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  1. Probe Locations for the Kerbol System So I recently just came back from a Holiday in Tasmania, and I hear about the new updates, more importantly, the new CommNet network added in the game. So in game and in the tracking station, there is a green line connecting to all the online probes, landers, bases, rovers, space stations etc. The KSP team have also added in a bunch of new transmitters in the game as well. So the green line gets darker when you lose more and more connection with kerbin. This means that it is important to have probes everywhere in the kerbol system. You can also map planets and Moons with the new update. So then that is another few probes on each and every moon to make it easier to find better landing spots and to see where lakes and oceans are if your looking at Laythe or Eve. So my challenge is for someone to post a photo with all satellites and Probes connecting each and every other probe. To comeplete the challenge, you must show proof of: A minimum of 2 probes around each planet At least 3 probes orbiting any of the planets moons 2 probes orbiting around the sun between each planet 10 probes orbiting Kerbin and the Mün All the probes must be connected to each other and must connect to kerbin with a 100% status. 3 screenshots of you mapping the following : Laythe, Kerbin, Jool. Please post a commentl if you think this is a reasonable challenge or you think this is way to overpowered and would take up any of your own ksp time. I will be with you as I have notifications turned on... I don't care if you use cheats or not, I don't care if you use the same probe, just do the 6 steps. And you must show photographic proof of all the probes in their orbits. Good luck, and have fun! P.S. not rccomended for Career mode...
  2. I am new to the modding community and am trying to make a black hole for my game. I play with RSS and Constellation so my idea was to copy a star file from constellation and edit that. Originally it worked, and I can make new stars pretty easily. The problems I have is in making planets orbit the star. If I change a planet file so it has a new reference body it resets the game to stock. Anyone having this issue. Any help welcomed. End game goal is to make a black hole system in either stock or RSS that will have a realistic looking black hole with a well textured accretion disk. If I take the code to generate a ring and add two rings at 90 degree angles of eachother we can make what looks likes relativity effects on a black hole. If we set the perpendicular ring to always face the player in the same way then the effect should be convincing. What more if we could get clouds from a visual pack onto the accretion disk it would really improve the way the black hole looks. This might be difficult to visualize but essentially the goal is to make something that looks like this: Once we can get a good black hole I would like to move on to adding planets that orbit the black hole and also giving the planets moons. I want to make each planet interesting and worth visiting. Ideally I'll do this in RSS but we could always release a stock version too. Any help on how to mod this would be appreciated and I'd love to work with someone on this.
  3. What it does Tired of "Explodium Sea" everywhere? You've taken the trouble to visit this inhospitable one-sea, one-moon, crushing purple Kerbal-eater. Seems like the least Eve can do is make it worth your while to take the trouble to navigate to specific locations. This mod does the following: Adds several new biomes to Eve Adds many science descriptions to new and existing biomes. The new biomes which this mod adds are: Kraken Sea Sea of Sorrows Crater Lake Impact Basins Minor Islands Mount Neverest Download from SpaceDock License: MIT Note: Requires Kopernicus (install separately; not included with this mod). How to install Make sure you've installed Kopernicus. (If you're running KSP 1.1, you need Kopernicus 1.0 or later. If you're running KSP 1.0.5, you need Kopernicus 0.6.) Unzip into GameData, same as with any other mod. See also... If you like this mod, you may also enjoy JoolBiomes.
  4. THIS THREAD HAS MOVED! CLICK HERE: Kerbiting System This planet pack, which is in very early alpha phase, is a planet pack that rearranges all the planets in the stock Kerbol System. In later versions more planets and moon will be added, the star will change, and a lot more will come! This is what I let you guys decide. I like to make a planet pack which makes people as happy as possible. For that to happen I need your advice on what to do/add/edit. For now this is all you will get. I'm working hard on it and next version will come out soon! Very important to know is that this is my first work. So if any bugs are encountered, report them immediately! Let me know what you think and give me some advice on what to do next! I'll make a poll to know what you guys want to see first/next. Changelog: Alpha v0.2: Added correct science values for all the planets Alpha v0.1: All stock planets rearranged Given some different properties/orbit settings for some of the planets That's all for now. Images: POLL: Strawpoll Installation instructions: Just place the "Kopernicus" folder inside the "GameData" folder. DOWNLOAD: Kerbiting System Download DEPENDENCY: Kopernicus ModuleManager Thanks for downloading and have fun with my work! Big credits to the developers of Kopernicus and ModuleManager of course!
  5. On Vall and Minimus (so far) I have noticed the textures go multicolured and flicker. I thought it was the biomes bleeding through but I think it is something more Version: 1.2.1 64-bit Linux (Manjaro Linux running AMD CPU and GPU) What happens: When below 5000 meters or so the landscape of the planets go rainbow Steps to Replication: 1) Set orbit over Vall/Minimus 2) Get below 3000 meters (the effect starts being the most visible around there) 3) Watch the descent into the rainbow Result: The planets texture will go like the image below Log:http://pastebin.com/prYJXwdT
  6. I made the main bodies of the Kerbol System, (Kerbol-Eeloo) entirely in PlanetMaker (planetmaker.wthr.us) Reply if you have created models of the Kerbol system of some sort. -made by planet-creations (with a profile pic of Kerbin)
  7. Good day everyone! What's your best/favorite craft that you've made for interplanetary missions? I haven't gotten past Mun yet, but I'd love to see what others have made, to get an idea of how to get to other planets Thanks!
  8. Hello everyone, would it be possible to create a mod that allows the user to take radar images or something similar of a certain point on a planet? I think this would be really useful to scout out possible landing sites!
  9. XenosAlt - An Alternate Solar System Mod: This mod features a new set of planets which replace the old Kerbol system, all procedurally generated using Kopernicus! It is currently a W.I.P but I'm looking for feedback and ideas. In the meantime if you're looking for a fully working planet mod, you can check out my planet collection. Planets: Bellero, a hot jupiter Herrah and its moon, Hytho Verta and its moon, Wiola Kerbin (huge W.I.P and will eventually have custom moons) Jatus, a dwarf planet with rings Aruna, a saturn-analogue, with its 5 moons Calli and Tello share the same orbit, close to Aruna's rings (picture on the left is old, picture on the right shows Aruna as an oblate spheroid) Polus has a highly inclined orbit, Oblo has a very strange shape Illo has a thick atmosphere and strange lakes The final planet (so far) is a Uranus analogue, Nurr Nurr is planned to have at least 3 moons, so far there is only Ropa Planned features: - Career compatibility - Custom science definitions - A different star at the center of the system - New moons for Kerbin - At least 2 more moons for Nurr - Aruna as an oblate spheroid - Who knows what else
  10. What do you think, would it be good idea to add new planets in stock KSP? I think analogs for Saturn and ice giants would be good. Also show your pics of planets and planet packs if you have any My PC is broken, so I don't have any pic to start with, just random photos of Saturn and Galilean moons through my telescope:
  11. I need some help getting mods with planets, for 1.1.3, doesn't need a mod to download that mod, easy to install
  12. Welcome to Kerbol Origins, a mod that aims to revive old SQUAD planet ideas that never got implemented like the Gas Planet Two (GP2). Previously called Kerbol Plus, the mod evolved from a form that wasn't actually too accurate to the idea. Kerbol Plus is right now mentained and developed by KillAshley and his collaborators, including me. Some important links: Original Kerbol Plus Kerbol Plus Remake Kopernicus But without without further ado, some pictures! Also, most of the bodies in the pack will be "proceduraly generated", so with a bit of tinckering you could regenerate the terrain the way you want. Sarvin - Gas Planet Two Daphy Potatus Fonso Shayle Manai Progress Entries marked in red mean that bodies have been started but not finished, orange are mostly finished, and green complete. Developers: Planned release date: @Christmas (release date might be sooner or later, depending on my IRL stuff)
  13. A few members of the KSP community have been asking for new planets for a while, but the discussion was always around improving the old planets vs adding more. I personally would like to see both, however I'll get back to that. Currently, Kerbin has no clouds or weather patterns of any kind, which are a very real thing in the actual Spacecraft and Aircraft industry, launches are often cancelled or delayed due to poor weather conditions and planes have to take wind and turbulence into consideration when taking off and landing. Also I think weather would make a great visual difference to the game. The space center (and whole of Kerbin for that matter) always look the same, light or dark with the occasional sunset and sunrise, imagine what I'd look like with rain and thunderstorms. I'm not saying add tornadoes that damage your space centre or anything crazy, just weather patterns which make for variety in every launch. The weather system could then be applied to all planets and moons with atmospheres, imagine a probe trying to make a pin-point landing through a Laythe thunderstorm, a rover in the thick of a Duna dust storm, a probe measuring the intense winds in Jool's upper atmosphere, or even a space plane having to land on the KSC runway when dealing with freak wind conditions. And weather isn't the only thing planets could be enhanced by, geological features on far away worlds are what differentiate them from each other. Volcanoes on Io and Venus, moving ice sheets and subsurface oceans on Europa and Enceladus and aurora at the poles of Jool and Kerbin. What I'm trying to say here, is I think there should be more to do and more rewards for landing worlds far away, expending thousands of m/s of Delta V. Now I've been talking a lot about enhancing the current celestial bodies, but there is also the question of adding new ones. For a while a second gas giant has been proposed for the Kerbol System, along with possibly another large terrestrial planet in the outer solar system. The second gas giant would be an analogue of Saturn and have rings and an extensive moon system. This was discussed a while ago, and I hope that Squad is still interested in this implementation. While planet-packs are great and interesting to play around with, a stable, In-Game Saturn analogue and Ice-giant analogue I think is in order for a number of reasons. 1. A planet as far out as these two worlds would further encourage players to learn the concepts of gravity assists, which would be mostly necessary because of the Delta V requirements 2. A planet that far out would also encourage players to establish more permanent fuel outposts and mining establishments. From my experience, manned missions to Laythe's surface and back are possible with SSTO's and a greater challenge for Delta V requirements would, I think, boost the number of people using space stations and mining bases. 3. Rings are gorgeous, and would add a great visual element to the game. No-one can deny that a ringed gas planet in KSP would be beautiful and I think this planet would become the screenshot central of KSP 4. Rings also offer more opportunities for Science gathering 5. Two more worlds makes for more diversity. Those far away worlds make for a new class of long-haul mission that I think could be inspiring for new players and challenging for the older players. I fully acknowledge the planet packs out there that many people work long hours developing. I have tried them and had a lot of fun, but the stock planets, the ones which come with the game I download I think are incomplete in scope and in depth. I don't want just some coloured balls to plant a flag on, I want other worlds. Worlds which are wondrous, beautiful and unique. I want to send robots there to do Science, I want to set Kerbals on their surfaces so they too can take one more giant step for Kerbal kind. I know that Squad puts lots of time and effort into developing this game and every update has come with exciting things for me and so many others to enjoy. I have loved computer games before I went to school and I love Science and Astronomy with all of my heart and seeing those two things combine has been an awesome experience for me. I hope Squad will read this and get something out of it. As for the forum user who has read through this whole thing (thank you), what is your opinion on this topic? Are the celestial bodies detailed enough? Are they numerous enough?
  14. Say you have two planets orbiting each other, one of them slightly smaller than the other. Is it possible for a moon to orbit in a figure-eight pattern around and between the two planets? Would this system even be stable?
  15. Ok so i got a pretty hard challenge you need to first go to moho and then to elloo ! Easy:Go to moho and Elloo Medium: Go to Elloo and Moho whitout mining or refueling Hard: Go to Elloo and Moho whit the same lander !! OMG : Impress me !!!!
  16. I hope that somebody can explain me everything about textures for planets. I know there are tutorials like textures with PQS from @The White Guardian, but I don't seem to understand them that well. I hope somebody can explain me how to make a stock-like KSP planet/moon? Also when I use a texture with .dds it gives off a totally white or a totally black texture in-game? Somebody knows why that is? Thanks!
  17. NASA has recently been comparing exoplanets to Star Wars planets, such as Kepler-452 b and Coruscant. But some I don't agree with, and there are not many comparisons. So, I decided to do some more! Some of these planets are from the Clone Wars and Rebels. HD 85512 b: Atollon, Jakku TRAPPIST-1d: Umbara Kepler-47c: Tatooine Tau Ceti f: Hoth Kepler-70 b: Mustafar Kepler-138d: Shantipole Kepler-69c: Malachor KOI-2626.01: Naboo KOI-433.02: Yavin KOI-433.02 m: Yavin 4 Gliese 581 d: Ahch-To Vega's Debris Disk: Alderaan WD 1145+017b: Concord Dawn, Lola Sayu PSO J318.5-22: Iego PH2b: Endor (Planet) PH2b m: Endor (Moon)
  18. So everything is explained in a video I made. I hope somebody knows why it happens and I hope somebody can tell me how to fix the problem! Video:
  19. So I'm making a planet pack, but I don't understand how to use the values of "ScienceValues". When adding a "4" to "landedDataValue" for example, what does that do? What is the amount of science you actually get? I want to edit the sciencevalues for the mun for example. How to do that? Just really explain all about the ScienceValues, if possible? Thanks
  20. Okay, so larger planets are great in many respects but they take up SOOO MUCH RAM!!! Here's a solution to make the planets act like they're huge without compromising performance or accuracy. What if instead of inflating the planets, we deflate the parts! They'd have the same abilities as normal parts and fuel and all other properties but be a tenth of the size. It's a little hard to explain and I don't have much time because I'm REALLY TIRED and want to go to sleep. Basically the planets would LOOK huge but facilities, kerbals, flags, rocks, asteroids, and parts would all be tiny
  21. Can somebody name ALL the planet packs for 1.1 released out there? Thanks
  22. This is part one of the Zaywa Solar System Pack (also my first mod!), a solar system designed specifically to have unique planets and moons. The bodies included in part 1 are Zaywa-221, Zarya-BBC, Hade, Pike, Rayne, Kepler, Sahra, Galleon, Zomg, Woh and the mysterious Planet X. Part 2 will include the rest of the moons, Borag and some fixes to the already existing planets. If you know how to solve any of the issues associated with the pack, please let me know about a solution so I can fix it. The Zaywa Solar System Pack requires Kopernicus and the latest version of Hyperedit_1.4.2 to function properly. Hyperedit is currently required to have an ocean on Zomg and to adjust the atmospheric pressure of some of the planets. Development Thread: Download Link (Part 1):http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/zaywa-solar-system-pack-part-1?gameCategorySlug=shareables&projectID=242342 The Zaywa Solar System currently features: Binary star system. A "puffy planet" (actual scientific term) Amusing lore with bad puns. Stock-alike naming? Easter Eggs. (Hints: "What is Planet X?", "Treasure Maps", "Patience is key," "Numbers.") Compatibility with most popular planet packs, including Kerbal Galaxy and most of the popular planet packs. Absurdly high science values. Memes. Known Issues: Incorrectly colored rims appear on most of the planets. I can't seem to figure out why this happens, though. The day/night sides of the terrestrial planets do not seem to match up with Zaywa's sunlight. Sahra's oceans may appear spazzy. Overheating in Pike's lava oceans is often unpredictable. Land there at your own risk. Triva Facts: Woh's green coloration is actually caused by an unforeseen bug that strangely made Woh turn out better in my opinion. Galleon was originally supposed to be an oddly shaped planet that got its name from the way it wobbles. Most of the planets in the Zaywa pack are actually based on real-life exoplanets that have been discovered. I intended to have an asteroid belt between Rayne and Kepler. Zomg's atmosphere tearing ships apart is completely intentional and not an issue. Confirmed Changes: More terrestrial bodies. Better ambient lighting. With enough requests, I may include a silhouette of Planet X. Galleon will be renamed "Palleon". A new biome map for Palleon and working biome maps for most of the terrestrial bodies, including Rayne and its singular biome: Endless Ocean. More moons and some lore alterations. A complete makeover for Sahra, Rayne and Borag. Special thanks to @ProtoJeb21. Without him, the Zaywa Solar System Pack would not be possible.
  23. I've heard about Planet-X, which means there's 10 planets in our solar system since Pluto is basically a planet again. There's just a few things that I am wondering about it, how can it orbit the sun?, because it's a few billion miles out there. What color is it? and why did we not know about it?...
  24. When I made the thread What Celestial Body Would You Add Into KSP? it got a lot of response, so, I'm asking, should the community make a community made planet pack? It will have probably the same advantages and flaws as, for example Community Resource Pack. So what do you think.
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