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Benoit Hage

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Everything posted by Benoit Hage

  1. The only trick you may encounter is landing in a steep slope on the Mün. On Minmus, aim for one of the Flats, they are hard to miss. If you have enough Thrust to Weight Ratio, (very little is needed on both satellite), try to design a lander that is more wide than tall. It will help a lot in case of that steep slope. Beside, that... there is not much else to think about. Batteries in case you land on the dark side, some light and especially, a ladder! ( yes yes, don't laugh, it will happen to you one day ) Also, test on the launchpad to check if you Kerbals can use that ladder, sometimes the ladder is too short and can't get back inside their ship, or an engine gets in the way while descending.
  2. What are those? Maybe you can deactivate them. That would help you to get your game running better and the way you want.
  3. I won't be much help then, I have never grabbed any asteroid. However, this video may help you I hope: In this video, the pilot first target the center of mass before activate the free pivot. Is this what is missing on your side?
  4. @TheHacker000 The usual way to reduce the memory consumption is to use OpenGL: Make a shortcut of KSP.exe and in the properties of shortcut, add -force-opengl after the last " in the target line (first one) . So it should look like "?:\path-to-your-game\ksp.exe" -force-opengl. Load the game via the shortcut. And other way is to install Dynamic Texture Loader. It should free you more the less a GB of RAM. Also, if you use the 8K textures for Real Solar System, try to download the 4K ones instead. @Matuchkin Beside Real Fuel, did you also download an engine pack? If not, choose one there : If the problem persists, try to post on the Real Fuel thread, or the Realism Overhaul thread. It will attract more attention than here I think, and it's populated with much more clever people than me.
  5. There is a mod which does that: Yet, more procedural pieces in the stock game would certainly not hurt...
  6. Can you post a screenshot of that dual hull plane? With a bit of luck you can use the subassembly feature. To my experience, everything in KSP can be aligned. Maybe not the struts, depending on the construction of your ship.
  7. Have you tried to reload you contract list from the alt+f12 menu? What if you get rid of all those completed contracts in your save game, does it still spawn that message?
  8. Is the claw attached to something before you try to change the pivot?
  9. What is your mod list? Would you by any change use a mod call Remote Tech? When you mean "it stays motionless", can you elaborate? Maybe upload a screenshot, it might help. When you mean the past, what have you changed since that moment? And what was the past time in question?
  10. At the first look, it seems that a piece of your rocket has broken. When this happens, if you press F3, what does it say?
  11. There are more than 200 Exceptions in your output_log.txt. It's hard to isolate the cause of your crash. I probably don't have the knowledge for this task. Nonetheless, are you sure that all your mods are up to date? Have you tried a fresh reinstall and save game, does this problem still occur when doing so? You can also tried to remove mod by mod to isolate the cultprit. Where does your game crash? At the startup or ingame? Your error.log points at a memory shortage, have you tried to reduce your memory consumption?
  12. I hadn't read that thread in a while. Some people were indeed complaining about its obsolescence. Try this mod instead: Dynamic Texture Loader
  13. In the menu, the bar should get on the left side. The more time there is between two physic ticks, the less your processor will have to compute it. Concerning the drop of performance after a while, it may be related to an heat issue. Cleaning the dust from your fans will take care of this.
  14. That is a impressive list of mods... I wouldn't be surprised that you have reach the limit of your RAM. Unfortunately, my crappy laptop or gedit do not want to go further than the line 586546 in your log file. If it is a problem on my side, you'll need to look for a "OutOfMemory" in that log file. If it isn't, can you verify that that you have post the entire file? Or look at the crash log, it will tell you how much memory was left available. What are your system specs concerning your memory? I see that you already have Active Texture Management. You can also try to run the game in OpenGL. It should same some RAM.
  15. Upload your save game file, it will be easier to tell. Try posting this in the USI Life Support thread to attract more attention from the mod users and possibly RoverDude himself.
  16. It is hard to tell from just your description. You will need to upload your logs. More information in this thread. My first impression is that you have mods that aren't updated, but I could be wrong.
  17. When the first satellite goes down, is it the one that has the root connection to KSC? It's hard to tell from your screenshots as you don't display the red dot of KSC.
  18. The only "solution" I found was in the curse forum: link It seems that mod do not like the 64bit...
  19. It seems to me that you are running out of RAM. Those pesky crashes are usually caused by that. The two main solutions are: And the use of OpenGL. To do so, create a shortcut of KSP.exe and add this in the "Target" section. (First line) "c:\path-to-you-game-folder\KSP.exe" -force-opengl Example on this image Note that the -force-opengl is NOT included in the " ". Launch the game via the shortcut. This should lower the RAM usage by a 1GB. If you are still having crashes, you will need to upload logs so we can see what is wrong.
  20. I started the Leonard Susskind Cosmology lectures and yes, my brain needs more coolant... Certainly the guy is impressive. Later on I found those lectures by Carolin Crawford from the Gresham College. It is more of a talk and is surely worth watching during interplanetary journeys. Professor Carolin Crawford
  21. I can't say for sure that your current save file is causing the problem, but your save file certainly have some remnant of your previous modded game. I read in it parts that belong to KIS, Tweakscale etc... If your career isn't too advanced, I would recommend to start over a fresh game. Data's can easily be corrupted. A good way to rule that out is to reinstall the game with only the mod you want and do a new save file. On the few research made on Google on the similar problem, only modded game were involved. And that problem do not seem to be common. I assume it is due to a too much dynamic gamedata folder. I could be wrong. Try a reinstall and a new save game. I'm sure that problem with disappear afterward.
  22. It seems indeed you are running out of memory. Line 119485 OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_array_new_specific (intptr,int) Try to install that mod: Active Texture Management Or hold on until 1.1 is out and you will be able to use your 8GB.
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