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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. hmm maybe tweakable everything, or maybe my tweak scale is broken. as I have no scale setting on the right click menu... this also ties in to I have been assuming for a while now that tweak scale has destroyed all my Reaction wheels in the game. as all of them are set to a max value of 1 and I am assuming tweak scale messed up the math on resize so maybe there is more to it. not sure if you meant tweak scale or tweakable everything but I have both installed and do not have any scale settings in the right click menu.
  2. ah so the texture does indeed control the emissive at leas to some degree. I still have to set up the material in the .obj file to be an emissive however? the emissive texture only controls how bright and the color of the emissive. I am used to making parts for games that to make a part emissive I just make a texture with an alpha channel to control brightness and a diffuse texture to control color. and indeed these are usually the same texture. you just add alpha to your diffuse texture to make it all in one go. I am just getting started in making 3d assets for KSP so I still have not figured out all the unity import stuff yet. but one day... lol if I ever decide to put in the time I will get it all sorted out.
  3. ah ok... that may work out. I wanted it to be modular in the fact that I was not tied to a pre made part but could build runways and taxi ways etc. on the fly in the editor and place the lights along the edge to make markers and animate them to do the chase pattern like the example. I will just have to look at it more and see what I come up with. it is too bad KSP does not use the texture to control emissive like other games do. it makes this sort of thing so much easier to just make a new texture and not have to deal with the underlying model.
  4. I am leaning toward the new style any way... I am working on the complete lineup in that last style I posted where the mount point is midway down the handrail portion. it may or may not have the detail like bolts etc. I have not decided on that yet. but I like the single mount point and the rounded end caps on the hand holds so I think I am going to stick with that.
  5. is it possible to resize the parts? I am building a carrier but I guess my flight deck is smaller than expected as the arresting cable etc. are far to big for my design. could you add a "length/width" scale to the right click menu? so we can resize the bits to fit what ever we are building? EDIT: Oh a "WP" is a Waypoint. so we can use Waypoint manager to find the carrier that is out in the wild. I may park it somewhere, and then launch a new aircraft from KSC, and need to fly to the current location of the carrier to land. it would be nice if I could open the Waypoint manger and select the carrier's waypoint so I can navigate to it.
  6. ok so the emissive is a material defined in the .obj ( I assume unity imports an .obj any way) an the actual texture is not the important bit. this makes sense, and means that basically after market adding of emissive is very unlikely. and the bit with making the lights from separate parts is good news. I was afraid I would have to weld it all together into a single part to make it work. I guess I will press on with my runway as that example video is exactly the effect I was looking for. just in a runway format.
  7. Just installing this now but I have a question.. do you create a WP for us? and if not could you? maybe tie it to the "Optical Landing System", so If this part is on the boat then it will add a WP that we can pull up in WP manager, so we can see where the carrier is located and navigate to it.
  8. ok so a question. how is emissive defined? is it defined on the model specifically or with a texture set to a specific alpha or something? as in to add emissive to part can this be done by editing the alpha on a texture like other games do? or does it require some tag to be set on the model itself? and secondly if I have a runway made up of tiles from a mod and wanted to add "animated" lights to it that would run in a "chase" down the runway is this possible just by adding the light part to the runway in the editor? or would the runway and all light parts need to be "welded" into a single part and then setup the light animation on that one part?
  9. do the centrifuge parts add torque to a craft in flight? I am seeing some weird spin on a station I put up after I inflated the centrifuge ring and it starts to turn.
  10. I do not see version 0.3.14 on CKAN. it still shows 0313 as the latest version for some reason.
  11. so are the textures selectable or are they tied to the LS mod installed? if not selectable can you make them so and also allow us to select the original part texture as well. i just would like the freedom to choose ANY of the textures you have made as well as the original part texture in my builds. if this is how it is already ignore this, I have not installed it yet, I am just downloading it now. and secondly SQUAD makes a default "internal black void" you can use as your internal for the parts until you get custom made internals. this will allow you to have the crew portraits but the actual IVA will be just a black background.
  12. just reading here, I found that my problem is because I do not have IFS installed. However I use Configurable Containers and it is not compatible with IFS. Have you looked at using firespitter for your switching needs? is this a possibility? as firespitter seems to work fine with CC. Another thing. I see the lab has had a new model made, and @JadeOfMaar is using the old one as a part for the various life support mods. could you use this old model (or make a new one) that is just a passenger cabin. no frills like Life support mod integration no bonus to comfort etc. I want a cattle car "Economy Class" "passenger tube" maybe in 4,8, and 10? Meter length with maximum Kerbal Density, and no regard for comfort. maybe throw in a United Airlines specific part where Kerbals will be beaten and thrown on the runway before takeoff. Basically I would like a way to use my Mk2 SSTO to resupply crew to my Orbital stations or to make quick crew transfers to the Mün or Minmus. there is a contract in one of the contract packs I use called "Space Camp" it requires 19 Kerbals to be sent into orbit for 40 Days. I would like to be able to setup my Orbital station to deal with the life support needs of the 19+ Kerbals and just use my Mk2 SSTO to transfer them to and from the station. so I would need the parts to realistically get those 19 Kerbals to orbit. a Mk2 SSTO with a total passenger load of 18, and then the cockpit with 2 would serve this "Airline" style of mission rather well.
  13. so it seems the Centrifuge parts were over looked in your CLS patch. you have a CLS patch in the mod folders, and it has a bunch of parts in it, but not any of the inflatable centrifuge parts seem to be in that patch file.
  14. not really a big deal, I did not really much care that the race is there it is just that I used the race markers for other things in my game. they marked my "harbor" and gave me navigational aids for landing etc. the air race was very secondary to the navigational aids it provided. I would go run the race now and then when I was testing a new airplane, but I was not really dead set on setting speed records or anything.
  15. by retrograde do you mean orbiting against the planet's/moon's spin? if so, no, that would be marked as an inclination of 180. and since this is higher than 40 it would indeed still work. and if I was to go all the way around to 220 which would look just like a 40 but in reverse (I think this is what you mean) then it is again greater than the 40 degrees required and would trigger the mission. other than this I do not know what you mean by retrograde orbit. however I just sent another probe and it worked fine. so there is some bug in the triggering of "valid" orbit that is not 100% repeatable. as it was an identical probe back to the same orbit... so not sure why the trigger did not happen the first go around.
  16. could you make a switch to enable the automated sampling only if transmittable data breaks the threshold setting? I have probes out that will never return to Kerbin but they keep killing warp because a science bit could be done to get science on return, but I have transmitted that science for all it is worth.
  17. I have hangars by the runways, lights extending off the end of the runway to mark the approach, there is some dish antennas around the globe in places, and a light house on the tip of the island with the old dirt runway. I believe these all come from KK yes?
  18. ah well the SXT author is not really the author, he is just maintaining the mod after Lack stopped. And he has said many times he has no modeling experience so there can be no hope there, but thanks for the reply.
  19. in the SXT mod there is an antenna with a retractable mast. it is the "Communotron DTS-R4", would it be possible to put an indicator light on the tip of the extending part? such that it will light up and act as a warning light to show where the antenna tip is when it is extended.
  20. I saw that the Air races were removed form the main mod and then added back in s a separate download, and I have installed both of these mods. However the air race is still not showing up in the bay at KSC. Have I messed up the install? or has this air race been removed from the mod? EDIT: Also would someone be willing to make a "shipyard" in the bay north of KSC so we have docks for our boats. I have several submarines, an aircraft carrier, several support ships for recovering pods and boosters after splash down etc. even a few cruise ships and other "useless" boats like fishing boats and personal yachts etc. it would be great if I had a nice shipyard/dock area to park them in with roads connecting back to KSC if possible.
  21. I just used hyper edit to "land" the sat and recover some of the funds. I then re launched the (same) craft and the mission worked. so not sure what the cause was, but this time it knew I was in orbit and everything was fine.
  22. I am using the mod by @allista for his configurable containers. He has a cryo cooling tank to prevent boil off of resources. however it does not appear that ampyear is aware of the EC usage for his parts. can we get those parts added to your supported part list?
  23. oh well maybe I will send another one up and try again. but it did not recognize the orbit or the fact that the parts were installed. so there are multiple issues with it.
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