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  1. I decided to try building a rover for the first time today, and I noticed that any rover I construct will turn to the right at the moment that I press W (forward). This is no matter what wheels or probe core I use. I downloaded a fresh new copy of 1.1.2 and continued to have this problem, even with some of the stock rovers like Rover + Skycrane and Prospector Rover (I don't see this problem with the Crater Crawler nor with the Bug-E Buggy). Now, this is not a continuous turn to the right - it is only upon pressing forward. For example, from stop, I will press W and the rover will begin to move forward and turn right about 15 degrees or so, and then if I continue to have W pressed, the rover will continue straight at the new 15 deg angle. However, if instead of continuously holding W I pulse W for one second pressed, one second unpressed, one second pressed, etc., the rover will go forward-right ~15 degrees, then forward-right another ~15 degrees, then forward-right another ~15 degrees...and eventually I am traveling in a huge circle, without ever hitting any other key but forward. This will happen even if I disable steering on each of the wheels. This will also happen if I try to create a rover with awfully misaligned wheels to see if it will drive left or affect it in some way - and it doesn't. The rover does the exact same thing, with no differences. I have tried this with a 4 wheeled and a 6 wheeled rover, and the problem seems more pronounced with a 6 wheeled rover. I have tried it on completely flat terrain and I have tried to make sure the terrain was exactly the same for all wheels (driving on the runway and in the grass around the KSC). I tried downloading a fresh new copy of 1.0.5 and this problem was no more. The rover drove as straight as could be. I even tried to create a new rover with misaligned wheels again, and even this horribly asymmetric rover ran 100% straight. So, this seems to be a problem with some release after 1.0.5 (I do not know which release because as I mentioned before, today was my first ever trial with rovers). Does anyone else have this problem with 1.1.2? This seems to me to be a pretty significant bug. I am running Windows 10 64-bit. I've tried KSP 1.1.2 in 32-bit mode and 64-bit with the same problem.
  2. On Minmus, even the simplest rovers are uncontrollable. I'm using stock wheels. When I attempt to go forward, I go backwards, Yes, before you ask the obvious, I've set the context menu correctly so the wheels are to go in the proper direction. I've tinkered with the Traction and Friction controls to no avail. I've tried various combinations of powered back wheels and no-power front, and powered-front, with no-powered back. I've tried making the wheels steerable and non-steerable. Even going 2 kph, I can flip the vehicle. The wheels lack traction, or friction, or whatever and just skitter around. Is there a mod with decent wheels? Stock wheels are crap require some fixing. Note: I'll post screenshots when I fire up KSP after my rage-quit simmers down.
  3. Hello guys. So anybody here from you have managed to have working custom wheels on their spaceplanes , shuttles ? Lofi ? Nli2work ? And could you give me some hints ? Or tutorial on youtube or on twitch or something pls? I have read a lot of things like a lot of modders are giving up on new wheels models bcs they can not make them work. Thank you very much in advance.
  4. I need wheels that are a good amount larger than the largest wheel in the stock game. And no, don't say Tweakscale. I don't want to use it
  5. Need I say more? It was useful to be able to quickly switch a rover from a faster, stabler mode to one which enabled precision parking.
  6. I already made a car, but I wanted to make a smaller one I guess. This one ended up bigger than planned but after many days and many revisions I had to button it up. Now that 1.2 let's me float parts (offset w/shift button) more things are possible in stock. Everything on this car is shift-offset or offset then rotated. The front end is lowered a bit for looks, but ground clearance is poo now. Car is so long that turning radius ain't good. But on the plus side- this motorcar has a full steering rack! I laugh to myself that the steering column is an actual column :-) I used linear RCS ports (take note engineers, these are nice and smooth and round) surrounded by 6 thermometers for the bushings. 3, 4, and 8 thermometers also work. Angling them slightly too can help hold the balls in place, although I didn't do that here. gears on solid axle - after multiple days of trying different gear combinations and bearing sets I settled on this single step final similar to the piston car. The engine isn't torquey so I needed the largest stepdown I could make. Obviously you can't make the final gear larger than the wheel, and a large wheel negates the stepdown :/ The axle shafts are little antennas surrounded by the smallest solar panels that just make the right sized hole. custom wheels - a morgan type wire wheel up front and solid wheels in back. RCS ports have high tolerance and the friction was good enough. and a working hybrid turboshaft-crankshaft engine with pulsing exhaust. 8 junos tuned down to blow on 4 batteries that are offset from the center to appear like a crankshaft. Let's just say this did not help with balance or high rpm performance. Bearings are my old standard, the avionics cone pds314 showed me, stuck in a hole made by 4 octo struts. the exhaust is thrust limited to 2.5, the minimal setting where they still set off a puff of flame (6.5 is the next faster puff btw for you aesthetic enthusiasts). If you stage them all separately they puff at off times and it makes it look like cylinders are firing! I am very proud to be presenting this and hope you enjoy seeing it. Cheers to all the engineers I "borrowed" ideas from. KerbalX
  7. The new wheels are giving me some trouble fixing the rover on a slope. The slope is not all that big (5-10 degree at most) but my heavy rover slides down even on brakes. Even when the wheels are perpendicular to the direction of slope... even when landing legs are lowered. The slide always happens as if the rover is standing on ice. (this all happens on Eve). I tried playing with wheels set up, but no amount of tweaking the traction or friction, etc could not prevent the slide. Is it by design? Basically all I want is to make sure that when I enable the brakes the rover would remain still. Is it impossible on the slope now?
  8. I tested each part of my rover and they all worked fine until I had them all connected, It consists of 5 parts 1 inner module with 2 identical rovers at each end and a pair of running boards or connectors holding them together. The main issue being that the whole thing flopped and bounced about until all the wheels were busted bar the inner mining module which was fine and didn't bounce about at all. The whole vehicle was launched as one vessel but it just went crazy flopping like a fish until all the tires were popped. This is my rover for the sake of so you can see what I mean and how it's built in case that helps any. any help or advice would be helpful. The wheels are from Buffalo and the inner module is EPL. The wheels are mounted to IR parts but I haven't had trouble with the wheels being mounted on them until I launched the vessel with module and the Rear cab attached. Any advice would be appreciated. Edit : The instant I docked the cab to the smelters All the tires popped at once. And the two cabs connected by the two running boards could drive just fine but then would suddenly have the tires all take their turn to pop within 2 seconds. I was watching the wheel stress and it showed no sign of high stress though the bounced like they wre running over something despite being stationary. I will note the two smelters are using the same wheels and they haven't popped.
  9. This is just a tip for people who might be having the extreme frustration I was having. If you get a mission to build an outpost and it has the requirement "the outpost must be on motorized wheels" and it's not getting met, try driving around. I was testing my mobile base at KSC and the requirement wasn't getting checked off, even though the base was clearly on wheels and very mobile. I decided to drive off the launch pad and tour around KSC to see what happens, and as soon as I left the launch pad, the requirement got met. Hope this helps somebody.
  10. Seriously, I thought 1.2 was supposed to make wheels work, but it feels like a big step backwards. I figured out how to overcome the torque and SAS issues in previous releases, but now I am having these darn issues again! And with a very simple 4-wheel rover on the Mun! If I can operate a rover on Minmus without flipping it, why the heck can I not get it to work on the Mun before it just spins out of control and flip. My basic design disables steering and power in the rear wheels, and leaves the front two wheels as the control point for that. I again disabled torque and SAS, but that doesn't matter. The rover wheels just spin out and flip the probe. So what am I doing wrong? They're acting like frickin' sleds. Is there a video or tutorial which teaches you how to adjust traction and when to override vs leave on auto? So frustrating. Thank you for any pointers and videos you might know of. I watched a lot of Scott Manley's stuff, so if he covers this specific topic, please point me there.
  11. Anyone else have the problem of having a 4x4 rover wheel but it seems that 3 wheels roll faster than that single one and it makes the rover circle until it points at a certain point and drives straight all the way? I seem to have that problem with my rovers. Even in a 6 wheeler.
  12. I built this Van looking thing and I put the Xl3 rover wheels on it because the other wheels would be too small.It was working just fine when I put them on (I was able to turn easily and go to speeds up to 25 m/s using the diff steering to make me go faster),but now I switched some settings to make my game run better and now the Rover can only go 5 m/s and I cant even turn the vehicle.I didn't mess with it to much except add some struts and maybe a few other things but I don't think it would affect the wheels. I understand that these wheels aren't the best for the game, but I cant use any other wheel because of how big the vehicle is.
  13. Hello, I am running KSP version with the mods BD armory, Hyperedit, Procedural Parts, North Kerbin Weaponry, Firespitter, and Community Ammunition Library. CAL and Firespitter are "coremods" to have the BDA add-on North Kerbin Weaponry. I am encountering a very game - braking bug that is making it unplayable. Every time any landing gear (fixed, wheels, retractable) touches the terrain at all, the entire craft explodes, even when lightly touching down from a parachute, or dropping a couple of feet from launch clamps. Is there a way to fix this? I am also fairly certain that the bug doesn't come from the mods I have.
  14. I've been tearing my hair out trying to sort through the new wheel system and ran into a situation where wheels were not working. @Gristle generously provided me with some screenshots and it's clear that the new wheels are very claustrophobic when it comes to having things around them. If you have parts that are too near the wheel, they'll claim they're blocked. I've found a workaround, however. As you can see from the picture below, the wheels on the right are blocked while the wheels on the left aren't: How did I manage this? I cheated! I rebuilt the inflatable module on the left by setting all of its colliders to layer 26, WheelCollidersIgnore. The inflatable module on the right has not been rebuilt yet so the right side wheels are still blocked. Once I set the colliders to layer 26, the wheels decided that they weren't blocked. I've no problems rebuilding my parts to set their layer to 26, but I'm wondering if @nli2work or another modder has come up with a better way to unblock wheels.
  15. Any way out of this? I've checked settings, as far as I can tell the wheels are configured properly and have ground contact. "A" or "D" key makes them steer, "W" or "S" key makes motor indicator ramp up (as per below picture), but wheels don't spin and rover doesn't go. Install is modded slightly but I don't think any of those mods are affecting the present situation; rover is stock and in a stock situation. Worked fine in 1.1 driving on Minmus. Any ideas? ETA 27 July: Created a clean file with no Intrepid, Kerbulans or other spoilers. The rover Sarge is in is the original, it steers but does not go--as though the brakes are stuck on (and yes, I tried toggling them ) The rover Melbe is in is the replacement, it seems to work fine.
  16. There have been lots of questions regarding building craft and/or mods to avoid the lovely wheel blocked work around/bug/thing. However, I've been getting situations where a vehicle that doesn't have the wheel block issue later develops it. Usually mixed with the wheel moving to the upper limit of it's suspension. So it's like a suspension collapse. And it usually coincides with something like a heavy landing, so presumably it makes some sort of sense. (although the one that triggers me to ask this is a rover I sent to Duna, that was suspended by a docking port, so no forces would have been pushing the wheels up, and I didn't discover it until I got to Duna) It'd be really nice if the situation could be repaired. Like fixing a flat tire. I assume it's a cause of the wheel passing a safe distance and being blocked/locked by the code that does the wheel blocking. Can anyone think of a fix, or mod that allows suspension repair?
  17. Evening, fellas! This topic has absolutely no contributory value to the community whatsoever (save for the obvious availability of morale support, and older versions of our favourite modifications.) While I applaud Squad's work in (finally) upgrading to Unity 5... Y'know what? They can keep it. I just downgraded to KSP 1.0.5., and brother, let me tell you... BEST. DECISION. EVER. Not only do all of my modifications work again, but I can actually land a plane on a runway without it exploding! Me! An airline pilot! What a true novelty! I can't wait to actually land on the Mun, again! I think, to celebrate, I'm going to build a big-assed black pickup-truck, and I'm going to go carve doughnuts into the face of Duna. Welp, anyway, that's all I wanted to share. Peace out home slices and brotein shakes!
  18. Who agrees that the next upgrade should return rover wheels behaviour to prior to 1.1.x? 1.1.3 is excellent... But for the wheels... The new wheels simply do not work... Maybe keep the new suspension, suspension is fine. But friction and grip... Total disaster...
  19. to keep it short... Why can't I climb a relatively shallow hill on Eve with a rover with ruggedized wheels? The rover weights around 19t (more like a truck) and the engine seems not to have the power to climb a miserably small slope... any ideas to go around this or rovers are simply dead from 1.1.x? Note: in a game version prior to 1.0.2 this rover truck climbs it without a problem
  20. Its insane, the ground has to be made of oiled glass, I can not traverse an 10 degree slope with an 3 ton rover with 6 of the offroad wheels. After exploring the poles I wanted to explore peaks and highland, this however looks hard as my rover slide down to midland and is still sliding. New try, accent stage failed because landing leg overstressed some time after it came to rest after sliding for 10 minutes.
  21. Hi, I have a rover for which I used symmetry for the wheel placement. However, I cannot invert the motors individually and therefore the rover cannot really move. How do I configure the wheels individually and without the symmetry partner being configured too ? PS: Please dont tell me thats not possible because that would be ridiculously unpleasant for gameplay and construction.
  22. I am trying to take off using three point LV-10 Small Landing Gear on a 24t space plane and the take off velocity is over 100 m/s. (64bit version) They look right for this craft, the bigger ones look much too big and gawky plus they weigh 5x more. When I try to lift off with this craft the wheels always explode. I have tried upgrading the runway but it doesnt help. I tried strutting the wheels and while that was no easy matter because the wheel model doesn't accept struts very willingly that also didnt help. So what is going on here, is there a bug related to lift off triggering a crash event? Is what it looks like. Is it a known thing or is there something I am missing?
  23. FASTCORP is back, and it's back in style. Last updated Feb. 16th, 2016. FASTCORP proudly presents PimpWheels, a modified TR-2L with slick custom rims to show all your friends that you've got funds in the bank. Using InterstellarMeshSwitch, there's a grand total of 16 different rims for tricking out your vehicles, all in one low-impact part! Click the spoiler to see the catalog. Are wheels not enough? Want something else to show your friends you've got phat stacks? No problem! Just take out 100k from the bank, slap on your shades, and cruise downtown. PimpWheels comes with a special KIS-only part, a stack of bills worth 100k, for you to show off with. Cha-ching! Glasses are from Locob's Pro Props mod. Other Features ModuleManager config for adding a KashCorp Racing Wheel with PimpWheels if you have Rovers n' Roadsters installed. Download This mod redistributes Sarbian's ModuleManager and FreeThinker's InterstellarFuelSwitch, and includes their respective licenses. Download from Curse Download from SpaceDock - The new KerbalStuff! They are just getting started. Help them out! Known Issues Wheels cannot break. This is due to the way Interstellar Fuel Switch works. (Well, they do have a broken model, but there's no rim when it breaks. It's best to make them invincible.) Credits to Squad for the original TR-2L wheel. License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Questions? Feel free to PM me
  24. So I just built and shipped a large tanker in my career game. Unfortunately, when I try steering, the wheels will not turn or rotate or anything. It doesn't roll down hills either. This is on windows in 64x KSP.
  25. Read into some 1.1.x wheel problem threads. Sounds like the issue has something to do with colliders and clipping. After reading that, I went back to the rover design I was working on, and offset all my wheels so that they aren't clipping into anything (which is a HUGE pain, since offsetting the wheels in mirror symmetry somehow resets them to radial symmetry, so I had to place the wheels one by one and offset them manually, but that's for another time). Anyway, I do that, and I still get the Wheel Blocked issue on the pad. What gives? The wheels are literally floating in space, not physically touching any other part models. This is the best I could do for screen shots, since the gaps are very small.
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