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  1. I'm not sure If anyone else has this problem, but can you inflate the inflatable habitation modules (with USI) during flight? The button seems just to be not there. I wanted to get a habitation ring in orbit for my journey to Duna, but I cant extend it mid flight (space). Thank You!
  2. Hi everyone, Since about a month or two ago i have some problems with KSP, and perhaps one or two other games. The problem is there are some strange graphical glitches on the screen, like strange lines. I have a video showing the problem in the link on the bottom of my post. Strange this is, i've tried recording it using AMD ReLive to post the problem here (ReLive is the screen recorder built in to the AMD Radeon control panel) but the problem magically went away while recording. It didn't just disappear from the recording, the glitches actually stopped happening. Until i stopped the recording, and the glitches immediately returned. Now the only other game i've seen this problem occurring with is RuneScape (yeah i know) using their 'new' desktop launcher. But i don't play a lot of games lately so it might affect some more. My computer specs are as following: GPU: MSI Radeon R9 290 CPU: AMD FX-8350 RAM: 16GB DDR3 OS: Windows 10 Pro Monitors: 2 Iiyama 1080p monitors KSP version: latest Steam version (1.2.2) I hope this is enough information, if you have some idea's and want to know more specs just ask please. And if someone have seen this problem before and knows of some ways to fix it: please let me know! Video showing the glitching: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OolQxllg_zzjCkBEikPwoezNMpCuAGTpgw
  3. I have a great number of mods installed. When I complete a recent mission in career mode I suddenly have 2million in funds. I'm having a hard time identifying which MOD is causing this issue. How do I identify through debug menu or output log or some other means where the Funds are being awarded from? Any help is appreciated. I've figured it out. I'm not sure how to delete this now.
  4. There is a glitch happening with Extraplanetary launchpads; Whenever I try to build a craft, the progress bar UI shows up but nothing happens, it remain at zero percent complete and the timer says zero seconds, I just can't build any crafts. The mod worked perfectly fine until the 1.2.2 update. If anyone has the solution, please tell me.
  5. KSP version 1.0.5 doesn't actually pause when the pause key is hit. The timer stops but picks up where it should be after you unpause (timer is 6:20, it'll be 7:20 if you wait a minute to unpause), and the craft just keeps on going but you can't control it! I have the other versions but this is the only version where I have good aerodynamics AND Kerbal Foundries!
  6. I was recently playing kerbal space program and I wanted to see if I could penetrate Jools surface. So I built this and hacked it into a low jool orbit. Then I gave it unbreakable joints, unbreakable parts and ignore max temperature. I then did a retrograde burn and started falling towards the surface. I turned off the sas and let it fall. It was taking a while so I turned physics warp to 4x and waited. Suddenly it spazzed out and I was flying around in empty space. The navball was going crazy. The speed was fluctuating like crazy and was is the quintillions or something and the altitude was spazzing out as well and had the letter P next to it. It did this for a while then it all stopped, the altitude said 0 and the speed said nan. I reverted the flight and when I was on the launchpad again the terrain was this spiky wavelike pattern and it covered all of kerbin. I tried it several times and it happened every time. sometimes all of kerbin was that spiky wavelike pattern, sometimes none of it and sometimes only the water. please help. it crashed once but I don't know how to copy files into here without copying all the text.
  7. I've been working on this huge mobile rover base with the Kethane, Karbonite, and Extraplanetary Launchpads mods and when I spawned it onto the runway, the entire left side was missing, save for a drill which was missing on the other side. I tried to fix it in the SPH to no avail, instead, it wouldn't even let me re-place the parts. I've tried re-installing the game and I'm having the same issues. This didn't happen with the H.U.L.K.K. I, only the H.U.L.K.K. II
  8. This animation glitch has been there since as long as I can remember, is it so hard to fix? From my observation it appears the game is trying to play two animation layers at the same time, one designed for 'flight' and the other for the 'landed' state. For some reason the 'flight' layer is still active when landed. Please, heal our Kerbals! P.S. Is there anyone here from the QA team, was it reported to Squad devs already in the past?
  9. I CANNOT OPEN THE LAUNCHER!!! I came to try to update and got THIS error message: Could..... not preload global game manager #0 i=0 What the F### is going ON?!??!?!? P.S. I am using a modded install. is this making a difference?
  10. The entire ocean has z-fighting and/or gaps and it could give someone a seizure (did I spell that right?). Also, the 1.2 bug tracker isn't up yet - it's still 1.2 pre-release. I'd report it there if I could
  11. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, so I'll just post the image I think it's a B9 Aerospace glitch since the cockpit texture is from B9, but here's my list of mods just in case: http://imgur.com/OejLwlP Edit: Also I've found another glitch where the parachutes are inoperable. They are not in the staging menu and you can't manually deploy them. Edit: My crew portraits also won't pop up.
  12. Hello. So i was playing KSP and desided to load more mods on it. so i downloaded 3 new mods and then, this happened somehow i got 2 textures on my SpaceY 5M fuel tanks. this happened after i loaded these three mods: Cormorant Aeronology NASA CountDown OPT Space Plane Parts This is my Gamedata folder. i hope there is someone better then me who could find a way to fix this problem
  13. Hi there. First time poster so please forgive any formatting errors. Firstly, the game version: Newest Demo at 9 September 2016 I was doing an EVA on the launchpad. I (the Kerbal) fell off the lader and hit the ground. Then, after lying on the ground for a bit, I sank to the ground. Right after I sank, the altimeter went crazy. It first showed 111111, then 222222, ... up to 666666. The abort button and the brakes button stoppd showing. After that, I took a screenshot (here) and the game crashed (crash log: here). Is this a known easter egg or is my computer possessed (completely plausable)?
  14. I have encountered an issue with either LBP or the game itself, when I have a vessel in the water and I exit to space center, or I leave physics load distance, and re-enter, the ship will either spontaneously explode, disintegrate, launch itself hundreds of meters above the water or if i'm lucky, it will only lose all probe cores and cockpits rendering the vessel useless. I have found this to be an issue, not being able to properly set up fleets, or battles, having to build all of the ships I want ahead of time, and then spawning them in one by one with vessel mover, which still the craft has a good chance of not spawning over the water in one piece. I am running the game through KSP_x64.exe. Even when constructing a vanilla water vessel, if i am to leave it, then return, it too will not load properly, and will deconstruct and fly into the air, what is going on?
  15. Ok please help. yes, i know, this glitch is old and is fixed but I'm having problem with it know. i know [ and ] will switch vessel, i know they have to be 2500 km apart, and both moving. can i have a download link to a fix, mod, or the 1.1.3 patcher please. I really want this game to work for me.
  16. sorry for the quality but at the moment I haven't internet on pc... BUT you must see it! Directly from the game, no editing
  17. Had a kerbal clone itself when I tried to board my ship. Couldn't warp or switch to the kerbal, so I shook it off the space craft. Tried to switch to it in the tracking station, and I can't fly or terminate any flights. Is my save ruined?
  18. I have KSP on my MAC, was running fine until i decided to try and right click on my command module, i then realised that i couldn't select any ship parts. For example, i cant select solar panels to extend them or light to turn them on, the only thing i can select is the crew hatch. Please help! love the game and played it when it was in early access and loved it! Thanks!
  19. Hello! I have some problems with the graphic. Many important things like rocket stages, fuel display, Flight Results and other things are not really displayed. I'm playing on my ASUS Laptop with 6GB RAM and 4 x 2,4GHz CPU and on Ubuntu GNOME 16.04. I'm have KSP from Steam and it has no addons, mods, texture packs or other things. I'm found not a button to post pictures and thats why i writed fast a small HTML website and putted the pictures on my own server here:
  20. This one was weird, I was doing the round of my bases and spaceships, transmit and restock science labs and checking status. On Munbase Beta I refueled I science rover while uploading science, tabbing from kerbal on eva to base I passed an life support tank who was left after a bit hard landing. This had clipped trough the ground and was falling down towards Mun center. Falling Falling faster, negative attitude now. Starting to get fast Looks like I got close to the singularity, insane acceleration, next I know I was out of the moon going fast. KSP has the tank registered as landed and moving over surface so I had to revert. After this I let it fall and it disappeared.
  21. Hello, it's me again. I am playing the same playthrough as Scott Manley's "Kerbal Spaceships are Serious Business", and i've downloaded all the mods (i think) but when i start playing, i have way more parts than Scott did have available to start off with (eg many crew cabins and control wheels instead of the two control wheels and one crew cabin that Scott had). also, my runway to start off with is fully upgraded, but it still says level one on it. any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!
  22. I am playing rp-0, but when i first start, i have a lot more parts available to me than what the rp-0 master tree says i should have (if you know what i mean - if not:https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/tree.yml )So yeah... i have more starting parts available than it says i should have. Plz help?
  23. Hi, i have recently downloaded realism overhaul and rp-0 through ckan, and everything has been working smoothly up until now: I haven't been able to launch my first rocket, because whenever I try to launch something, it starts to float up, and when I stage, the rocket continues to float, and the engines have no effect on the rocket. Please Help Me! My output log thingy is down here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/en734l7sllyqzio/output_log.txt?dl=0
  24. So... i decided to go on the launch schedule and make satellites from the schedule but when i created the satellite for my Ariane 5 i went to my Falcon 9 satellite and take a satellite from there but when i went to my Ariane 5 save with my first satellite i created It just said this 0 parts in 8 stages and when i try to open it, it does the normal you can launch it and save it yatayatayata but when i click the launch button it says Craft Size Unknown! so i decided maybe it was just a glitch and i exited the VAB and exited to the main menu and went back into the save and i went back into the VAB and it still said 0 parts i even closed ksp and returned to the VAB it still says this! is there any way i can fix this? also i did use mods on the craft like tweakscale and infernal robotics
  25. Found a strange bug in RO today. My rocket slowly ascends at a speed of 0.2m/s surface speed, even with the engines off. With the engines on, the speed does not change, even with launch clamps attached. Would anybody mind helping me fix this? MODS: https://gyazo.com/9a1b529b58b515d8b58fd8c67ee17507 https://gyazo.com/901424f8a47fbcd19baa405c32954b5b PC SPECS: https://gyazo.com/c36c7b196fb9c2addc24a26bd1b6473c Lenovo Z50-75, Windows 10 Home edition, Manufacturer: Lenovo FLIGHT LOG: https://gyazo.com/b6ce9644c0224fc3f9d05679bc5478ea DEBUG LOG: https://gyazo.com/2593934dc2c2f04a52f4be0a27c31878 https://gyazo.com/e76020d04d9e452f1dd91423ba873a02
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