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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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A day or so ago I landed on the Mun. After refueling, (Thanks, Kethane!) I set off for Duna.


After getting orbit locked by Duna, I realized my fatal flaw. I'd forgotten a Kethane scanner on the Arkingthaad lite. So, the mission had to go on hold while I made a transplanetary kethane probe. This was done.

And then? Magic. The landing went better than I thought, and I arrived right at dawn.


This game is pretty sometimes. And I've never seen a greysuit looking so smug! I'll top off the tanks, lift off, probably check out Ike and top off again, then maybe I'll head home. These guys got a hero's welcome due them.

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Well I've gotten pretty good so far with getting to space and back down but not so great at landing spacecraft with precision. So I built my Kerbal recovery craft. Not sure on the total range but really only need it for the main island, I'm not that bad.


It includes a rover incase I can't find a decent landing spot near Kerbals. Kerbals returning actualy are meant to ride the rover back.

Also included is a bank of Seperatrons to act as JATO rockets for the return take off.

The lander legs are set at the level for the clamp-a-tron that hold the rover on, so I deploy those then lower the main landing gear to dock the rover. Which can drive under the rear engine.


I'm happy with it........for now.

Edited by aleis
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Today I added the Large Ship Berth to Epoch station, launched one of my interplanetary ships, and docked it at the berth.



The view from the dock master's control room.


But an instant after the ship connected, this happened.


You can just barely see (behind the navball) that the ship is being thrown away intact while the station is destroyed. But I had hit quicksave just as this was happening, and upon loading the save, the STATION is fine, but the SHIP has utterly vanished. This is great good luck, of course, because the ship launches as a single piece and is easy enough to replace, whereas I've been building the station for days. But I have no idea what just happened, why the station exploded AFTER the ship had achieved dock, or where the ship went. I do not have any KIAs listed on my personnel roster.

Edited by Vanamonde
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I've been building the base that will house my astronauts once they've landed on Duna. In this picture, you can see the surface habitat descend towards the spot chosen by the rover visible to the left.


That feeling when you manage to land on the same spot twice! :)

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Tried to send the Castle Romeo mission to the Mun. Dumb, dumb, dumb mistake...first off, if you have to rob your payload of it's fuel just to get into orbit, it means the booster didn't have sufficient delta-V. Second, if you're going to try and land ten-plus tonnes worth of equipment, you probably shouldn't be trying to do it with a quad of 48-7S engines. Luckily the mission was crewed by Jeb and the gang, so I just have to wait for their replacements to come out of the cloning vats. I'll be redesigning that rocket, obviously.

Was going to do a rehearsal run with just the LEM portion of the mission...I still haven't done anything with the redesigned rover skycrane other than drive under it a couple of times while it's still on the pad with the engines lit. I have a feeling I need to actually try out the design, particularly if I intend to use the skycrane I've got as the LEM descent stage. Having some major issues with Subassembly in 0.21, though...probably because the version I've got is compatible with 0.20. If there's a 0.21 patch out, I haven't seen it at the Spaceport.

Would've done more, but the weather forced me off my computer last night. More of the same tonight if the missus deigns to let me play.

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You can just barely see (behind the navball) that the ship is being thrown away intact while the station is destroyed. But I had hit quicksave just as this was happening, and upon loading the save, the STATION is fine, but the SHIP has utterly vanished. This is great good luck, of course, because the ship launches as a single piece and is easy enough to replace, whereas I've been building the station for days. But I have no idea what just happened, why the station exploded AFTER the ship had achieved dock, or where the ship went. I do not have any KIAs listed on my personnel roster.

SAS + time warp + Kraken is to blame.

Earlier i had teh same issue with my ship. I docked it, then all the sudden SAS decided to violently shake it. From there Kraken amplifies it until everything snaps and explodes.

On a side note my plan was to add a partially closed hanger bay to my station... The plan was to have 4 of my B2s on the station as defensive ships. Well as soon as i started modeling a hanger bay around my ship i realized this is a bad idea.





For the hell of it i decided to mount some engines on it.


Flies like a brick.


The reason why i'm abandoning this idea is not because of it being pain in the butt to get into space but because this piece alone causes tons of lag.

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I successfully built a SSTO space plane. While there isn't much fuel left to get it back to the ground, it is at least able to get into orbit, which was what I was aiming at. In theory my Kerbal can get out and push it back into the atmosphere. THEN there should be enough fuel left to get it back to KSP HQ.

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I skycraned a rover down to Mun, and located the Armstrong Memorial. The terrain around there is ridiculous --- I drove over to what I'll name "Apollo Cliff" south of the Anomaly, and EVA'd to the top... it's almost 2km tall, nearly vertical.


Unfortunately I didn't pack enough delta-v for the rescue ship, so now I have to pluck Landas and Jebidiah off of Mun.

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Returned to the Mun for the first time since it's texture/geography changed with the .21 patch. I was busy playing around with orbitting/landing on Minmus when the patch hit so hadn't bothered with the Mun.

Being at best mediocre at the game I got to Mun orbit, realised I wouldn't have fuel to land take off and return, so I binned the mission, went around the dark side of the Mun and flew home Apollo 13 style. Then I added more fuel tanks and repeated the mission successfuly. It's almost like I care for my Kerbals since they added the training complex and a KIA list ;)

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I completed my newest super station (was intended to be a proof of concept station but...) Dubbed "Project Colossus" it has just recently been opened for business.

Features ample living space, laboratory, the newest Mark IV thermal nuclear reactor (though it primarily runs off of solar power), a warehouse for spare parts as she is a dockyard as well. The habitat modules feature the ability to undock and move away under RCS power, and a good thing too because this station has a whopping 49,896 liquid fuel! Also the first station to get the new quad docking port which will be utilized in my planned Helios class interplanetary vessels.

Part count: 214

Mass fully fueled and ready to go? 803 tons (with warehouses empty).

Hard to get a good picture of her but...



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Today I actually realised something I'd subconciously recognised for a while: my entire space program, mods et al, is devoted to reducing part count.

Completely depleted a large Kethane patch on Minmus ( only 3 shuttles, the ship on the right that looks like something out of a 50s show ). Moved the base later, hurrah for self-propelled bases.


Dropped an ore mining/processing camp on Minmus, in preparation for dropping a launchpad ( for the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod ) there when I can work out how to get one there. I want to launch bigger individual components for large interplanetary craft so I can keep the final part count down, and the only way to do that is to go somewhere where it's easier to launch.


Finished Thunderbird 5, somewhere out of the way to keep rescue vehicles ( which I seem to need with depressing regularity ). Light tug, heavy tug & KAS equipped spaceplane.


Threw up a docking hub with some power provision to convert Kethane shuttles into refuelling points, but that's not very interesting.

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I see some uncrecognized mods on the minmus pic. What packs are used on the building to the far left?

The middle pic? the EL rocket part factory on top ( I haven't thought of something else that fits my craft to use for that yet - maybe the HOME fuel factory part ), a massively scaled up Kethane generator model for the smelter, and I borrowed the kethane drill for an augur also. I messed with the mining & conversion rates a lot, it takes quite a while to do anything & the smelter is rather nerfed to compensate for being easier to handle. Haven't looked at the latest EL yet though.

The bottom bits are all HOME & KAS, that's a standard base part.

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Well, today i rescued bill and and bob from a death trap. At least that's how they call the return capusle of the Lotus Munar Lander (mod) now.

They probably should have read the manual beforehand but instead they found out that the return capsule had no power generating modules during mid-flight. After the Mun escape and a first burn to prepare landing they were out of electrical charges and could not navigate the ship anymore.

It's *very* annoying to rendevouz something in a highly eccentric orbit. It takes lots of delta-v (more than reaching Mun) and a lot of time. As a bonus, the capsule had no docking port of course, so a risky EVA transfer had to be done. After much sweat they were retrieved and brought back to KSC safely, though.

I planned to do something else today...

And sorry, no screenshots, I had no idea I would post about it on the forum later, just registered today.

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I just added the fourth section to my space station :)


(From the RCS/Xenon tanks, to the engines)

I'm probably going to separate the two tanks/engines on the orange tank, I'll wait to see how it handles first though. It needs to come into a lower orbit, and I'm hoping it will be able to transit to Mun and Minmus orbits if needed.

My next goal is to build a smallish utility ship for transferring crew/resources to nearby vessels. As well as some Kerbin landers/pods to get Kerbals home as needed.

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Shortly before entering Jool's SOI, Jeb and Bill jettisoned their empty fuel containers. Unknowingly they also jettisoned their friendly robot rover too. The rover hit Jool head on, it was doing 10,000m/s when it hit the atmosphere, pulled 80g's during its death dive.


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