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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. ok... it is a bit more clear now what is going on with MM... but in light of this i have seen too many mods who use these switches incorectly... it is no wonder so many times my heavily moded games suddenly implode.
  2. and conversly? Will :AFTER imply :NEED or are the two not tied in any way?
  3. i am looking for the Wood biplane struts and the cross brace wires... have these been removed from the mod? and if so: why? Will they be replaced with new parts? can i still download them somewhere?
  4. does the :NEEDS switch also imply :AFTER? or will it fire any time as long as that mod is available?
  5. yes that is what i did... i guess ill just save the files this way and restart it. worst case, i can always restore the original i guess...
  6. i am getting several MM errors on load and then it says something about not creating a cache because of the errors. if i understand MM correctly this cache that is not being created will make my game load faster yes? so if i can fix the errors in the patches i can save myself some headache in the wait for my overly modded installs? not knowing the MM syntax that well i look at these and i think i see the problems, but just so i do not create more problems with incorrectly fixing them... How would i go aboutr fixing these 8 errors?
  7. I just went through my KSP install and updated all the mods to the most recent versions... after i finished, i started up the game, and this is what i see. The terrain is all blue, and the craft textures are semi transparent. has anybody seen this or something similar to get me on the right track? i updated quite a few mods, and do not recall which they were... so trying to track this down has not been easy.
  8. well i know nothing about getting the models into unity, i have started to look into it a few times, but never seem to get it done. however, i am more than happy to make any 3D models you wish in blender and provide the mesh.
  9. I see the drop tanks are still in Legacy Parts. Will these be updated to the main pack again? or are they being dropped? The reason i ask is becasue if they will be reworked, and put back in the main pack, i would like to request a (relchute) parachute be added to the tail end of the tank. This is for 2 reasons. first, obviously, so i can safly recover the drop tanks. and secondly, the reason for the chute to be in the tail end, is if i do not actually drop the tank the chute could be used as a drogue chute upon landing.
  10. it looks like it.... but mabe need a second opinion. the mini IRSU part mentioned does indeed make fertilizer from ore. However i would suggest using MKS. It adds many things to the game that are worth every bit of overhead in my opinion.
  11. ah yes i have over 200 mods in my installs so i feel your pain.. but like i say i run the entire USI family
  12. in all my previous installs i used TAC-LS and in some ways i do like it better... However, over all, in my latest few career games i have lked USI-LS. it is simpler than TAC in many ways and it integrates into the rest of USI, of wich i run the entire USI family. in my opinion the entire USI family is a must have. as for UPFM... i have never seen this one or (scrapyard) before. i do however run DANG It! in all my games so this may be worth looking into. @linuxgurugamer has been working with @RoverDude to make Dang It integrate better with USI. however even without the proposed changes DangIt. works well.
  13. you can always up this ratio to fit your needs, if you do not care about being a "pureist" in the reality of USI. either make the inputs less or the output higher, or both.... depending on where you wish to make the changes. Lower inputs mean less mining for the same output, higher output will mean more output for the same ammount of mining. so just decide where you want the "bonus" to be and change this value. you can do this in the file directly, or with a MM patch if you do not want to change the default files. GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\LSModule.cfg @PART[MiniISRU] { MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI ConverterName = Fertilizer StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ore -> Fertilizer] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ore -> Fertilizer] INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 2.5 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Fertilizer Ratio = 0.0025 DumpExcess = False } } }
  14. well sort of off topic here as not really about the Landertrons... but i did this to begin with, and it did not work for me. i guess i will have to go and redo it and be sure i did not miss something.
  15. On the topic of mass drivers... i have not actually launched one yet to test it out, as i am still in the design phase of a station that i want to have the orbital pipeline on. however i am unsure of how to build this station... if i understand it correctly... The orbital pipeline will have items in the KIS inventory? and that is what you mean by select what you want to send? and the ROC is not a part i need to add or anything, the Pipeline will create the ROC at time of launch?
  16. fairly safe bet, as if anybody ever did check up on them and find anything fishy it would be all over the place and you would hear about it any way. so you can pretty much safely assume there is no problems in the .dll you get here, as i am sure there are people that do check up on them from time to time.
  17. or compile it on your own... i am sure there are many people on these forums that do just that to be sure the mod author is not hiding anything.
  18. no that is why i was trying to see if i could get some of the bits working again. i used these parts in many of my designs
  19. I have been trying to do something with the HexCan mod. but i cant seem to get it to work. i see ytou are using one of the HexCans for a solid Fuel tank. so i am wondering what you had to do to get it to work. is there some sort of meta data inside the .mu file that requires the part to be in a specific directory? if i try to use the HexCan either from the original Hexcan mod or the hexcan from landertron it will not appear in the game. all i can think of is the .mu file somehow specifies some directory information.
  20. not sure what tanks you have but... KIS itself, Blue Dog Design Bureau , Wildblue Industries, USI, as well as Phoenix Industries, all have nice KIS inline stack containers. even if they do not support rescale nativly use the "tweakscale" mod and they will do so. and yes even if Phoenix does not list 1.3.1 i am using it and do not seem to have any problems yet. i am sure there are others as well. just ask around on all the various part mods that have container like parts (try contares, KW rocketry, Fuel Tanks plus, etc) and see if that mod authpor will include KIS support. most will be willing to do so if people ask for it in the individual mod's forums. or as a last resort (or first choice i guess. it is up to you) make your own part using a model that you have in your game now, and just give it KIS container module. you can do this with a simple "blablabla.cfg" file anywhere in the gamedata folder. using the model and texture modules as you can find in most parts these days you can then make a totally new custom part using any model and texture you have installed. then look at the .cfg for a part that has KIS container and put that module on your part as well.
  21. so i just dropped a few KIS containers on the surfus of minmus that contained a bunch of things i used to setup a basic outpost. i dropped some solar panels, all the SEP parts, a few "sunflower" lights, some DERP supply bags, etc. nothing fancy just a bare minimum to have some kerbals setup and get the SEP running with a bit of life support to keep them alive during this time. but then i had an idea. these empty KIS containers are now just sitting on the surface so i was wondering if it would be posible to make a kis item that was basically a "foldable bunk" that we could put in the container. it would of course take up some of the KIS inventory space, but after the container was emptied it would then be unfolded taking up much more of the space but making the container into a rudimentry shelter. such that a kerbal could indeed live here for some time. it would not need any "tanks" as the life support supplies could be removed from the container and attached to the outside of it with KAS, and it need not have any HAB bonus for mods like USI-LS or Keep Fit etc. basically just a cot in the container so the kerbal is not EVA, which many life support type of mods consider bad, and a kerbl can't survive for long on EVA even with all other life support criteria met. basically this would be a part with some volume, maybe 100 liters. and when expanded it would have a volume of maybe 1000 liters, but it would make the KIS container habitable. assming you have power and food etc. taken care of this emergency shelter might give your kerbal the ability to survive for a month or something.
  22. yes the whole problem is Sunflower does not allow thigs to attach to it. i beleive the MM patch i posted will fix that, but i am no MM expert, so it is still a guess. as i have not had a chance to try it.
  23. so is this the proper method then? @PART[MKS_LightGlobe]:NEEDS[MKS] { // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0 }
  24. ah yes it looks like it would require a model change as the node does not seem to be defined in the CFG. however the problem then is the sunflower needs to be set to allow surface attachment, as then the parts in the SEP mod will atach to it no problem.
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