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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. *ahem* :3 @akron ? What are your thoughts on Mission Controller Extended? Also, he has LADEE's LLCD planned already.
  2. Wat. The Black Arrow? (I'm home now) Alright, you know how the LV909 wins vs the nuclear engine a lot because the LV909 has so much lower mass? Same thing but a smaller scale. For example. the Able engine in BDB has pretty good performance with the Able stage - because it's a small, light stage, despite the low ISP. The overall stage is so light. But if you attach that engine to a big fuel tank, you'll get better performance by having a higher ISP, rather than keeping the overall weight down. This can be applied to the Black Arrow - keeping the performance of the Black Arrow itself near abouts the same, but the engines don't scale up pretty well. Low ISP, low weight.
  3. They both sound useful! I have a variety of science stuff that's bouncing around in my head - it's a bit hard to remember them right now (I'm also at work and sleep deprived, I probably shouldn't be posting) so I can't provide specific feedback. They sound easy enough to work with though, keeping track of what I name the transforms shouldn't be too hard. EDIT: Also, the update schedule is fine. I'm behind on my own work to bring everything up.
  4. Oh wow, I didn't see the one for this week. Congratulations @RaendyLeBeau!
  5. If you ever finish them let me know, I could throw them into the compatibility folder. Pros being that you can't turn an orbiter into a lander just because you packed spare deltaV. Cons being that I'd have to make twice as many models and textures for science parts. @Bit Fiddler you should check out Akron's Probes Plus mod if you like BDB.
  6. No, there is a separate version that he maintains that is for use by other mods. It hasn't been updated for 1.1 yet though, meant to say that in my last post.
  7. Forgive me if we've gone over this already, but does reexporting the model from Blender (?) in the un-opened state (ie at frame 0) resolve this issue?
  8. B-bu-but Able would be smaller than 0.625m, let alone 0.9375m. Yes. Just pointing out cus iirc you use it, but the BDB Agena probe core is 0.9375m and low profile now. I've been using it a lot so I can deorbit my upper stages. @Beale totally needs to make one though. What would he base it on though?
  9. Yes, double check that you installed everything. Those two experiments along with some others rely entirely on the generic version of DMagicScienceAnimate. You'll need to have that folder in your gamedata. As for the Mass Spectrometer, no, I don't believe it's usable in orbit. I believe the plan was to have a separate experiment for the orbital version. Wouldn't that be fun to use - different versions of the same experiments, specialized for use in space, landed, maybe even a different one for atmospheric planets. @akron what do you think? Also, yes, things have been slow. I am currently working two jobs and have had some personal stuff take up what otherwise would have been free time. Rest assured that I'm still working on getting an update out for the 1.1 official release.
  10. He'll get around to it eventually. BDB doesn't officially support 1.1 yet anyways. I think the only other two users (that I know of???) of DMSA are people I conned into using it, so it's not something that a thousand mods depend on.
  11. Hey I remember you showing up on my stream once. I was trying to troubleshoot something with Maya recently and stumbled into a thread you'd replied in back in 2012 or so. :P

  12. You have to upload it to Imgur and then paste the image URL (ie right click > copy image address) EDIT: @OrangeMarauder oh you're trying to link the album. If you right click this image you can see what address you needed to paste in. EDIT: Small update on progress - I've been having trouble with the M17 Solar Antenna revamp, I've somehow managed to break it. I'm still trying to finish the antenna revamps. EDIT2: Seems to be working now.
  13. Hrmm, I think you're overcomplicating things a bit. Stick to basic animation stuff, just keying the translate / rotation / scale and using empties in the hierarchy.
  14. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! I really can't take sole credit - @VenomousRequiem, @Jso and a lot of other people have all contributed a ton to the mod. If you enjoy the BDB/Tantares 'big ol bin of parts' thing, check out @akron's Probes Plus pack, it's really cool. As @DiscoSlelge said, we will continue to update and expand the manual, adding new sections and expanding the ones currently in it. It will be included in future downloads of the mod. EDIT: Also, why is the Hamburger Helper mixtape so good.
  15. I like the new logo. What was so hard about the animation for GRS? Looks like you could just scale up the truss segment on the Z axis (how most things extend in KSP, including the DMagic boom and many of my parts) while a wrapper object rotates. I like the new logo, it looks very nice and clean.
  16. Lack's mod includes static hex cells. Not quite what @Kuansenhama was looking for. @akron that is a pretty cool solar panel design, looks like something that would go on some of the comms / nav sats we were looking at the other day.
  17. Well, something you are missing would be the Gamma 4 from Black Knight, which would also be cool due to the new gimballing options on 1.1. You could make it realistic by having two engines gimbal on one axis, and two on the other. And then the Gamma 8 is the same setup with an engine added to each gimbal arm to make 8 But a Gamma 1 would also be good, if a little weak I'd think.
  18. So I'm assuming the single RZ-2 is the heavy lift 0.9375m engine. What is the medium lift? I was thinking about making an efficient 0.9375m lifter engine that would have to be augmented with strap on boosters for sea level TWR, But I am not sure how much use it would see. Not that it has stopped me before.
  19. Yeah no the first 3.75m type stuff wouldn't be for a couple months... right now I'm frantically trying to finish all the antenna revamps because right now they are gutted and would break saves. EDIT: Oh, also, I am covering the tiny Gemini lander but the big direct lander is a possibility. Also, here is my preferred design of a Big G SM, as you can see it is mostly cargo and crew space with extremely little in terms of space for fuel.
  20. There really isn't a canon Big G, since it never got past the drawing board. There were a couple different designs for the service module, one was mostly straight while the other (that you posted, and was posted earlier) maintained the same conical angle. @Beale, the smaller gold cone with the docking port was what I was talking about.
  21. Wait you weren't following me this whole time?

    1. DiscoSlelge


      sorry senpai <3

  22. Oh cool, so it's just a single RZ-2? Neat! Nice to see you finally put out a roadmap.
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