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  1. So when i was building a new spacecraft for my game, my computer crashed, resulting in a broken save file. It says "Error Accesing this save" and "Argument cannot be null. " under the first error message. I really don`t wan`t to lose my save file because i already played on it for 60 Hours. Is there anything i can do ? This is my first thread, so i hope this is the right section.
  2. I need some help editing a save file. I have a game where the docking ports are not working. So i removed all unnecessary mods, launched a new pair of vessels and the docking ports work on this pair. I then deleted all unnecessary craft from the save. So now I have a minimal save file, which uses minimal mods. The docking ports on the original pair of craft are still not working. So I need to do the following: 1. edit the save file to fix this pair of craft 2. figure out what the original game cause this to happen. Is there someone who can help me look at the save file to figure out what is broken in these craft? Once I know what is broken, I should be able to figure out what mod is causing this to break in my main game. Thank you in advance
  3. So I only saw this mentioned once in the stickied console update thread. So I thought I'd make this account and thread for anyone who might not know. Mods please move this to the correct place if needed. I've been backing up my ksp save data on my ps4 to a usb stick ever so often. Today my career save was ate by the krakin, but was recovered with my usb backup save. My steps were to delete corrupt saves once prompted in game, started a new career, then shut game down and overwrote my ksp save with the backup up from usb stick. I hope this helps someone who might not have known this. The second time my data was lost and I replaced with my backup and then during game I would get the data corrupted message every time it would try to quicksave. I could say no once asked to delete and continue game play, but very annoying. To fix this you must delete all of your in-game saves only leaving your persistent. This can only be done at the menu while at your complex. Then go back to the main menu and reload your career. And note this has only been tested while having one career mode save and no sandbox or science.
  4. This is very handy, so you can copy and paste in the content of your GameData folder quickly, rather than creating a screenshot. Just keep in mind, that this may not show all mods, as some mods just create cfg files inside other folders as is the case with scatterer and EVE configs, or texture replacers for instance. Also, some mods have patches that change how other mods behave, SSTU is a good example but there are others. If you have CKAN installed then simply go to File menu->Export installed mods... This creates a KSP CKAN Mods Export.ckan file which really is just a text file like the game config files. Otherwise... Few notes: This will create a simple text file containing the listing of the directory. You will be able to open it and just copy and paste the list into a forum post. In both cases, Mac and Windows hidden system files are not shown, but we don't need them for this. Both files and folders are included in the list. The list will be alphabetical and will ignore the Windows "folders first" directory listing convention, so that may throw off Windows users. There may be other ways of doing this. How to create a text listing of a folder's content and save it as text so it can be pasted or emailed? Windows Go to the directory you want to list. For example, GameData to list all your mods. While holding the SHIFT key right-click inside the directory. Select "Open Command Window Here". In the command window type the following and hit ENTER: dir /b >directory.txt There is a space between "dir" and "/b" then space after "/b" again. This will create a text file called directory.txt in the same directory. Explanation: - dir lists the content of a directory - /b makes the output bare, i.e. without all the dates, sizes and permissions as we only want the file ad folder names. Mac Open the Terminal If you know how to, then change to the directory you want to list. Otherwise, find and open the Terminal.app Start typing cd then hit space then drag and drop the directory to the terminal window and hit Return. (example if I was listing my Dropbox folder I would drag and drop the Dropbox folder and see this: cd /Volumes/Storage/Kerbital/Dropbox). Do not miss the space after cd! Now type in the Terminal ls > ~/Desktop/directory.txt. Again, pay attention to spaces, there is a space after ls and after > This will create a text file called directory.txt on your desktop. Explanation: - ls lists the content of a directory like dir does on Windows - as opposed to Windows, ls output is bare by default.
  5. Hey, This is my first post on this forum. I have been here for a while and I didn't really have any question until now, so I haven't made an account. I have many ideas for style of playing. Sometimes I like to play Realism Overhaul and some times stock and there are times when my game is really modded. This time, I am just too lazy to play early game. It would be so good if I could have a station in orbit around Kerbin and some satellites here and there. I was exploring this and other sites about KSP but I couldn't find any save file that meets my needs. There were some but they were either just from an old version or not really what I was looking for. And now what is my question? Is there any place where I can check out or even browse other people's saves? Maybe something like KerbalX. Or maybe some threads on this forum. Thank you guys in advance! Oh, I may have missed the forum section for this question. I am really sorry if I did.
  6. I'm tried to load a save file, but nothing happened, so I deleted my file and tried to make a new one (mistake). I have an output log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/re34rj9nzm89g8e/output_log.txt?dl=0
  7. When I load a saved game I can't achive as many science score, from the same probe, in the same location, as I did in the previous/first attempt. I do just get the amount of science score as I would have got when I would have gone to the same place and try to collect data from the same probe again, without loading an older save game. (Unfortunately significantly less) Looks like the science progress does not get reset properly by loading a saved game (but of course, the over all science score gets reset). Is this a known bug ? May I fix this somehow or is my career game messed up now by loading a saved game ? Possibly by going two steps back in my saved game history, or some other hack ? Greetings Martin
  8. I just downloaded a bunch of mods and started a new Science World, and I launched a small laboratory into orbit. The launch was successful, and I detached my final upper stage. I did some experiments, and transmitted the science back to the KSC. I was going to then go back to the space center to unlock some more parts. However, I was stopped by a alert that said, If I was to go back to the KSC my game would not be saved past the point where I launched the laboratory. I could have done a quick-save, but loading would just take me back up to "in-flight" mode, with no way of going back to the space center without losing my science, orbit, and my save. I've done heavily-modded science worlds before, and I could always go back to the tracking station/ Space Center, when my Vessel was in orbit. Does anybody know if I can go back to the KSC without reverting to a "pre-launch save"? (Sorry, I still haven't been playing that much Modded KSP yet.)
  9. Hey again Kerbonauts. About two days ago, I could not save/load/Go too KSC, but i could do everything in flight as normal, exept when pressing the "Savegame/LoadGame/SpaceStation/Retrive Wessel", i even saw i pressed the button "in", but nothing happend, i was stuck in flight. This was after a landing on the Muun + a retur too Kerbin and landed there. I could save the game, while at the Muun, but somewhere from at Muun - until landing at Kerbin, somthing went wrong With the game. . Since this "mission" had taken sum time, and i didnt know when it last saved. i didnt just didnt wanna restart the game. "Solution" as said after i landed, and couldnt retrive the wessel (or anything as stated above, i could not get too KSC or out of flight), i notised the game autosaving.... I then went into EVA and hanging from the ladder I just pressed Start and "Go to KSC". This time, i got a Warning "If you exit blablablabecouse of eva, you will go back too you last save...." (think it even stated how long ago that save was made) So i did, And it worked.... I got a load in KSC, that was able too retrive the Craft With my science And Crew ^^ Tho, i'm not sure if one can "push" the game to do a Autosave, Landing seems too do it... but maybe sending a radiomessage or sumthing makes it save too...
  10. Hello everyone, First I apologize if this topic is in the wrong section as it isn't really a gameplay question and none either dedicated to the technical support... I will update the game to 1.2.2 and will make a full save as usual, but I would like to know if their is a way to save my different subassemblies "folders" like it can be seen on that picture : Every time I had make a new install (not an update) due to some crash or any other problems I just past the subassembly folder in the career folder. All the craft files are present but only under the common "Subassemblies" window and I have to re-create all the "Sub-subassemblies" folders after. Is there a way to keep them?
  11. So my problem is that I installed this fresh copy of 1.2 and I created a game by clicking ''Start New Game'' and named them stuff.. But when i quit to menu or exit the game and then click on ''Resume Saved'' it doesn't appear there. It's all empty. I created a few more games and then checked the ''Resume saved'' and there is still nothing, I also tried quicksaving the progress. When i check the ''saves'' folder in KSP directory, I can see al of my created Agencies/Games but they donot appear in-game. Halp. Here are my mods: http://imgur.com/a/NZxHR Note: Some of the mods i installed before first launch.
  12. What entries in the save file define a craft as "new" for purpose of a contract? Because, dammit. It has a docking port, antenna, and can generate power. And every single last part is brand new, freshly manufactured on Gilly, and then painstakingly assembled by hand by the best engineer in my team. And sure as hell I'm going to dispute the customer's claim this station is not "new".
  13. i have had this problem only recently (for the past few weeks) but when i go to load a save nothing is there so i just started a new game (hoping it was just a glitch) but when i went to save that again, nothing was there so i went to file,my pc,windows C:,program files(X86) ,steam,steamapps, common, kerbal space program, saves . and all the saves were there but they were not showing up in the game, any Help.
  14. There's an useful idea. How about allowing the players to save their game and upload it to steam cloud? I've seen a couple of other games do this and thought it was a cool idea
  15. version = 1.1.3 Title = default (SANDBOX) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = SANDBOX Status = 1 scene = 5 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/hexagon launchID = 14 modded = True envInfo = - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe - PARAMETERS This is the part we modify. BEWARE! IT IS VRY EASY TO ACCIDENTALLY BORK YOUR SAVE GAMES! BACK UP THE FILES FIRST! Alright! version = 1.1.3 Title = default (!SANDBOX!) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = !SANDBOX! Status = 1 scene = 5 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/hexagon launchID = 14 modded = True envInfo = - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe - PARAMETERS The parts that are surrounded by exclamation marks, these should get changed from sandbox to "SCIENCE" Load the save, then go into your text editor and change it from "SCIENCE" to "CAREER" version = 1.1.3 Title = default (CAREER) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = CAREER Status = 1 scene = 5 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/hexagon launchID = 14 modded = True envInfo = - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe - PARAMETERS And boom! Save converted! NOTE! A save cannot be converted from Science or Career back to sandbox using this method! Hope I helped someone!
  16. All of my unmanned probes have vanished from the tracking station. I can't see them, I can't control them. When I launch a new one, it doesn't have an icon in it's own map screen and as soon as I return to the space center it vanishes. I've managed to find the vessels in the save game file, so it appears they're still out there, but I have no idea how to make them trackable again. I've been playing KSP vanilla for some time but I recently installed mechjeb and mechjeb integrated, because I was tired of docking and performing holtzman transfers on my own. It worked fine for several days so I'm not convinced that the mods have anything to do with my issue. I haven't tried removing the mods yet, I suppose I'll try that next.
  17. Again, I can't load my saves but now it's different. It worked before and now suddenly, when I quit to main menu(I edited my savefile before to test a craft I didn't have the money for) I wanted to load it again, because I edited the save again. Then when I tried pressing Resume Saved it doesent do anything, just the animation. When I restart the game it works once but doesent show any saves. If I try it again it wont open the menu. The console shows this error: [Exception]: ArgumentException: The requested value 'Abailable' was not found. Right now while writing this, the first time I saw this error, I immdediatly knew what was the problem Well, i didnt write Available for Jebediahs state but instead Abailable. I think that somehow made the save file unreadable and so loveed up the game completely. I still wanna post this so people who have this error can google and find this post. EDIT: It doesen't work... I will just try restarting the game and hope it works... EDIT: I think it will work but no matter how often I pressed theResume Saved button, it only showed the error once. I think it affets the game permanently until you restart it, I hope atleast. EDIT: Works...PHEEEEWWWW
  18. So basicly I got my ksp working again, i was able to load and play saves again. Because i uninstalled B9 and my station had B9 it was removed so i loaded an old quicksave. Since i loaded the old quicksave, no matter what I do, I can't press any buttons. I start in the ksc and i can't go to any building except the administration and the astronaut complex and maybe one more but vab and sph etc. doesent work. I press the button, it makes the animation and thats it. Here is the quicksave I have loaded(I would really like to continue my game at this point),(I used dropbox because it was too big for pastebin, it didn't respond): https://www.dropbox.com/s/pywim4s7ao0c84x/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 EDIT: I started a new save anyway because I wanted too and there it works just fine but I would stilll like a solution :c
  19. So basicly i had the version 1.1.2 with a tonof mods(around 80 or so) and it worked fine. T&hen I updated to 1.1.3 and simultaneously I added around 10-20 mods. Then i tried starting it(obviously it takes over 30 Minutes xD, tho I hve a very beefy PC) and it worked. Then I tried opening a save file and it freezes for half a second, then nothinbg happens and i can press again and again. The thing is, first of I can't test every mod one by one if its causing the issue, because it would take days and another problem is: I don't know if this is caused by any mod or the update. In the console it spams: [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Here is a list of all mods I've installed:
  20. So I was playing some KSP and all of a sudden it crashed. Nothing out of the ordinary really, it happens from time to time. But when i loaded up the game this time and hit resume saved, it showed no save files. I went into the save folder and all my saves were still there but they wouldn't show up in game. I tried restarting the game multiple times, restarting my computer, and I backed up my files on steam and uninstalled the game, then reinstalled it. I tried restoring a previous version of KSP through steam, although I probably did it incorrectly, and i saved my files in another folder on my computer in case something would happen to them. i tried copy pasting them back into the save folder in KSP as shown below but again, nothing. How can i fix this?
  21. Hello, my fellow space travelers! I come here today to ask for assistance as somehow my modded KSP 1.1.2 x64 is having issues when updating the orbits into the persistent.sfs. However, All other values do seem to be updating as normal, and combing through the logs did not give me a substantial clue into what is going on... This issue started after a certain point of launching a specific vessel "Maxplorer I" which is included below. The vessel itself resembles a Falcon9 style where the first stage returns while the second stage payload goes its own way. Saving seems to work as expected for launch, LKO of the entire vessel, separation, return and recovery of the first stage, but then the issue happens when attempting to change the orbit of one of the Probes (Second Stage of Maxplorer I consists of two of them.) You can see the Steps for Issue Reproduction (Video) which starts right after I "safely" recover the first stage, and move into both of the probes to change their orbit out of LKO without success. I saw one or two unhandled exceptions from Mechjeb, but I don't have enough evidence to blame it as I used it for quite a handful of other missions before without triggering this issue... Save + Log Current Mods (All up-to-date as of 6/18): Installed through CKAN (CKAN mod list): "Chatterer", 0.9.8 "CrowdSourcedFlags", 1.50.5 "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR", 2:EVE-1.1-2-1 "ColorCodedCans", 1.4.8 "OrbitalDecay", 1.5.1 "FirespitterCore", 7.2.4 "WiderContractsApp", 1.3.3 "KSP-AVC", "LSPFlags", 2.0 "WaypointManager", 2.5.2 "DistantObject", 1.7.1 "MechJeb2-dev", "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core", 2.0.7 "AstronikiSunflareforScatterer", 1.1 "CommunityResourcePack", "NavUtilities", 0.6.1 "xScience", 4.18 "CanadianFlags", 1.0 "KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems", 1.1.1 "ModuleManager", 2.6.25 "KerbalAlarmClock", "KAS", "DistantObject-default", 1.7.1 "FirespitterResourcesConfig", 7.2.4 "SCANsat", 16.1 "RasterPropMonitor-Core", 1:0.26.0 "KIS", "RasterPropMonitor", 1:0.26.0 "DMagicOrbitalScience", 1.3 "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" 2:EVE-1.1-2-1 "FuelTanksPlus", 1.10 "Scatterer", 2:0.0246 "TextureReplacer", 2.4.13 "AviationLights", 3.9 "SAVE", 1.3.1-1999 "TweakScale", 2.2.12 Not installed through CKAN: "KSP-players", 23.1.1 Let me know if there are any further resources that I should make available in order to find the root cause. Regards Deo
  22. Hola comunidad! Simplemente me dieron ganas de jugar con alguien "multijugador" compartiendo el archivo de la partida cada vez que se juega. Comenten si están interesados, pero preferiblemente busco a gente que sepa por lo menos aterrizar en Mun. Tengo interés por saber si resultará muy distinto a jugar solo, ya que ningún conocido mío juega habitualmente. La idea es que cada vez que alguien haga un avance, le pase la carpeta con el save a los demás, los detalles siempre los podemos acordar más adelante.
  23. so I made some slight edits to my persistent save file, renamed some kerbals for comedic effect, and disabled stock crafts because they clogged my saved crafts in game, then i go to boot up the game, then load my Save and it opens the prompt but shows nothing, so i close the prompt and try again but click load game didn't do anything. Anyone know how to fix it?
  24. Hi, I noticed a new (maybe :)) bug in 1.1: I was flying towards Mun, and MechJeb did something thats new to 1.1, probably also a bug. If I create a node, it does not show the necessary dV. I saw yesterday that this is "fixed" if I do a quick save and then reload it. But now I was coming in to Mun, and after the quick load, I suddenly have a velocity of 1900 m/s... way more than I had before. Now I have barely enough to get into orbit and back to Kerbin. Was planning to land The ksp log shows this: [LOG 12:43:43.129] [AutoSave]: Game Backed Up and Saved [LOG 12:43:44.145] [4/24/2016 12:43:44 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateExperiments Done - 00:00:00.0314930ms [LOG 12:43:44.149] [4/24/2016 12:43:44 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0034240ms [LOG 12:43:51.367] [4/24/2016 12:43:51 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0033100ms [LOG 12:43:55.950] [4/24/2016 12:43:55 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0033640ms [LOG 12:43:59.020] [4/24/2016 12:43:59 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0032800ms [LOG 12:44:06.799] [4/24/2016 12:44:06 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0034730ms [LOG 12:44:19.549] [4/24/2016 12:44:19 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0034750ms [LOG 12:44:22.615] [4/24/2016 12:44:22 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0033740ms [LOG 12:46:05.616] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Mun Lander [LOG 12:46:05.623] Maneuver Mode enabled [LOG 12:46:40.861] Packing Mun Lander for orbit [LOG 12:46:44.060] [4/24/2016 12:46:44 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0034070ms [LOG 12:46:44.577] [4/24/2016 12:46:44 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0033310ms [LOG 12:46:45.671] Orbit event imminent. Dropping TimeWarp to max limit: 50x [LOG 12:46:47.490] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Mun to Mun. Transition UT Range: 770430.297 - 770480.297. Transition UT: 770478.759. Iterations: 13. [LOG 12:46:47.492] setting new dominant body: the Mun FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin [LOG 12:46:47.844] [4/24/2016 12:46:47 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0034700ms [LOG 12:46:48.328] Unpacking Mun Lander [LOG 12:46:48.558] [4/24/2016 12:46:48 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - UpdateFilter Done - 00:00:00.0033260ms [LOG 12:46:48.558] [4/24/2016 12:46:48 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache Done - 00:00:00.0496070ms [LOG 12:46:57.540] problem! [NaN, NaN, NaN] - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - -Infinity [LOG 12:46:57.540] dT is NaN! tA: 3.15010511372256, E: -Infinity, M: -Infinity, T: -Infinity [LOG 12:46:57.540] getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: Infinity, returning NaN [LOG 12:46:57.540] getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: Infinity, returning NaN [LOG 12:46:57.540] getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: Infinity, returning NaN [LOG 12:46:57.540] problem! [NaN, NaN, NaN] - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - Infinity [LOG 12:46:57.540] getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: Infinity, returning NaN [LOG 12:46:57.540] problem! [NaN, NaN, NaN] - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN This NaN stuff then keeps repeating for a couple of thousand lines.
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