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5 hours ago, Beccab said:

what does "E-sub-c safety threshold" mean?

Casualty expectation. Presumably, Expectationcasualties, or Ec.

From https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2010-title14-vol4/pdf/CFR-2010-title14-vol4-sec417-105.pdf


§ 417.107 Flight safety.

(a) Flight safety system. For each launch vehicle, vehicle component, and payload, a launch operator must use a flight safety system that satisfies sub-part D of this part as follows, unless § 417.125 applies.

(1) In the vicinity of the launch site. For each launch vehicle, vehicle component, and payload, a launch operator must use a flight safety system in the vicinity of the launch site if the following exist:

(i) Any hazard from a launch vehicle, vehicle component, or payload can reach any protected area at any time during flight; or

(ii) A failure of the launch vehicle would have a high consequence to the public.

(2) In the downrange area. For each launch vehicle, vehicle component, and payload, a launch operator must provide a flight safety system downrange if the absence of a flight safety system would significantly increase the accumulated risk from debris impacts.

(b) Public risk criteria. A launch operator may initiate the flight of a launch vehicle only if flight safety analysis performed under paragraph (f) of this section demonstrates that any risk to the public satisfies the following public risk criteria:

(1) A launch operator may initiate the flight of a launch vehicle only if the risk associated with the total flight to all members of the public, excluding persons in waterborne vessels and aircraft, does not exceed an expected average number of 0.00003 casualties (Ec≤ 30 × 10¥6) from impacting inert and impacting explosive debris, (Ec≤ 30 × 10¥6) for toxic release, and (Ec≤ 30 × 10¥6) for far field blast over-pressure. The FAA will determine whether to approve public risk due to any other hazard associated with the proposed flight of a launch vehicle on a case-by-case basis. The Eccriterion for each hazard applies to each launch from lift-off through orbital insertion, including each planned impact, for an orbital launch, and through final impact for a suborbital launch.

(2) A launch operator may initiate flight only if the risk to any individual member of the public does not exceed a casualty expectation (Ec of 0.000001 per launch (Ec≤ 1 × 10¥6) for each hazard.

(3) A launch operator must implement water borne vessel hazard areas that provide an equivalent level of safety to that provided by water borne vessel hazard areas implemented for launch from a Federal launch range.

(4) A launch operator must establish aircraft hazard areas that provide an equivalent level of safety to that provided by aircraft hazard areas implemented for launch from a Federal launch range.

(c) Debris thresholds. A launch operator’s flight safety analysis, performed as required by paragraph (f) of this section, must account for any inert debris impact with a mean expected kinetic energy at impact greater than or equal to 11 ft-lbs and, except for the far field blast overpressure effects analysis of § 417.229, a peak incident overpressure greater than or equal to 1.0 psi due to any explosive debris impact.

(1) When using the 11 ft-lbs threshold to determine potential casualties due to blunt trauma from inert debris impacts, the analysis must:

(i) Incorporate a probabilistic model that accounts for the probability of casualty due to any debris expected to impact with kinetic energy of 11 ft-lbs or greater and satisfy paragraph (d) of this section; or

(ii) Count each expected impact with kinetic energy of 11 ft-lbs or greater to a person as a casualty.


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Shotwell gave a NU commencement speech online today (didn't watch, pics posted on NSF), and she walks through Hawthorne a little, and there is a countdown screen of Raptors shipped with the engines of SS/SH shown for the test flight, all the SH center engines are green, and the ring of static engines not green. Countdown is for the end of July 9.

2 of the 3 SN20 engines show shipped.

None of the Rvacs.

Edited by tater
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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

For those thinking they need glasses... -_-


Am I the only one who thinks they need glasses because the drawing on the left is not a circle of circles, it's an ellipse of circles?

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12 hours ago, tater said:


Am I the only one who thinks they need glasses because the drawing on the left is not a circle of circles, it's an ellipse of circles?

They burned too much at Pe

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