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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Yup. I might make just remodel some of them wholesale. I feel kind of weird leaving them in if they're not going to be up to my current standards. In particular the helical antenna feels bad to me. Thank you! That means a lot considering RLA is one of my favorite mods Thanks Venom! I think I have a handle on things for the moment but I appreciate it. Updates: I had some new parts I was working on the other night but it appears the most recent version of the file is missing several hours of work. *twitch* DMagic and NathanKell have given me permission to include their sciencedefs for the magnetometer and geiger counter experiments. So you will have full definitions for those experiments. Right now they are only on the N100 and N120 antennas but I would like to add standalone experiments for them that are different aesthetically to the kind that are in those mods. Magnetometers in particular are made in all different styles. Texture refresh on the antennas is going well. I may switch the textures over to a 1k texture as the current 2k one is very overkill. So that would be something like 10 parts on one texture which I can live with. Similarly, the science experiments texture is currently 1k and used for the ion trap, micrometeoroid detector and the sienno probe parts... for, uh, reasons. I am probably going to move that to a 512 or even 256 texture sheet, depending on whether I add more science parts. The sienno probe core is probably going to be remodeled, as I don't particularly care for how it turned out. The booster is fine, just needs the texture to get cleaned up. Those will move to their own small texture sheet. On the topic of science parts, writing flavor texts is not exactly my thing. If people would like to help suggest entries for the ion trap and micrometeroid detector, please feel free.
  2. At the moment, the reason is: I don't really want to show them off right now. That's likely my project for tonight, then I'll feel better about them. The models are fine it is mostly just the color palette.
  3. I believe Delta III is not the same; It's a Delta II with the first stage fuel tank lengthened and the first stage oxygen tank widened, to keep the height of the stack down. I suppose I should smack a big fat 'no guarantees' on everything I say, but I'll look into them. I don't have a particular interest in recreating real life rockets; there are just some that I see and go 'that looks cool!'. That also means I'm not particularly concerned on matching details specific details. KW Rocketry actually has very nice Aerojet SRBs. I want to make some small radial strap on SRBs but they probably won't look particularly close to the Atlas V ones. Thank you I love numbers! I really wanted to do one since I think it looks cool. FASA's colors aren't right and OMSK is... well, AWOL. Plus I wanted to try it with the winglets completely separated. Only sad thing is I couldn't figure out a way to get the thrust vanes working as part of the engine; perhaps I will play around with it some more. >0.0< I noticed I didn't have any. I'll have to look into it. Editing the CFGs is still a bit beyond me (read: I just gut stock configs) so I don't have a lot of bells and whistles on my parts. On another note, I probably will redo all the antenna textures in the near future. I've gotten a lot better at texturing and want to go back and apply what I've learned. Right now it's painful to look at them... and I should probably get around to finishing the Lunar Orbiter engines...
  4. Thank you! The exhaust is the same as the mainsail. I hate editing cfgs The previous had a lot of preview images, I'll add a link. By booster stage do you mean the Stage-0 SRBs or the Centaur? I had some ideas for the SRBs. My current problem is I have so many things I want to do and not enough time to model them. I'm not sure what I'm avoiding more at this point; homework or modeling cameras. On that note, however, I do have several lines on how to get them working. I will likely be busy this weekend but I will post an update once I know what's going to work. I've been working something like 4-8 hours a day on this stuff. I really, really, REALLY don't want to rig that stupid character. But actually, this wasn't that hard. It took about two hours to model the fuel tank and engine and about two more to texture it. The longest part by far is cleaning everything up and preparing for the release. I'll probably keep the mod as a dev thread until releases slow down - I don't want to have constant updates for people that want to just download and play. And it will definitely come grinding to a halt once Fallout 4 comes out. EDIT: Forgot to answer your question. What Atlas and what Delta? I've been eyeing Thor/Delta and some associated parts for a bit. I actually have a few bits underway.
  5. Atlas V is out! Download from KerbalStuff! 0.04 (Atlas V) (9/10/2015) -Finished texture updates that were unlisted in 0.03. Antennas should look a bit better now. -Added Muo-2207 Liquid Engine - 2.5m engine based on the RD-180. For now it's a slightly more powerful Mainsail. -Added Muo-2585 Fuel Tank - 2.5m fuel tank based on lower half of Atlas V CCB tank. Inbetween Jumbo-64 and X200-32. -Added Tweakscale support to engines, Muo tank, PGM CS. -Added BDB flag. It's a wurf. -Fixed a few small cfg errors.
  6. Oooh Vader I think you might be right about the Ariane. Sweet! I don't think we have one in game at the moment. EDIT: Hraban can you send me a psd or tga or something of the Zwilling texture? I want to try something with it.
  7. I'm going to share a little story. Normally I wouldn't but it's my thread. I'm taking a character animation class right now. Normally it would just be animated pre-rigged characters, but my professor has been starting us with a warmup on rigging. I hate rigging. I am running out of days to rig this character. So naturally, I avoid it by sinking time into working on my KSP stuff. So, in the continuing saga of me avoiding rigging work...
  8. I think the kerbalized RSS is exactly *not* what he wants. He doesn't want the real solar system scaled to Kerbal size, he wants the kerbal planets scaled to kerbal size. Personally I usually play with 64K installed which might be closer to what he's looking for.
  9. I must say I prefer the added greebles in hraban's version. I feel like it captures the design a lot better; ie not just the spheres but the extra junk stuck on them.
  10. Of the camera mods I know of: LTech Scientific Industries - has a camera part with a unique camera functionality. Supports a film requirement for the part, but I can't find any documentation for it. Hullcam VDS - uses a modified version of the LTech camera functionality for its science. It's definitely an option if I can figure it out, since it's up to date. Cacteye - Allows taking pictures of far off planets using DOE, but that's not the functionality I want. Tarsier - same issue as Cacteye. I have not heard of Angel-125's telescope. I'll have to ask him. But honestly at the end of the day I'm not sure how complicated I want to make it. I already planned on having early cameras rely on film, which would need to be carried back and recovered on Kerbin. Later parts would be able to transmit the images back. Past that basic issue, I'm tentative to make the process too complicated. As cool as it would be to have to aim the camera, is it worth the extra effort / complication? It would be cool if you could get bonus science for photographing anomalies, which I believe is supported by LTech. At least, there are separate science defs for the anomalies. Tentatively, the list of parts would be: Wide angle film camera, narrow angle film camera, film return canister based on the Keyhole satellites. Combination wide and narrow angle camera based on Lunar Orbiter's cameras. Can transmit but not for full return, as the images are poorly processed from analog to digital on the spacecraft prior to transmission. The way it did this conversion, and the program as a whole, are pretty cool. Most advanced, a combination wide and narrow lens, with additional scientific instruments, based on Mariner 10. These images would be able to transmit for full return. Perhaps one specially meant for EVA? :3 As stated earlier, I think my plan of action would be to just get them in game as a normal science experiment first and then worry about making them unique. Ah, I've always heard it referred to as the body of the camera. I was thinking of having the wide angle and narrow angle lens share a frame / mount. By which I mean I'd model it separate and in Unity would just drag the lens model on before exporting the part into the game. So just two parts, but they have the same frame which saves on texturing / modeling.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by basic frame? I'd like to avoid VAB bloat with these. I already have something like 4-5 parts for just two experiments. Meanwhile... Textures and models are WIP. Somewhat belated celebration of , bringing MUOS more or less online. I know some people closely tied to the project, and the Atlas 5 4xx always looked so cool to me.
  12. Oh I absolutely know. I consider texturing my weak point so I've been thinking about it a lot. I know it's a bit late in the project to ask this, but what then is the purpose of having the interior details fully modeled? If they are intended to be covered up? Also, it seems like you currently have the propulsion module attached to one of the fuel segments? I ask because I'm partial to the engine + RCS system on LADEE and would love to use it on other probe designs.
  13. Feedback? Sure! 1) Solar panel texture could use some work. Shouldn't the cells be uniform? I'm not sure they should be alternating widths / height. Even if that's possible, I think it looks better with them being little rounded circles. 2) I think the intersections of the cross beams should have AO; you don't need to do actual AO it can be faked easily on the texture. That would help give them some depth.
  14. You're welcome! It's one of the first images that comes up if you google Fregat, it's the specific configuration that was used for the Phobos-Grunt mission. Beale, could you clarify two things for me: 1) What exactly are the Hamal Descent Blocks? Are they just the progress cores that are meant to survive reentry? Or are they supposed to be Zond Circumlunar modules (which is what I always thought they were) 2) Why are the parts for the British rockets, as well as the Antares rocket, located in the same node as the Mainsail? Why not push them back a level or two. The Black Prince parts in particular would be nice to have before 2.5m rockets become available. I was considering making the change in the cfgs on my end but I was curious what the reasoning was.
  15. Yes, it's a hole in the mesh. It's not a face, it's just how my modeling program shows the back sides of the far walls. I use Maya; I prefer working in Modo but I'm too lazy to get it set up on my personal computer. You said in the Tantares thread it was something Indian and orange.
  16. EDIT: what the heck it got rid of my thing when I posted. made the pod, added a helper cylinder and manually lined it's verts up with the edges of the model. Added two extra edge loops to the pod, deleted the faces, and extruded + vert snapped the new edges to the helper cylinder. Add a new 16 sided cylinder with the window extruded down in. Suffers the same issue as Necro's solution - the windows are no longer recessed which is a big part of the design IMO. In case anyone is wondering what he's working on.
  17. I think what I might end up doing is: Figure out the camera design and modeling them. My enthusiasm is dying partially because I don't have a design for them that satisfies me. Just implementing them as normal experiments. Forget the canister for the time being. If I understand xmitDataScalar, I should just be able to set the value to 0 for the film based cameras, then set it higher for the cameras that can transmit images as digital. That gets them into the game and working. As before, the plan is to have wide angle and narrow angle images as separate experiments + lenses. Later parts include both as one. Once they're in and working, I may or may not try to get them working with a 3rd party plugin. They don't really fit with Hullcam, as explained above. They don't really fit in with Cacteye, because they're meant to point at the body they're orbiting. I am not a programmer and there will be no plugins made for this project. EDIT: Fixed some stuff with the logo.
  18. Thank you! Ahhh I remember reading Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising and they're talking about the Tomcats watching soviet bombers 30 miles away or so on their TV cameras. Never really understood what they were talking about. I appreciate the material but TV / footage cameras were not the direction I wanted to take the cameras. I wanted to take still frames. My primary inspirations were the first ever picture from space, taken from an airforce V2, and the first picture of the earth from the moon, taken by Lunar Orbiter 1, as well as the recent images taken by New Horizons of Pluto. I want to start with simple film cameras, and have progressively better cameras become available. Since they're still frame cameras, I don't think Hullcam would be appropriate, though I am looking into using it to support the camera experiments. Thank you! I've been learning how to texture the parts to resemble stock. I don't think they look the same when viewed up close, as I used a different technique to add wear to them, but they look fine at normal game distances. EDIT: Was trying to avoid homework this morning so I made a flag.
  19. I think that differentiating the two would make the overall design more interesting, just from a visual standpoint. You can see how the control spheres look distinct from the propellant tanks.
  20. Well, today was a busy day! Added Redstone based engine with control surface, and a small radial engine that's basically a half size Mk55. As before the update is available on KerbalStuff. 0.03 (Redstone) -Resized Sienno parts to .125m in anticipation of the Taerobee WAC -Added PGM Liquid Fuel Engine - 1.25m, early rocket. Less powerful than LVTs but cheaper + more efficient. -Added PGM Control Surface - Winglet + Control surface for PGM Engine. Includes thrust vanes. Because I like ya a lot. -Added B109-D Radial Engine - Basically a half sized Mk55, unlocks slightly earlier. Helps add control authority and TWR to rockets. -Made it so Sienno probe core actually works with Remotetech. On a small note, I'm really happy with how the textures came out today. As I've said before in the thread, I feel texturing is my biggest shortcoming so it is nice to feel like I'm getting the hang of it.
  21. Oohh, love the look. Definitely dropping these into my next career mode save.
  22. I think I am done with antennas for the foreseeable future. I'm considering cutting one or two of them out as it is. If you're asking about what antennas inspired them, there are comments in the cfg files for what each of them represents. I'd like to revisit the textures, probably before the next release. Texturing isn't really my strong suit so that's the primary thing I've been working to improve. I have several engines I'd like to make, that already have roughed out models. Those will probably be the next release while I continue researching cameras.
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