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Suspiciously Affirm Your Status As A Human


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You are probably a court reporter doing short hand, but you might be predictive text.

I am human because I can be blue but I am not green with envy, red with rage, yellow with cowardice, turning purple or orange juice.

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0/10 that sounds like an automated response.

ERROR: Expected ";" at line 14


function affirmStatusAsHuman()


var keywords = ["human","mistakes","organic","earth"];

var humanConfirm = langAI.generateSentence("interpolate",keywords,"persuade") <-




Edited by iamn00b
rickroll passed 1b views lmao
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You are a human because an AI would know that I don't have an active car warranty.

And because that was JavaScript.


I find JavaScript ugly, but less ugly than Java.
This makes me an aesthetically sensitive human.

Edited by kerbiloid
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