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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. This is how you know you have made it in life. When you have a warship named after you, then you are important. P.S. Oh and glad to see you back in the ship business. I will have to make some ships again.
  2. Game is started from steam "play" button, no command line options set. I then just load a save, but resolution changes done with the game settings just do not seem to hold. I am sure you are familiar with what I mean, as this was the reason for this mod in the first place...
  3. @linuxgurugamerOk finally found this mod and it is an eye saver to be sure. I also have the problem of resolution still switching on many scene changes, so the button available on all scenes is a must, so thanks for that. However, like many others, I am having some issues. If needed I can supply player logs. My laptop runs at 4k (3840x2160) on an Nvidia RTX 3080. 1) I am not able to alt-tab out of the game. I hit alt-tab, I get a brief flash of my desktop, and then the game is back in the foreground. this is not 100% consistent, it is tied to resolution selection. If I am at native screen resolution alt-tab works normally. 2) And as others have mentioned, if I am not in my native resolution, the popup windows for alarm clock, messages, deltav, and engineering report (all the stock popup windows in the bottom right corner) do not show on screen. I assume they are working, but just being displayed at their default location as if the resolution was still in 3840x2160, so they are just being displayed out of the physical monitor space. These windows do not float and are just tied to the lower right corner of the display, so if they do not recognize the resolution change, they would be trying to popup outside the physical monitor space.
  4. Do you have the rights to the models in this mod, or are you stuck with just reusing what you have? This has always been one of my must have mods, and some of the models are a bit dated. If you had the original files and the rights to use them, I would maybe take a look at the models for this mod as well.... again, not texturing, just models. However, if done correctly, the textures could most likely be reused, as the things I would want to change are cockpit windows that do not light up etc. I assume this must be done in the model to define the surface to add the glow to, so most likely will need access to the models and edit them to include this information. However, since KSP2 is on the horizon, I am not sure how much effort to put into KSP 1 mods. Do you intend to support KSP 1 even after KSP 2 is released? Seems like a ton of work with the number of mods you maintain.
  5. @linuxgurugamer since no action here, what about just making one from scratch? How hard would that be? I was just looking for something like this, maybe there is another somewhere?
  6. Any luck finding someone to help with the texturing? If we can get somebody involved, I can work with them to finish these models up. Also, this is supposed to work with the telescopes in BDB correct? I have built a telescope using the BDB telescopes, and placed a processor mount and processors on it, but I never get a clickie to select the camera and use the telescope. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I have some mod conflict?
  7. Yes, BrutalRIP shows with his screen shots where to find them.
  8. Yes, I second this ^ post. Why have 2 of these that are basically the same thing? Will loading both cause problems? Is one recommended over the other? etc. right now, I discovered I have both loaded. So, I am wondering if I should remove one, and if so, which should I remove?
  9. ok so can you make a scalable 4K UI for that las line of your post? It is as bad as trying to read the mod's output when flying over land with a green background.
  10. If you decide to update this mod at all, it would be nice to put it in a scalable UI window, or at least allow us to move and scale the text. On my 4k system it is hard to see at times. EDIT: Ok the more I use this the more I like it. So now I have a big request. If you feel up to the task here is my wish list... 1) make a UI box that scales properly so 4k users get good results. 2)on said UI add a few text entry boxes the user can fill in, for forum username, and a URL if the craft is saved to Kerbal X, steam Workshop, Drop Box, or whatever. and a craft name / pilot name just for flavor. Some of this data can be read automatically from the game engine, I guess. 3) have a button on the UI that says "TEST". when the user presses this button, it will put the craft at the standard launch position (I would say right above the KSC runway launch at 5K altitude. (Or whatever turns out to be the best altitude, maybe another user input?) It will then set Pitch and Roll to zero, set heading to 90, and set speed to 100m/s (more user inputs?). At any rate this will start the test headed out to sea, so there will be no terrain to get in the way of the test. 4) It will then release the glider and start the data collation. This is where the biggest part comes in: Save the various stats to a table every half second, or second or whatever. keep this up until the glider lands. at this point it will revert the flight to launch and disable physics so it will not move and hide all UI elements. Then add a text overlay with the min and max values for the various stats, the average value for the stats, distance traveled, forum username, URL, craft name pilot name KSP version, starting geometry (alt, pitch, roll, speed, etc.), did it free fly or was there user input, did the craft survive the landing.... you get the idea. It will also record any mod.dll you add to the watch list like FAR or whatever. Then allow the user to pan and zoom the camera to get the "Money Shot", then take a screen shot of the craft and info overlay, making a nice info graphic poster of the craft with the test results. This will make all test flights conform to a specific set of rules for starting conditions, which will make the test more meaningful, as air density changes due to altitude, this start point will greatly affect the results of the test. This will give the user a nice picture to upload to the forum for contests or whatever, with all the info at a glance. Or it could be used just to make cool posters of any craft, by skipping the test and only showing data fields selected by the user from the UI window. I know this takes your small simple mod, and makes it into a big, complicated thing, but I can dream...
  11. Seems to be caused by symmetry. If I remove the part from symmetry, then most of the time I am able to change it.
  12. it seems to be working on the surface. I do not know what is going on under the hood, I do however see a readout near the navball showing info. i will mess around see if i can see any issues, but i would call it good for latest version. and add it to CKAN... Not a competition glider, just a sport glider I made, but it did not do too bad, I think it's best sink rate was about 4m/s.
  13. well, yes, I was coming here hoping to get a mod to assist in glider flying. But I guess this is not there yet. how hard would it be to check wind direction and add the appropriate vertical wind speed on the windward side of mountains, and then incorporate the city lights texture from (EVE?) and over any spot that has a city texture increase vertical wind speed? this would cover the most obvious sources of updraft; ridge running and urban sprawl. I have been on a glider kick recently, and really wish we had the ability to actually fly them.
  14. An update to the glider, and I am calling it finished... For now.
  15. small request: I know most of this could be done on my end, but I am assuming other would want this and maybe it should just be part of the mod. Could you make a set of decals that are geometric shapes and then let us scale them in individual directions? rather than just an overall scale? Basically this would allow us to place stripes etc. on our craft and then scale them in width and length to make it run the full length of the part etc. If you have ever played "Need for Speed" or something like this, they allow you to do this in the paint shop. There is a basic set of vinyl decals in various "patterns"; solid, dashed, tribal knots, swooshes, chevrons, etc. Then with the "fill" and "outline" idea you have now these are 2 color, and finally you scale and skew them to deform the basic pattern to fit your desires. This is far more than I was thinking however, I would be happy with a set of basic stripes we can adjust in height and width. But if skew could be added all the better. Players could add more "Patterns" with module manager patches later if they wish. But for a set of basic stripes, we could have a single thick, a single thin, a thick and thin side by side, and a dual thin. this would be enough to get the most basic "Racing Stripe" sort of look. If the decal then had no empty space around the stripe, you could snug 2 of them up close to one another and they would not overlap causing z-fighting issues. Not sure how hard this would be, but it would be great for adding stripes and such down an aircraft's fuselage and wings etc. EDIT: Oh and please for the sake of all Kerbalkind, someone make some Kerbal pinups to use as nose art on my airplanes. *Looks for @Kloudmutt ...and realizes there has been no login since 2016. My first craft using these decals... I just wish I could add some "Racing Stripes"... Not sure why a glider needs racing stripes, but ... This is where I need the Stripe, but I used the "text box bug" to create one. EDIT 2: Well, the Text bug is not a good way to make a stripe, as after reloading my game all the stripes are just text again. So here is to wishing for a real way to easily add stripes etc.
  16. Does KSP still have the problem where a vertical stabilizer will add lift in one direction? It still seems to me any craft I build with a single vertical stabilizer will veer and then roll on takeoff and landing. Yet if I use a "V" tail configuration this problem seems to be far less noticeable, or even non existent. I have been fighting with this for a while now, and it looks to me like it is indeed the Vertical stabilizer causing this. I seem to recall, long ago, a discussion on the forum talking about vertical "wings" still generating lift in their "up" direction. So just wondering if this is still the case?
  17. I am having an issue where I try to edit a part's rotation value, and it either does not change, or it is changed to a value that I did not enter. The problem goes like this: 1) select a part with "P" 2) notice the rotation is something like 90.0002 3) change the rotation to 90.0 4) hit "enter" or click out of the box, and the value reverts back to 90.0002 the other problem is exactly the same, except after hitting "enter" the new rotation value will show 90.0004. (this always seems to be additive) I can make a video of this if you need.
  18. Hate to Necro this, but I have been on the glider kick in KSP for a while now. Just wondering if this mod will still function in the latest KSP version. I was really looking for a mod that added thermals and ridge lift etc. to the game but saw this and thought it looked interesting.
  19. ok I can share a dropbox link. Does that mean you are happy with this tube? Or do you have any other requests? Once you are satisfied with the Cacteye (CCT-1)? I will begin working on the Fungeye (FNG-1)? Later we can talk about the other parts. gyros, sensor processors etc.
  20. Something like this is what you had in mind? For textures, maybe you should find a modder who has the texture look you want, and just ping them directly and ask them for some help with the texturing. I will try to make something, but I am sure it will not be up to the level of some of the mods on here.
  21. Not bombs, science probes Could you make the stripes on the other parts just as decorative? not a big deal I guess, just wanted that stripe to run the full length. Oh, and while I am here... If you install JSI Transparent Pods along side this mod, it seems to have an issue. Basically the Pilot is rendered on a layer above the craft structure, and thus is visible through the parts. I did not spend much time looking into this, I just removed JSI, but this might be something that could be fixed. @eberkain wow thanks for the conformal decal tip. While not perfect, it is close. If I can figure out the custom decals, I may be able to replicate this stripe perfectly.
  22. The foil surface I was planning for the base section, and possibly carbon fiber for the tube, but that comes from the texture. So we will need to try and find someone who knows how to do KSP texturing. As I said I am not a texture artist, I can make something basic, but to make this look really nice we will probably want someone else to get involved. The smaller tubes you mean as a new part? I had plans for more parts yes. if you mean add some smaller tubes to this part that is easy enough.
  23. Ok, unless you have any final changes you wish to make, I am going to call this tube finished. It still needs a high quality texture made to finish off the details, and give it that true Stockalike look.
  24. Ok I am still not finding the tubes. I see 2 parts called "Cacteye optical tube", and "Cacteye small optical tube". Are these the only tubes included in the mod? If so, there is a problem as they are only available in the third tier of the science building. These are in "Advanced Science Tech", the second to the last node on the tree branch. If these are the only tubes included, is my tech tree modified to move this node far later than it should be? What function, if any, do the tubes provide? Could I just make a telescope with a structural part and the processors etc? I seem to recall the old mod had the idea of having to close the lens cap if pointing toward the sun, so I am assuming this is still part of the mod and thus a real telescope tube would be needed. And I assume the tube has some sort of marker telling the .dll that it is the actual lens, or does this function just reside entirely in the processors? Can I just install "Scapedust" alongside "Cacteye" and get the tubes in this way? Sorry to be a pain but I took several contracts dealing with Cacteye, and I wanted to actually finish them rather than just dump them and move along. and lastly, it has been a while since I did any serious 3D modeling, but I will fire up blender and make you some new models for this mod. and while I am at it, I could maybe do models for any other mods you need. Once I get in the 3D modeling mode doing 2 or 3 is really no different than doing 10 or 15. I am not a texture artist however, and we would need to find someone to texture them once finished. I can include some basic textures, and the UV maps for reference, if someone is willing to make high-quality textures. I will see if I can get back into 3D modeling. In the past I enjoyed it, so if I can get myself motivated to start again, I will post the results here. Rough draft... nothing special, trying to keep it stockalike, and therefore simple lines and not overly detailed. If you want to press with this, we can discuss actual design and what you may want them to look like. As a thought the textures could just re-use squad textures, this will make the mod smaller to download and smaller memory footprint. I am sure there are textures included in the game now, that would work just fine for this.
  25. I know this is technically a double post, but I did not want to keep editing the previous one. This is the end result, and it is not bad, dedicated parts may look nicer, but these random bits do the trick. This makes a good landing craft to drop rovers, and the inflatable fuel tanks in the garage can then be used to transport LFO back up to the orbiting station. I will use this for my workhorse in my new base construction on Mun and Minmus. it has the TWR to land on Duna as well, but I am not sure of the Δv. I will have to revisit this design when I move on to Duna. may need a bit more LFO external to the garage area. Anyway, thanks for the great mod. I have almost always had it loaded in my saves, all the way back to the first release, but this is the first time I have ever really put it to use. It looked great, and I always had plans for it, I just never seemed to get around to using it.
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