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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. seems it may have been the docking camera mod that caused the problem @linuxgurugamer updated and now the transparent parts are fixed. I saw some talk about this in other threads, and it did seem to fix it. So anybody having this issue you may want to look at the new docking camera updates.
  2. I assume this graphical error is coming from JSI, but I do not see a way to disable JSI on a per craft basis... am I just blind? if so please point me to where I can disable it for this single craft.
  3. Just checking in again on the topic of making SpareParts while in flight. Do we have a way to make them insitu? In the past there was talk of compatibility patches to make it work with USI mods so the workshop could make these parts. Has this been done? I still cant find a part in my parts list that will allow me to manufacture the SpareParts.
  4. any update on the WWI style helmet /scarf/goggles etc.?
  5. I would really like to see a few modifications made to this mod. First: can you have it check the dynamic pressure on the control surfaces and adjust the authority limit accordingly? This will help fix some of the twitchy behavior or lack of control caused by air density and speed. Second: from what I am seeing if it does not detect any landing gear it does not try to extend/retract. If this is true, could we get a button on the interface to select if the AP should try to extend / retract gear rather than use this automatic detection? I have some landing gear from a mod and Kramax does not try to extend or retract them. I can only assume because it does not auto-detect them for some reason. And this would also allow us to still trigger the Gear Switch even if we have fixed gear or no gear. I use the gear switch to control the flaps on my aircraft, and it would be nice to have it activate the flaps even if there are no retracting gear on the craft. Third: can we get a toggle to select if the AP will try to use SAS/RCS to assist in control? There are many times that I have found that this would be a big help.
  6. @NESD could you post a link to the new parts you have been working on? I would like to give them a try even if there is no parts pack to go with them. this mod has always been one of my favorites so I am anxious to get it updated to 1.10, but I would also like to try the new wing and intake parts you previewed here.
  7. I believe this is the mod that adds the small light named "Station Light". If this is true, then I have a request for this part. as it is now if I assign all the lights on the station to the "Lights" action group and launch everything works fine up until the point where something happens to cause loss of power to the craft. When this happens of course all the lights on the craft will go out, but the problem comes in when the power is restored. Most lights on the craft will still be in sync with the "Lights" button in the UI. However, this part is now out of sync with the UI button. When I press "Lights" on the UI, all the other lights on the station are on when the UI button is white. However, all these "Station Lights" are on when the button is black. It seems other lights are not just a simple "toggle" when the button is pressed, but will somehow read the state of the UI button itself. It would be nice if these lights worked the same way, as I could just use the UI button, and not have to make an action group just for these "Station Lights".
  8. oh you all misunderstand. I have created my own single seat MPL part. i am just suggesting he add it to the mod as a standard part as it is a very common part to want on a station, and that is what this mod is all about. @Nertea on this topic can I use your texture of the white "padded" surface so I can make parts match this mod's style? And if so, can you point me to a plain square of this with no other detailing on it.
  9. I would like to request a new part, or if it exists a shove in the right direction. What I would like is a small MPL in the 125 size and style. basically the same as the "Pier" but make it a mobile processing lab. in the small size i would assume it only holds a single kerbal, so it will generate science at half the rate of the bigger one. A new mesh would be cool, but even just reusing the pier or the crew tube or something would be fine. I find myself making "Micro Stations" lately, and thus I use the 125 size almost exclusively.
  10. CKAN still thinks this is only good up to 1.5.9. can we get it sorted with CKAN?
  11. where can I find a list of the codes used for the ribbons in the save file? I have had some strange thing happen and mess with my awarded ribbons and I would like to go back to the save file and fix them.
  12. ah I see, I closed the HAS here... HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]] so when counting open and close bracket it all added up. Thanks... just blind I guess.
  13. What is wrong with this .cfg line? it errors out with the comment "Cannot parse node name as tag list: encountered opening bracket in traileron:" . @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]],!MODULE[ConfigurableContainers],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[FSfuelSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],!MODULE[ModuleEngines]:FINAL
  14. Oh yes I see... I am just blind I guess. And really looking forward to the new parts. In my opinion you ca never have too many part mods in your install.
  15. I am still using 1.4.5 due to mods that have not updated.... but I am wondering if this is still compatible with 1.4.5. Do the new animations and pilot loading break anything?
  16. looking at this mod + TST + Cacteye. so if I understand correctly the cacteye telescopes and the TST telescopes are interchangeable in most ways. I was just wondering if there was a definitive list of what works or does not work correctly between these 3 mods? things like a cacteye contract will not complete with a TST telescope or some such. A quick list without in-depth testing is fine as I was just looing at the over all theory, not looking for bugs or what not. can this be summarized in a quick table showing what combinations work? or is it that the Cacteye and TST scopes should be 100% interchangeable? I am assuming not 100% as for instance. I have a Cacteye contract and the TST scope on my craft does not seem to be able to complete it. then the next logical question would be. if these are not 100% could a MM patch be made that would add all TST/RB abilities to Cacteye scopes, and all Cacteye abilities to TST/RB scopes? or are the hooks for the various UI elements and contracts hard coded to look for a specific part, and not a part module that could be copied in with MM?
  17. ok thanks for the info I will have to wait and see if GAP will get updated. I am sure someone will eventually do a GAP replacement for KSR.
  18. so for a new install this is the pan? Kerbin side Remastered, and KSR airports. this will duplicate the basics of Kerbinside continued with some additional airports? then what about GAP? is it no longer working as it relied on Kerbinside Core? Oh and the big question then is this. will @Ger_space be discontinuing Kerbin-Side complete continued? and this one is going to become the new standard?
  19. this is the same question I was just coming here to look into. if I want a "Kerbin side" install I see so many things that look like they are not compatible so the question I have is do we have an "install matrix" sort of thing. for instance I want Kerbinside GAP, I want the new airports stuff, etc. is there a way to easily see which of these bits can be installed along side each other? But if this asset only i assume that means this is just parts, and does not actually place any of the parts. that will be left up to other mods? so an install list like this is possible?": KK ( @AlphaAsh, etc ) Kerbin Side Core ( @Ger_space ) Kerbin-side complete continued ( @Ger_space ) Kerbin Side AirRace cont. ( @Ger_space ) Kerbin-side GAP ( @Keniamin ) Kerbin Side Remastered ( @Eskandare ) KSR Airports ( @AdmiralTigerclaw ) Static Harbor ( @SpannerMonkey(smce) ) KSP++ Continued ( @Aerospacer ) and many others I am sure. Then put them all in a spreadsheet with a matrix and yes or no to show if they can be installed at the same time... I hope this was not too confusing. sort of a rambling post I know.
  20. looking at the order patches run in. I understand that they run in an alphabetical order, so naming can change the order of patches. What is the sort order used for this? as in, I see putting things like special characters or numbers can move something up in the list. but what about moving things down? what is the last character in the sort order? anything beyond "z"?
  21. You mention the idea of Fuel swapping, @allista also makes Configurable Containers that will allow this, and he may also allow the use of that code.
  22. @Beetlecatyes my post was off the top of my head and not tested at all. However with that said. I believe I did get a working copy made. I will have to go back and dig into my old installs and see if I can get it for you.
  23. sorry been out of touch for a while due to life imposing on my game time. as for updates.... I was in the process of balancing all the values when last I worked on it, but I had some changes I was looking at making to the models and textures... these are not critical however, so they are on indefinite hold. I had made a change that made this mod dependent on Configurable Containers from @allista however I am not so sure I want to continue down this road. if I do this I would then basically be forcing myself to then make a version that uses Modular fuel tanks, B9, Fire Spitter, etc. as no matter which one of these I support there will be many users who use the others. it is not impossible to support all of them, it is just a huge increase in the time involved... lol but then I am preach8ing to the choir on this topic. Short answer is I have not given up on it, it is just behind the curve due to deaths in the family, etc. that have pulled me away from KSP. I will get back into it and see where it takes me over the next few weeks.
  24. "The dependencies of Configurable Containers and module manager have updated to 1.4.1 so I have updated to match. still no real work on balancing part performance, but continuing to work on physical aspects like 3D models/textures, particle effects, and attach nodes etc. I still do not have a lot of time for this, but I am working on it still. I plan to incorporate support for other tank switchers still, so stay tuned for Modular Fuel tanks, Fire Spitter, B9, etc.
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