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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. None that, as far as I'm aware, change the fairing... or if they do, it's so subtle as to not be noticeable.
  2. No, it's just that if you have one wing right on top of another, the drag is increased and the lift is not, as taniwha said. Doesn't matter what you want to use them for, that's what happens and it's not a bug, it's real aerodynamics. Unless you mean the arrow is gone from the CoL? Then, as taniwha also said, FAR removes it anyway because it's meaningless.
  3. Any mods? Is your cursor over the staging list? Can you read this please?
  4. When you selected to start a new career, there was a new button on the bottom left, leading to:
  5. Remove the B9_Aerospace-Squad-Jet-Rebalance.cfg and the relavant lines in whatever cfg NEAR uses as well if you want. I know in FAR, it's under FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg, probably similar with NEAR. EDIT: Check you have GameData\B9_Aerospace\Spaces and also that the whole mod is installed correctly.
  6. I could be wrong, but I think that cfg has been around for ages. And coding a part to do this makes it seem a lot harder than it actually is, which (currently) is just changing a 'false' to a 'true'. I would submit, but I'm a little preoccupied with Chronologically Lost at the minute
  7. Jesus, calm down. First, that thread hasn't seen any activity since the 22 July. Second, if you have to download a mod to do a challenge, then the code/cfg needed to equip the chute to the back can also be included (KospY as said that physical linking like the one you want will be available, it just needs to be defined as such in the part.cfg - like it already is. I suggest you read the quote that Gaiiden linked). It'll go in your inventory when you grab it and you can attach it to your back from there.
  8. PlanetShine and DistantObjectEnhancement (the 0.24 patch works fine in 0.25) make space feel like space, simply thanks to lighting (talking of which, remember to bring some!). For things that are less likely to break, there's Stock Part Revamp or Squad HD Re-Texture Project, both just make existing stock parts look nicer and won't break until Squad change part filepaths again.
  9. Just a thought - have you tried Linux x64? Very stable, no mods are locked on it and apparently pretty easy to dual-boot in Windows.
  10. Guessing that you're somehow missing the ScienceDefs.cfg file. EDIT: Though why it would only manifest after docking, I don't know. Sure it worked fine beforehand? And you didn't change anything else, it was literally can do science->dock->can't do science?
  11. That would sadden me.. I'd understand why, but it would be punishing every user, including the ones that really appreciate CC's intentions and won't touch that blocker mod with a bargepole.
  12. Removing the warnings is one thing - actually re-enabling things that the mod authors themselves have decided aren't suitable for release is another thing. Sure, the thing might work, but enabling it would increase their workload by quite a lot and they aren't willing to put themselves through the hassle of it, especially now this mod exists. Yes, it's annoying, yes, it means some excellent mods aren't available for some people, but Squad themselves have recommended not using x64, it's more unstable than 0.24 (even more so than the community hack before it) and mod authors have recommend both users and KSP devs to pull its release - there's no reason at all to use it instead of OpenGL 32bit. For the record, I have B9, EVE, KWR, KerbinSide, KSC++ and a load more memory using mods - with OpenGL, the usage is barely over 2GB and that's without ATM (actually, to be truthful, it is installed, but is doing no compression. It's only there for the decreased load time).
  13. And you could spam Test Part Landed at Kerbin until you have enough science and together with the strategies and 30 KSC biomes, you could complete the tech tree without even leaving the surface.
  14. Not an ALCOR problem, it's due to EVE. Deleting the CityLights.dll from GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins fixes it. If you want lights, then install them properly.
  15. As was said to someone with a similar request: we eagerly await your pull request to fix it.
  16. And that looks to be a problem with RF/MFT, I think. If you have either of those installed, make sure you have the right B9 cfg as well.
  17. I've noticed LLL is also, for the most part, still looking ok. From a quick look, it's only the structural hub that looks off (but then, why would you want to use that one instead of the aawesome stock one..?).
  18. I saw that as well. I found that you can remove the tricoupler and get a new one to fix it though, you don't need to exit the hanger.
  19. I don't think the modders want to stop people modding their mod (hell, most recommend that to remove the CC check, recompile it yourself without it), just that having this plugin installed is going to mean a lot more work for them and defeats the point of having CC in the first place. For the record, I think a continual reminder is better for me - I know that if I turned it off, I'd eventually forget the reason and keep thinking everything's fine when it's not.
  20. Please make up your mind. I'm getting confused as to whether you think kerbals are stupid or not. If they are (as your first post suggests), then yeah, they'd need experience. If they aren't (as your second post and Harvs comment suggests), then they should be able to overthrottle from day one. EDIT: Bear in mind this is all moot as the devs decided to not implement engine-changing experience.
  21. So.. do the rookies overthrottle or not? Is it accidental or intentional? It seems that they would be prone to (lack of regard for personal safety), while simultaneously not overthrottling because they don't know the how the engine works and so respect its limits. Can you see why this line of reasoning makes no sense? This is why I have a problem with it - Squad made an answer to a question that didn't exist so now they have to make the question.
  22. For example - I make a rocket that has a TWR of 0.95. It cannot lift off the pad. But if I put Burcus Kerman and his +5 Boots of Thrust in the pilots seat, it suddenly has a TWR of over 1 and can take off. In what way does that make any kind of sense or does not break the laws of physics? Oh, he knows the intricacies of how to over-thrust, but won't share it with the rookies beside him? They'll leave the mission with a bit more knowledge, but not how to overthrottle even though they were sat right next to someone who could and did. Also yeah, the Shuttle could throttle over 100%, but that's because they engineered it to, not because of a specific person in the cockpit.
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