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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. No worries. I will keep looking for it for you. However I feel I have isolated the problem to the SDHI heatshield. If I use the heatsheild that comes with Deadly Reentry it all works great.
  2. Using the path you told me there is no unity in my "logs" file I apologize for the ignorance and any frustration I might be causing. Its just not there.
  3. YOU NAILED IT! Its definitely the heat shield! I took the heatsheild off replaced with the the one that comes with Deadly Reenntry and the rocket flys fine. No problems zooms past 6000 with not problems at all. The service module works fine. Its the heat shield. Now I have no idea why but I am glad to see its working. I don't think the landing bags will work with out it sadly but that def fixed the problem for my. I posted my log a few posts above maybe you can figure out why from that but that is a huge relief atleast for me because I have spent about 2 hours now trying to figure out what the frack was going on.
  4. Here is the log https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcybc65bdg6owx6/KSP.log
  5. Ok so I updated everything that could be updated and it still happened. How do I insert my log without taking up the whole thread?
  6. I can't seem to find a similar problem but for some reason around 6000 the rocket just shoots up out of view of the camera. I can pan up and zoom in but I can never center the ship again. I can stage the rocket and such but its not really controllable and its extremely awkward. I had this problem a while back with HGR and I thought it was because of the RPM plugin. So I updated the RPM plugin and still the same problem. I uninstalled SDHI and all the dependencies and the problem goes away. I reinstalled SDHI it comes back so Im pretty sure its SDHI or one of the dependencies. I am gonna start narrowing down the the KM plugins and the umbilical plugins etc. Its just such an odd problem and maybe Im not the only one. Also here are all the mods I use just so you can see you notice anything that might conflict. I am also running KSP on a Mac. Picture of problem Mods
  7. I know you modders must want to kill squad right now but toolbar is incompatible with 24.2. However it still works in game which is all that matters. Error messages are just annoying.
  8. Actually I am having the same problem no IVA with MM 2.2.0. EDIT: Scratch that there was an old version of Module Manager hidden in Vessel View. All is well.
  9. I just downloaded the new version of toolbar and even though it works, i get an incompatibility error at startup.
  10. It could be a a problem with the 64 bit ksp. Also there are a lot of plugins required any of which could be messing you up. I suggest waiting for everything to get updated. Also the version of RPM is two versions behind fir this mod. So the camera problem seems like and RPM issue. I had the same problem a while back with HGR and an outdated version of RPM.
  11. I have always thought the same thing. The thing that kills me is leaving the awesome capsule in space for the stock capsul or anything else to return to Kerbin.
  12. I have had the big since the .24 update. I have not looked but I would wager it's a known bug. I got that glitch with a vanilla install.
  13. Just fyi I don't know if you know this but according to Frizznak it takes 24 hours for mods to be updated on Curse. According to curse it says you haven't updated wither any of the mods since June. So I recommend Kerbal Stuff for immediate uploads or any of the other usual suspects i.e github, mega, or dropbox. Unless you haven't changed the mods and they work fine in .24, and I will shutup.
  14. Oh man you're new? Well here you go, experience the wonder, awe, and frustration that is Bobcat Inc. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products
  15. I know right!! I don't even want to play the game unless it has this in it. The game is tainted just knowing that this out there and not in game yet.
  16. I have zero experience modding, coding, etc. So it's just an idea and maybe tell me why it can't work. Maybe Kerbonite can be found at high altitudes in any planet with an atmosphere. The denser the atmosphere the more plentiful the Kerbonite. So basically could you set the values or quantities of Kerbonite at minimum and maximum altitudes on any planet with an atmosphere. Jool being the most plentiful and Duna being the least. I think the Interplanetary Mod does something like that with antimatter. Maybe high levels of Kerbonite can be found around the sun? Like I said this is just my unexperienced 2 cents. You guys could make a pretty cool looking ram scoop or Bussard Collecter.
  17. Really?! That's awesome! Any plans for ASTP too? Basically everything post Apollo and pre shuttle that was don't with the Saturn V?
  18. I agree, however I would love to get the full system completed and not have to worry about things I make in the interim breaking because of a new update. I will say though you released ALCOR originally in a state that was nothing like the final product. If you compare the original release to the final release its like night and day. It seems you are much further along with this then you were with ALCOR's original release.
  19. my apologies so I gotta get the last version of EVE. Edit: So I tried installing the previous versions, however I am using a Mac. I have .24 and the mods I am running are KW, toolbar, Crew Manifest, Deadly Reentry, and RPM. Everything works fine except I have no clouds at all. Now you said it won't work on 9-2+. However on the front page it says for EVE to work on Mac in needs to be the Low Res. I tried 7.2 and 7.1 which are the Low Res numbers and they alas still no clouds. Im gonna try 7.0 and back and see what happens.
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