science gear: 10 for science jr (max 1); 5 for goo (max 1); 3 for each other science detector type durability: 10 points: Can you fix a broken wheel? Can you right the craft if it overturns? crew: 5 points if it can carry a Kerbal capable: 5 points: can your craft handle steep hill climb and steep descent? speed on flat ground: 5 points: average speed 10m/s-20m/s. 8 points: avg speed 20-30m/s. 10 points: avg speed >30m/s (without sustaining injury from terrain or unanticipated airborned events): self-sustaining: 10 points. can it power itself without fuel? typ. solar power and electric wheels. returnable to orbit: 16 points. Can it return to orbit with onboard rockets? Also counts if the can you delivered it in has enough fuel and engines to return the rover to orbit, and the rover is able to get back inside the can or otherwise mount back onto it somehow. Badge for badgers: Final thoughts: I could use some suggestions on the scoring. The goal is to create lightweight rover designs that maximize reliable science collection. Below is Scott Manley's example from the video I mentioned above:
  16. Hi everyone My math students had to try to use the free DEMO of the game to make it to the Mun and do a soft landing. they couldn't do it and said it was impossible so I made this video to prove to them that it was. So now I'd like to see someone try to return from the Mun and land safely. See if you can
  17. KSP 1.0.5 Ever good at building airplane / rocket ? How about balancing it for a change The challenge : The goal is to pitch to max of 10 degree and stay stable for more then 10 Second without falling below 0 degree In other words you cannot use SAS or mechjeb or any mod that control the craft, ( no triming either ) Look mom, I'm flying with No hands Rating : There's no easy mode for this at it is hard enough already so, To be qualified for the challenge you should last more then 10 second in stable flight and the rating will be based on total weight of your craft Da rulezzz : The challenge is open for all mods and all cheats, Feel free to do it in anyway you want Here's my example and try : Skylon M Please submit a video or screenshots on this thread to enter the challenge Check me out here
  18. Hello, fellow kerbonauts! I've posted a challenge recently (Apollo Program Recreation [1.0.5]) and I've been looking at other challenges as well. But others seem to have badges to go with the successful attempts. I want to add a badge myself but I dont know how. It would be great if a KSP professional could possible tell me Thanks!
  19. This is my mission report thread for my Jool-5 challenge attempt. Here's the launch album:
  20. Hi there... Who can build a manned lander that will go to Ike, orbit Ike, land on Ike, plant flag and take surface sample, return and land safely on Kerbin! Rules at launch: - 40 parts or less total. - 12 meter max height. - 31 ton max weight. Would be fun to see your designs!
  21. Feature suggestion: I think it would be a good idea to introduce some sort of online competition with leaderboards for specific challenges. For example: - Take off from Kerbin, get a surface sample from the Mün and get it back to Kerbin with the lowest amount of fuel (fuel in vehicle at launch), or the fastest time, or the cheapest rocket,... - Fly to Gilly and bring back surface samples from all three biomes with the lowest amount of fuel, fastest time, or cheapest rocket - Fly to Eelo, pass at less than 100 km and come back to Kerbin (fastest, cheapest,...) This would lead to lots of competition and possibly new discoveries on how to fly most efficiently. Instead of just taking "enough" fuel, you'd really try to minimize the budget as much as possible and get there and back on vapours, using lots of gravity assists etc. You would need some kind of verification, for example a recording, to catch cheaters. Whenever someone breaks a record, the recording would be sent as well.
  22. I'm sure others have done really silly things with asteroids. I mean, Hazard-ish is years ahead of me in this field. Share your stories and failures!
  23. Hello, i am back again on forums and first thing what i am gona do is create challenge. This is simple one: Move min. 35 payload from start of runway to end without exploding Example (My try) (32 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_4L0vv4oRE Rules 1. No wings or flying (Parachute jump is allowed(check video)) 2. Stock parts and KAX parts only allowed. (and mechjeb) 3. Kerbal inside cockpit. 4. Timer stops when surface speed is under 0.5m/s 3. No hyperedit, infinite fuel or others "cheats". 4. 5. Min. Payload 35T. Payload is dead weight! Electricity, Mono, fuel and reaction wheels must be disabled. 6. You can Do this challenge with or without allowed mods. 7. Video footage/images proof 8. You start on green area and you have to stop at orange area. If you go red area, it is Failure. [Orange area starts] 9. No exploding and everything stick together, Vessel and Cargo. Areas on runway Allowed Mods 1. Mechjeb 2. KAX 3. Just for fun: Visual mods. (Collision FX, Engine lighting, kerbalKrashSystem) Scoreboard 1. Spudrotuskutarsy [15 seconds] 2. SolidJuho [31,5 second] My time is not accuracy, because that time is easy to beat. 3. --------- 4. --------- 5. ---------
  24. For a recent reddit challenge, I pushed the boat out and went to Tylo and back using one a single fuel tank for the entire mission without any mining or refueling! This mission involved 4 major gravity assists and took a HUGE amount of planning to get right. For those that don't know, Tylo is the hardest place to get to and return from in the game, since it is the size of Kerbin with 80% the gravity and no atmosphere (unlike Laythe) which is why I chose it for my challenge! This was th reddit challenge that I entered, keep in mind that 'hard mode' was to land on Eve. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/42foxh/weekly_challenge_week_114_orange_efficiency_ii/ I've spent extra time with this video getting nice camera angles and picking good music to use to make the video more interesting to watch so please check it out! Enjoy!
  25. This thread will be my repository for videos and pictures of my attempt to complete The Apollo Applications Program v1.0 Challenge issued on the forums by GregroxMun. The original thread for the Challenge is quoted below: I will be attempting this challenge as part of my stock career mode game, so all parts will be dependent on the Science and SpaceBucks I earn in my career. I'm calling this 'Project Mun', and all resources available in my current save will go towards the completion of the challenge. This is going to be very slow going, my current schedule only allows me to play KSP a few hours a week, and making these videos and screenshots eats into that time somewhat. If you're patient and willing to follow along, I would thank you for your time. Don't hesitate to ask questions or make comments. I welcome any and all feedback! Signing off, Chris Maillet Project Mun is hereby cancelled, due to saved game issues. Current Score = 100 Stock. +20 (Use only stock parts.) Launch Escape System. +5 Use fuel cells for power generation only. +10 Lander stored behind a fairing. +10 Saturn Five uses 5 engines on the first stage, 5 engines on the second stage, and one engine on the third stage. +20 Free-Return Trajectory until in Mun's SOI. +10 Leave Descent Stage on Mun. +5 Include ALSEP Science Package on Apollo 11-18 +5 Include Lunar Subsatellite on Apollo 11-18 +5 Include Lunar Rover on Apollo 11-18 +10 Career Mode Bonus: get as much science as you can in the mission without landing in more than one spot per mission. Step 1 - Current Hardware This section lists all of the hardware I have built and used with a short description. The status of each entry is shown in parenthesis: S-1b Block II (Retired) Analog of the real Saturn 1b which shared one crucial design similarity of which I am inordinately proud. S-5 Block I MLV (Design and Testing) This was the first version of my Saturn 5 analog, and it was so powerful I had to rapidly downsize it. S-5 Block II (Retired) The Block II version was the old workhorse of my Apollo Program, it was only retired when new parts were unlocked. S-5 Block III (Active) The current version of the S-5 with exactly the same performance as the Block II but with far fewer parts. CSM Mark 3 The third and final version of my Command Service Module, gradual improvements have been made over it's lifetime. MLM Mark 3 My Munar Landing Module has steadily increased it's capabilities while becoming more compact. Munar Rover Mark II I've never seen someone build a Fuel Cell powered Rover, until now anyway. MLMSEP Radially detachable Fuel Cell powered Science Package mounted on the MLM. Makes a good counterbalance to the Rover. SkyLab Space Station My latest piece of hardware, with inspiration drawn from the real SkyLab, including using the dimensions and weight of the S-5's Third Stage. Step 2 - Apollo Lunar Program Schedule (Complete) This section lists all of the missions undertaken during Project Mun. Mission Status is shown in parenthesis, and any qualifying statements are made in brackets. There are 25 mission numbers for Project Mun, that should be enough to eventually complete all of the Challenge objectives I care to. Project Mun Testing and Evaluation Series: PM 1 - CSM LKO Flight Test S-1b (Complete) [Disqualified] [PM-1's Mission Goal was completed on the PM - 3 Flight. That's what happens when I don't read the rules.] PM 2 - MLM LKO Flight Test S-1b (Complete) PM 3 - CSM MLM Rendezvous and Docking Test S-1b (Complete) PM 4 - UnKerbaled Flight Test LKO S-5 (Cancelled) [During the design and testing phase of the S-5 it was discovered to have more performance than expected. The proposed flight tests were cancelled in the face of this new information.] PM 5 - Kerbaled Flight Test LKO S-5 (Complete) PM 6 - Munar Insertion and Orbit Test S-5 (Complete) PM 7 - Munar Landing Rehearsal and Review S-5 (Complete) Project Mun Munar Landing and Development Series: "Normal Apollo Program" PM 8 - Munar Landing East Crater S-5 (Complete) PM 9 - Munar Landing Northwest Crater S-5 (Complete) PM 10 - Munar Landing Midlands S-5 (Complete) PM 11 - Munar Landing Highlands S-5 (Complete) PM 12 - Munar Landing Twin Craters S-5 (Complete) Step 3 - Apollo Applications Program Schedule (In Progress) The remaining series of missions will work to complete the Apollo Applications Program, which is the main focus of the Challenge for me. PM 19 A - SkyLab (Deployed) PM 19 B - SkyLab Crew Transfer (Complete) [These three Munar Landings are Scheduled to fulfill Career Contracts.] PM 13 - Munar Landing Contract (Complete) PM 14 - Munar Landing Contract (Cancelled) PM 15 - Munar Landing Contract (Cancelled) [These Minmus Missions are now Scheduled.] PM 16 - Minmus Landing Greater Flats (Cancelled) PM 17 - Minmus Landing Lesser Flats (Cancelled) PM 18 - Minmus Landing Contract (Cancelled) [These Mission numbers are being held open for future use, and potential new projects.] PM 20 - Mun Mobile Laboratory (Cancelled) PM 21 - Mun Mining Base (Cancelled) PM 22 - Duna Flyby (Cancelled) PM 23 - Duna Transfer and Orbit (Cancelled) PM 24 - Duna and Ike Landing and Return (Cancelled) PM 25 - Eve Flyby (Cancelled) Step 4 - Super Manley Kerbonaut Mode Duna Landing and Return (Cancelled)
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