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  1. Currently a new Sandbox save defaults to having the "apply all upgrades" (unsure if that is the exact wording, sorry) UN-checked. As a result, any mod that decides to use this functionality (and stock, should it ever do so) has the modder bombarded with "why aren't my parts showing up?" comments in their mod thread since this toggle is both counterintuitive (you'd expect everything on in sandbox), and in "advanced settings" where they are less likely to notice it. The tiny change would be to have that check box checked as the default condition. I think it will save a lot of modders support headaches. This is primarily an issue to make modders' lives better, they have enough issues with demanding users without this additional trouble. I don't know who should look at this issue---perhaps @RoverDude or @nightingale?
  2. The Cube Super Sexy Firespitter Edition A box of infinite possibilities! Whatever you need the Cube is your answer. Hulls, cockpits, crew cabins, cargo bays, 6 way Station Hub, an observation deck, hallways, bases........ I have converted The Cube over to Firespitter due to some bugs I have encountered with JSI. This means I had remake the model so I decided to add some curvy bits. This is a new model and will not overwrite the original Cube. The New Cube Requires Firespitter The Original Cube still Requires JSI Part Utilities (Already included in download, the link is for updates) Thanks to the geniuses of Mihara & Snjo for making this mod possible Recommended Mods: Download at Kerbal Stuff The Cube Updated and tested with 1.1 Download at SpaceDock The Cube Please post any issues or questions and feel free to post pics of what you make The Cube license : This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. JSI Part Utilities license : RasterPropMonitor Copyright (C) 2013 by Mihara (Eugene Medvedev) This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, as outlined in the full content of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), version 3, revision date 29 June 2007. Firespitter License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts. For modders re-using the dll directly, you MUST place it in the Firespitter folder in your zip file, so people don't end up with two copies of the dll. The right path is: [KSP_OS]\GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\
  3. I have a modding request, seems like it would be relatively simple, I would create it myself but I have not found any information on how I would go about doing this. The idea is simple, to have an option in the right click menu to simply remove any part from the staging list. Seems like this should already be a stock feature. There are times when you don't necesarilly want a part to stage and want to keep it as an option during flight. For example I may have a radial decoupler with a probe on it, I would at some point in my flight want to decouple this and leave it in orbit somewhere but want to decide that in flight. So I would simply right click on the part in the VAB and click "disable staging" and it would remove it from the staging list. Then I would have to right click and manually decouple the part in flight. Anyone know where I could get information on how to do this myself. I'm no coder but I am a tech guy so if given the information I could potentially do this myself.
  4. SM CHUTE Eva Parachutes for Kerbals NEEDS Kerbal Inventory System UPDATE v0.2.3 RealChute Compatible NOT FAR compatible Adds two styles of EVA parachute, a traditional circular canopy and a more modern wing style canopy Notes these [parachutes are fitted using the magic that is the KIS plugin. as such there are some differences between the function of these parachutes and those fitted to craft and or supplied by other mods. The parachute has to be manually fitted at present, selected from your Kerbals KIS inventory and equipped using the button. The parachutes currently attach to the jet pack position MOST IMPORTANT The parachutes will not auto deploy, (I've no idea why ) So in use you must deploy the chute yourself, once triggered it will go through the semi and fully deployed states just like a normal chute Notes on FAR and RealChute and why these are not compatible As some of you have have taken the time to delve into KSP modding EVA is a tricky thing to play with, KIS does it very well but still has it's limitations. I'm going to have to relate this awkwardly to KIS as it's the only plugin currently that allows manipulation of EVA equipment and functions. While testing and working on BD FPS we'd already come across some issues, if only half the things we dreamed up were possible, but we did try, ah well ne'er mind. Anyway, back to the real issue, why these chutes will not work in FAR when every other mod chute does? Well i tried everything imaginable, every test, every tweak, anything however vague i could think of, and on the way learned some interesting stuff, and then it dawned that I'd missed a 1 vitally important test, that test being, DO these damnable things work if attached to a craft and not a kerbal? With a good deal of ambivalence I have to say that they do! and very well at that. After all I've tried and messed up in process this leaves me only able to draw one conclusion, that being that while these chutes will server very well as probe chutes they will never in their current form be suitable for use by Kerbals Known issues. Parachutes do not self deploy to initial state Parachute boxes can be tricky to select, I have fitted them with a large collider, but the issue remains. I believe it is related to how KIS activates colliders . Happy floating Get it from SpaceDock Or should SpaceDock be suffering a gremlin attack It'sHere I placed this mod here but I really don't know how I could develop it more, it's so simple, and so easy to diy, I don't know why it wasn't done before, forgive me if it was of course. Anyway I'll leave it here for now and see how it goes. HOW TO USE YOUR EVA PARACHUTE FOR BEST RESULTS Hi all yes the button is new, i don't ever expect anyone to bother, you are certainly not obliged in any way, I was asked by several people this week, if there was a donation button in order to show their appreciation, the wife saw the requests, and after a some discussion i have given in and added a donation facility and of course as always it's an ARR license
  5. no one these days are making big part mods i've noticed like the guys who made nova punch,fasa,kw rocketry there awesome. but i'm feeling the errg to make my own big part mod so i don't get board and hopefully no one else will. if i make it it will be for RSS only and mostly contain engines,solar panels. i also see a lack of capsule mods wich is hard for me with limited chooses. ive been playing ksp since 0.20 and i've played a lot of mods and id really like to see a new one. i understand they take a long time but i think we've all played the part mods i menteid and i think its time for a change i may make a mod i may not but only time will tell.
  6. I've only had a very brief look so far at the prerelease of 1.2, but I thought it could be handy to have changes that need modder action in one place. (if this already exists elsewhere, like it did for the 1.1 prerelease, I can't find it) Obviously modules need recompiling, possibly with edits. RCS: The main change (for parts) is that the module is now MODULERCSFX, which has the added "runningEffectName =" which refers to effects defined the usual way. Audio and particle. Dragon RCS here we come. The old ModuleRCS still seems to work fine, but with the old visuals and no noise. I haven't looked at the cfg for wheels, as they seem to work fine without any editing. The only obvious issue I've found so far is all my engines explode when staged. I can use a stock decoupler, or a custom one and it doesn't matter, the engines explode as if collided with. Stock updated engines don't. Nothing appears to have changed in the configs, so I'll take a peek at the mu files later. It may simply be a case of recompiling into Unity 5.Whatever. Or, maybe my engines always should have exploded, but the old KSP never realized. I just haven't looked into this enough yet to know.
  7. Dear KSP Kommunity, i have just published my second release. - the follow mod of 'Rocket Factory' - AIAKOS 1 - Space Launch System < this project is currently on hold > HD Trailer coming soon ! stay cool cheers ! Mod Focus : - a complete Space Launch System for Interplanetary Exploration and Adventures. - Specials : real Rocket Engine & SRB sounds ! sound sources : Ariane V boosters, nasa Delta-v and many more.. mixed, looped and specally provided for KSP Moding requirements. prerequisites : - few parts of Mod 'Rocket Factory' a detailed information about development history can be found here in the development thread.
  8. I came across a couple of weird issues and haven't had much luck finding information online or here. Here's some brief descriptions and screenshots. Level 2 SPH unlocked; unable to use more than 30 parts out of 255: https://1drv.ms/i/s!Aodx_dMaW2-BiHTeuGd0cxJLi3fX 'Landing' science node unlocked; many many iterations of LY-10 retractable landing gear: https://1drv.ms/i/s!Aodx_dMaW2-BiHYvA4ChO93W-In3 ...yet part is not available for use: https://1drv.ms/i/s!Aodx_dMaW2-BiHU17gVf0cMumzfO This of course is in combination with the classic save file issue, which means every time i have a crash (at least once every few hours), i'm reverted back to an earlier point anyway. However, i've reverted back before to this point and at least the 30/255 max parts issue seems to be sticking around. Also, planes are nearly impossible in career mode, but that's been discussed already. Just venting. UPDATE: i just managed to land within a day's walk of a target to do an EVA report on Kerbin, and after walking about an hour (gametime, time warp x4), I FELL THROUGH THE LANDSCAPE into an endless sea below. Come on!!
  9. Mk2 Porkjet Parts Anyone remember these? I feel like they are too nice to not put into the stock game. Integration of Mk2/Mk3 Essentials? So this addon has a bunch of stuff that seem to be missing from the stock game's Mk2 system (and also some Mk3). Since this guy's already done it, why not integrate it? Mk2 mini-lab/materials bay Mk2 shuttles are a really quick'n'cheap way to get some science in orbit and other places. I think that a nicely-fit Mk2 inline science part would be nicely convenient. I was thinking about a mini-lab the size of the crew cabin, but I feel that a Mk2-shaped SC-9001 Science Jr would be much more practical. Mk3 Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 I think that, more than anything else in the Mk3 series, we are in dire need of a Mk3-shaped lab. Don't really have much else to say. Mk3 PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container I love all the Mk3 parts, but a smaller crew cabin would be even better. Maybe a little four-seater (just like the Hitchhiker, but with a Mk3 cabin interior) would be a nice addition to the rather disappointing limitation of "16 Kerbals or nothing." It could even work like a flight-attendant galley for passenger jets if that's what you're making! Are there plans for Mk4 and onwards? So I know there's already a great Mk4 systems mod, but what does that mean for the Stock Game? Mark IV Spaceplane System is already stockalike, so will it be implemented if SQUAD decides to go on from Mk3? What about Mk5? The great stuff from OPT Spaceplane Parts and B9 Aerospace are kinda Mk5-ish... Update 1: "Heavy Duty" Struts and Fuel Lines? On bigger rockets, the rather thin struts and fuel lines look pretty... How do I say this? Flimsy, I think. Some thicker lines with bigger bases might be more appropriate. Larger Landing Legs? Perhaps some large legs for things like Mk3 VTOLs would be nice. More vertical landing struts? Like the LT-05, but bigger and with more variants (i.e. legs that come out of the bottom instead of the side). Update 2: Mk3 Inline Cockpit Just a cockpit that's Mk3 shape on front and back. IVA landings would be pretty hard without RasterPropMonitor but so are any inline cockpit IVA landings. Ski-based landing gear? Would be great for Polar/Minmus/Eeloo landing and takeoff.
  10. I noticed the other day that the mk1 and mk2 parts were the same length and held the same amount of fuel, despite the mk2 parts having a cross-section roughly 50% larger. It seems to me that using the Mk2 parts would contain ~50% more fuel per given length. Does this make sense or have I missed a key game balance. - Garrett
  11. So, I think I'm the first to suggest a feature like this but I think that metal fatigue should be a feature in the game as this will add another layer of complexity to those who think that surving the heat and aero forces isn't enough also this would make the game less about placing struts everywhere. "How would it work?" I hear you cry, well. Let's say you have a reliable SSTO, it's served you well building your new space station, and getting you to eeloo. But one day you forget to do a maintenace check or you don't have the parts to repair let's say the pylon holding your engines to the wings and when reentrering they tair right off and you need to launch a new one. R.I.P SSTO 2Eeloo Mk3. I say that this should be an option as for newer players it might be overwheming. I'd love to see your input on this!
  12. Hi! I finally decided to make a KSP mod: a series of modular hull sections, command pods, engines, and adapters designed to be fit together to make big blocky sci-fi spacecraft. I'm pretty good with computers but need a lot of help with things like How to Use Tweakscale and Which Texture/Mesh Switch Mod to Use and What The Heck Do All These Thermal Values Mean. A wiki and downloads can be found here. Available Parts: Current plan: 7 hull types, 3 standard lengths, mesh switch and fuel switch, cargo bays and science bays and large crewed sections to carry way too many kerbals to the stars. There will also be SAS, RCS, electricity generation and storage, communications, and radiator parts. Each hull type will have an engine mount for multiples of 1.25 and 2.5 engines, and a unique engine of some sort. Unique engines will be powerful, end game type contraptions that will propel your giant space monstrosities to the stars. Most of the hull types will have a unique command pod with IVA etc. Types without command pods will have end caps, and some hull types will have both. Just about everything you could imagine, including stock adapters. Current Timeline: Alpha 1 Done 1 Hull Series (Hex) Command Pod, LFO Tanks, Engine Mount, LFO Cone, Engine Alpha 2 Done +1 Hull Series (2x1) +Crew Modules (with custom science!) +IVA Hatches +SAS Modules +2x1>Hex Adaptors Slightly better models and textures Better engine effects Beta Releases Later +All Hull series +Science modules +IVA for crewed parts +Cargo Bays +RCS parts +Comm parts +Size 2 parts +Radiators Engine heat effects Better engine effects Nice models and textures Mod support (Fuel Switch, TweakScale) Thanks for looking and for any help you can give along the way! License: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
  13. BlackWolf Aerospace eXperimental - ROMBUS Kerbal Space Program Mod by Lupinarius BWA-X - ROMBUS Curse Forge: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/bwa-x-rombus-pack Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/743/BWA-X - ROMBUS GitHub: https://github.com/Lupinarius/BWA-X/releases License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) This is my first Mod for KSP and is still changing, but it is primarily stable and has been tested for playability. This Mod contains the following parts: * three custom pressurized toroidal LFO tanks * two fun "Cube" tanks not associated with the ROMBUS * one large and one small high temperature parachute. * two adapter Service Module tanks, 2.50m to 3.75m and 1.25m to 2.50m * two "Size 3" 36 port Truncated Aerospike engines, one each in LFO and Hydrolox with a 6:1 Fuel/Oxidizer Ratio (See Historical Note Below) * three different length "Size 3" LFO tanks, and three in Hydrolox, with 6:1 Ratio to match the engines * two decoupling, radially attached cryogenic tanks containing a 6:1 LH2/LOx mix by default This Mod requires and includes the following dependencies: Module Manager Website: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 Source Code: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) Community Resource Pack Website: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83007-11-community-resource-pack-050-hydrates-and-gypsum/ Source Code:https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) This Mod recommends the following mods: Crossfeed Enabler (Pre KSP 1.05 Only) Website:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/69286-10-crossfeedenabler-v33-may-11/ Source Code:https://github.com/NathanKell/CrossFeedEnabler/ License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) Modular Fuel Tanks Website:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64117 Source Code:https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) I have created two separate module configuration files for MFT which are located in the Modules subfolder and they are called, "BWAX_modularFuelTanks.cfg" and "BWAX_TankTypes.cfg" Historical Note Background When I first decided to take up modding KSP I found a very interesting, although unfinished tutorial about how to create parts in Blender/Unity. Just like the creator of the video (YouTube handle is TechyBen) I was interested by the unusual shapes of the tanks in the tutorial. I was actually so intrigued by them that I decided that I must find out what spacecraft they were from, and that I must make something like it to share with others in KSP. It took me a while but I did finally find out what proposed space vessel those fascinating tanks belonged to, and have also created the basic parts to make a vehicle similar to it's small first run version. It was the ROMBUS vehicle. THE ROMBUS Phil Bono of Douglas Space and Missiles Company (later McDonnell Douglas), designed the ROMBUS vehicle in the 1960's as part of what would become the Douglas Saturn Application Single Stage To Orbit or SASSTO vehicle concept. This vehicle was designed at the same time as the NEXUS booster and first ORION concepts. It had a much larger military based variant called ITHACUS and the PEGASUS was to be a civilian point to point sub-orbital model. this later spawned the HYPERION which later contributed to the PHOENIX B and it's developments eventually went into the very cool DELTA CLIPPER Project. A PDF about the history of the PHOENIX VTOL SSTO which includes some background about the ROMBUS and the Douglas SASSTO should be available at: http://www.1000planets.com/papers/phoenix-history.pdf FUTURE DEVELOPMENT If you can provide me with advice on any of these, or simply wish to give constructive feedback I am very happy to hear it! 1. Add animated covered parachute hatches to the top of the radial fuel tanks, so they can be used as a habitat when empty, like the original design. 2. Add limited emissive animation to the thrust ports on the engine, while maintaining the heat-shield animation ability. 3. Add texture switching and/or tank switching options via Firespitter or Interstellar Fuel Switch.
  14. Download at: Spacedock · Curseforge Parts some of which are in development which have changed in some aspects which will come soon. Here's a launcher of mine in my career mode, demonstrating the soon to be FX: What does this project do? Remaking vanilla launchers for a modern twist. Parts based on their real life counterparts with KSP theme (stockalike) Changelog Version 1.0 Initial Release Version 2.0 Added mid stage tank - a little bit bigger than the X200-32 Added mid stage engine with 1000 thrust (with alternative fairing texture) Added fairing base (and procedural fairing base) (Texture switchable) Added fairing (and procedural fairing) (Texture switchable) New textures for the upper stage tank and Kerbal X tank Removed smoke on engines Changed engine FX and added new ones Version 3.0 Remodeled most of the parts, removed old parts that are not remodeled yet Current version contains: -Fairing Base (Procedural) -Slant Cone/Sepacone (untouched but still used) Rocket Engines: -LVT-A (Poodle Equivalent, Based on ESC-A, Resizable) -KE-4 (Skipper Equivalent, Based on BE-4) -KE-68 (Mainsail Equivalent, Based on RS-68) -LV-T1C (LV-T30 Equivalent, Based on Merlin 1C) -LV-T1D (LV-T45 Equivalent, Based on Merlin 1D) -KE-180 (Based on RD-180, Update 3.0.5) Texture switchable and Resizable: -Long Kerbal X Tank -Mid tank -Upper stage tank -Decoupler (Recolored, same model) -Mk1-2 Decoupler (Recolored, same model) Known Issues/Problems Tweakscale is not that good at the moment in resizing automatically for my parts Sepacones sometimes have a very strong kick, I recommend reducing its thrust. The released version's Kerbal X has KW Rocketry struts, use this patch to solve that problem Recommendations: Aerojet Kerbodyne to match with the new launchers. Active Texture Management if running out of memory License: *Smokescreen in contained in package is made by Sarbian (and the rest of the developers that helped him, credit goes to them). Firespitter is made by Snjo as well as modulemanager and modulefixer.dll files, those aren't mine. I only take credit on my parts. If you want to help the development of this project greatly, you can donate some feedback or criticism.
  15. It looks like there haven't been any updates to the Parts wiki page in over a year: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?title=Parts&action=history That seems unlikely since 1.1 releases have introduced new stock parts. I've been using this page as the reference for my kerbal calculator http://fommil.github.io/kerbal/ is there a better versioned reference other than parsing the .cfg files?
  16. So, I was trawling the forums when I found @benjee10 phenomenal parts pack. The problem is it's only available from Kerbalstuff and it hasn't been posted to for a few months. What's a part junkie to do? Create his own parts. Which leads us to: This project has grown from just a few 3.75 m parts to an ever evolving (it seems) collection of parts in 3.75 m and 5 m to help you realize your heavy lifting dreams. It is a kerbalized version of NASA's DIRECT program and their Jupiter rocket family. I provide an assortment of pieces designed to compliment what KSP already has and make use of existing rocket engines to create new and exciting missions. For those of you interested in trying/critiquing what I've done so far, feel free to grab it at SpaceDock. Current Parts: For those who aren't familiar with the idea of DIRECT and it's Jupiter rocket family... - Josh License: CC-BY-NC-SA This parts pack uses textures from D.I.R.E.C.T - Super-Heavy Launchers & Interplanetary Spacecraft (Benjee10) (CC-BY-NC) This parts pack uses textures from Prodecural Parts (Swamp Ig) (CC-BY-NC)
  17. Hello ! I'm trying to wrap my head around how it is possible to get the list of all parts available to the user in the VAB / SPH, especially in career mode (not on a ship/rocket/plane, but available to build one). When you start a new career, you are limited to the number of parts available. You can unlock more parts by spending Science points in the R&D center, which then unlock new parts in the VAB / SPH depending on the chosen branches in the Tech tree. While in the VAB / SPH I'm able to access all the parts loaded by the game: internal void Start() { Debug.Log("[TestPlug] Start"); if (PartLoader.LoadedPartsList == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("[TestPlug]: No LoadedPartsList; Game not entirely loaded?"); canRun = false; return; } else { canRun = true; } foreach (AvailablePart part in PartLoader.LoadedPartsList) { var logpart = string.Format("Name: {0} ; Title: {1}; Category: {2}", part.name, part.title, part.category); Debug.Log(logpart); foreach(AvailablePart.ResourceInfo resInfo in part.resourceInfos) { Debug.Log(string.Format(" Resource name: {0}", resInfo.resourceName)); } } // [snip] Output example : [LOG 17:40:08.557] Name: noseCone ; Title: Aerodynamic Nose Cone; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.558] Name: airbrake1 ; Title: A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.559] Name: airScoop ; Title: XM-G50 Radial Air Intake; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.561] Resource name: Intake Air [LOG 17:40:08.562] Name: airlinerCtrlSrf ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.563] Name: airlinerMainWing ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.564] Resource name: Liquid Fuel [LOG 17:40:08.565] Name: airlinerTailFin ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.567] Name: AdvancedCanard ; Title: Advanced Canard; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.568] Name: CanardController ; Title: Standard Canard; Category: Aero [snip] What I'd like is to access the list of all the parts available or shown in the VAB / SPH, depending on the tech tree of the player. I have tried many things to actually get only the parts available / shown to the player in the VAB, but I haven't succeeded... (like using the ResearchAndDevelopment.PartModelPurchased() and other functions, but all my attempts failed). I guess I should try something around "EditorPartListFilter<AvailablePart>" but I don't know which filter I should use... What do I need to do exactly? Thank you !
  18. I'm working on a vintage rockets mod. Why another rockets mod you might ask? Several reasons: - exploring dead end concepts of rocketry that include exotic fuels, hybrid rockets, tank clustering, big dumb boosters, square tanks and couple of others weird ideas - introducing more complication into building and operating rockets that is of a different flavor than RO/RP-0/RSS stuff - I want to concentrate on chemical rocket propulsion only, mostly because I find using LV-Ns or near future engines a little bit too easy and then there are plenty of super cool mods for that , other reason would be to introduce sensible and limited isru operations later on - my main goal would be to supply different paths for early-mid career so yah science tree overhaul is pretty much guaranteed - for now I'm focusing on 1st stage SL engines and tanks - just to answer in advance any questions about interoperability with another mods - I think it will be very limited. This means incompatibility with most stock parts, CTT, CRP and other parts pack (different mounting points) so yah this would be pretty much a closed mod No images yet since I'm at 2d drawings stage, so just a historical engine for now:)
  19. I know this usually gets asked the other way around but I want to attach two rockets to each other and make them look like two individual rockets. Therefore, I want to make Modular Girder Segment XL invisible and use it to attach the two spacecrafts. How can I make it look transparent in the game? Should I delete its texture in KSP folder or should I change its config? Thanks in advance.
  20. @sal_vager Looked at your common suggestions post here: There were too many but did not find these that I will mention. Some are already part of mods, but I think they are worthy to be in stock. I will keep this simple as possible: - Inflatable balloons that rise to the high atmosphere to do science. (or maybe you just want to replicate the Red Bull Stratos with Jeb or Val ) - Propellers - Building planes in the SPH is cool, but how about helicopters? Or this same concept for drones in planets like Duna or Eve? This could make science contracts even more extensive and fun. Using a rocket or plane to land on a steep mountain is fun and a challenge, but how about landing the aircraft on plain terrain and then launching your drone to the science site in the mountains? - Extend the SAS to include an autopilot system (atltitude/speed/heading hold) to make mid-air refueling possible between two aircraft in Kerbin or any planet with an atmosphere. An SSTO would benefit from this as a mid-air refuel at high altitude can help you recover that lost Dv at takeoff. I know this may be a part of MechJeb, but it's realistic enough to be a part of the stock game. - Joints that rotate 360° - This would further open the game to building VTOL aircraft. I was going to include more things, but they are too open to debate. These are the ones I think could extend the game to futher practical applications.
  21. Would there be any interest in a parts pack dedicated to what would essentially be probe parts (.625m radial and inline?) Would include more sizes of fuel tanks (half-size Oscar-B, double-size Oscar-B, etc, monopropellant tanks, xenon tanks, LF-only tanks), suitably sized parachutes, .625m heat shields, and .625m SRB's in varying form factors. It might include engines, if I can find some that stock doesn't have already. If I can figure out how to do fairings, it will include tiny fairings.
  22. Hello, people. I've tried downloading via CKAN, normal downloading, multiple versions, even those from early 1.0.5, I've tried deleting every other mod I had, I've tried everything I could and still, although Procedural Parts used to work on ksp 1.0.5, after I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, doesn't want to work in no way. I wasted a good two and a half hours on this damned mod, and still, the interface to change the size does not appear. Has anybody experienced anything similar?
  23. A recent Devnote revealed that the upcoming, ever looming 1.1 update will bring with it an overhaul to the part shaders, and will be using the Unity 5 standard shader: Given that the default parts won't have reworked textures, I decided this was an opportunity to create a set of parts tailored specifically to the new shader and render model. Of course, since they will be created for the new shader, these parts won't be available for use in-game until soon after the update is released. I figured this will provide me with a window of time to get ahead of the game, so to speak. Without further ado, here are the parts in progress so far: This project is in very early development, and as such it's very flexible to feedback as I go along. Please speak up if you have ideas, I'd love to include as much input from the community as possible! DOWNLOAD: Github An extra big thanks to @Shadowmage for the use of thier SSTU plugin for parachutes and heat shields!
  24. Anyone have any idea of this?
  25. Hi, Since I updated to 1.1.2 some parts have been replaced by some engine exhaust fx. For example the small inline reaction wheel, battery packs and solar arrays This is an OKTO with a small battery pack and a solar array. Looks like that in construction and in flight. I already did a completely fresh install, preserving only my save files. I had Automated science sampler installed, but removed it and made another clean installation. Didn't find anything online or here, sorry if this is a known issue, I'm new here. Anyone having the same issue?
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