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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by CobaltWolf
Like Pappy said, it's in the Pafftek folder. I don't like adding parts that are just the same model with different stats, but he doesn't mind I know that feeling, sometime's my partner's nursing shifts are brutal. Idk about that but it's not a bad idea. Idk, maybe I'll look at the HG-3 again sometime. I think I care a little less since I feel like it takes away from the weirder J-2 variants - I think I'd like to encourage the use of those more. But that's not a bad way to think of the HG-3 visually. So... maybe? I want to get the J-2s in game first and then we'll see. I think I might be more likely to do an F-1B than an HG-3 at this point, and that's a pretty far shot on its own. There's actually a slightly better version of that diagram in this document, but it doesn't have any more clues as to what it would look like. On thing I'll chime in here with, since I catch @Pappystein doing it a lot, and I definitely do it too - but always make sure you check a source and link to it if you can when answering questions. I make a lot of incorrect assumptions based on partial information that turns out to be wrong. For example, I only recently realized the Saturn ullage motors detached and was very surprised. But someone linked to a document and now I know the answer for certain. Some more stuff to show... I am not around my main dev PC enough, so the backlog of parts that need to get in game is growing... but, people were talking to me about probe RCS, and I've been meaning to give BDB users some more options on that front. Here are the new RCS options, with a MIP probe core for scale. I need to do a couple small RCS tanks to go with them. I think, I'll let this stuff unlock relatively early, since the big limiting factor early on will be the part count limits. I also wanted to touch base re: Gemini stuff. I don't want to drag this update out too long, but I also want to make sure there's some exciting new payloads to go with the new parts. To that end, I think I've narrowed it down to two new Gemini variants (this is just for now) - the cylindrical (Titan) Big G, and the Gemini Ferry (the two vehicles in the middle, basically). Conical (Saturn) Big G is being left out for now - someone pointed out that, with all the discussion of scaling Saturn differently in the future, I don't want to be locked into a 3.75m conical SM if Saturn changes to 4.25m or whatever. Similarly, the Lunar Orbit / Lunar Recon Gemini (far right) is cool, but really just a curiosity and not something worth killing myself over right now. So yeah, update is still going strong, my IRL schedule went from being wide open last week to crazy right now, so productivity will go down for a bit, but I'm feeling good about the progress on this update. I haven't had a lot of time at my main dev PC (at least, time where I'm not dying inside) so there's quite a backlog of stuff to finish / get in game. The Titan stuff is mostly done, I'm trying to not kill myself with going all ADHD as the dev cycle wears on and get too ambitious. I'm not giving an update on the MOS / MOL stuff right now but be aware there might be some word on that sometime soon. If they're not in this update, I'll probably make them part of the next update. For now, here's what I have to finish (off the top of my head): The last of the Titan parts - a dedicated UA120 parachute nose cap, SOLTANs, another adapter here and there. More Titan textures - Need to have alternate Titan 1 textures, CT3 version of the upper stage, etc. If there's any I'm missing please say something. A bunch more LDC parts - at least half a dozen, most of those still need to get modeled and textured. Helios probe parts - these shouldn't be awful to make for what its worth. New Saturn engines - mostly textured, going to be a lot of work to get in game. Gemini Lander - these parts are mostly textured now, need to get them in game. Big G and Gemini Ferry - shouldn't be too hard. Finish the Apollo nose fix. Finish these new probe parts. Again, MOL stuff, don't know what I'm going to do there. You'll note I didn't mention Mars Observer, I decided to drop it from the roadmap. It really just didn't fit with BDB stylistically, would have been a ton of work to do, and I figured people would rather see me finish the Gemini Lander. So, to be clear, we're still literally MONTHS away from this update being done but progress has been good.
Yeah even if you could PM it that would be great. I'm just not that interested in them. They're really time consuming, and not being able to work fast enough to keep up with what catches my attention is already a major source of stress for me. Yeah, when I made the mini return pod the experiment storage functionality wasn't in game yet so I had to take what I could get. I plan on finishing these parts out, not remaking the mini mod. Goo for Too?? I might be able to animate it to at least look like it's floating, I need to get this stuff over to my main dev PC so I can see it in Unity before I make any more decisions on it. It's supposed to match the Restock Mystery Goo look in the end. Unfortunately, I just can't get the lander to fit within 1.875m. I wish it did, but at the end of the day this isn't based on the Langley Lander so much as "trying to make a better Mk1 Lander Can" - at least, that was the original point of the pod all those years ago. But I don't feel too bad, because that's all the more reason to use the new Titan fairing bases Titan 3E feels appropriate. I want to see if we can get abort modes on the UA120 SRBs that activate additional thrustTransforms on the top of the rocket. No promises anything in the Extras folder keeps working, they're pretty unmaintained. Yeah, the HG-3 has like... nothing available on it to model off of. It's a silly engine
I'm not sure? I'm leaning towards LFO for the engine and monoprop for the RCS... I think I might need to make like a little mono sphere tank, since I don't think I can justify making the tanks have 3 different fuels... I can see if I can add pill-shaped tanks or something to them. I know, I'm trying to see if someone will fix that for me Honestly, the feedback on dev stuff is appreciated so I don't mind people using them.
Yeah, I don't know what I was smoking last night, the way it was split up kinda stinks... I think the pink callouts work a lot better. This way also means you don't have to have the long middle section if you want to use them for return capsules from stations. Funnily enough, the scene file that eventually produced the TRYP and other new probe cores started with me messing around with a dedicated OFO science part and bonus antennas... That's beautiful Zorg! I love it! the IUS folder is inside the Solids folder.
Since I did make the Titan 2 missile bits, and a lot of people have asked about the Titan 1 probe core, I guess I'll give it a go... But with a bit more of a twist from last time. What do people think about this? Not only a good way to get experiments from space (I guess I should put an experiment in the probe core), but also a good sample return capsule. I can picture racks of them packed with the little brown SRBs on MOS stations for science return duties... or even racks of them mounted to Burner IIs for science return from a Munar station?
I've been complaining about not having enough payloads for Titan, and then realized I never finished this thing... New leg in retracted position... New low-profile Gemini-compatible docking port. Available later in the tech tree, think of it as something between the Gemini port and the Russian Kontakt system. When deployed, the docking target flips out and the indexing guide flips up. Hopefully this will also be fun for Gemini stations. Anyone remember the FASA Mini Goo? I sure miss it... hey, what's this? Oh, just a turd observation experiment...
Yup, 3-segment SRMU-XLs. Though, I don't think they'll have a longer burn time. The time it takes a segment to burn is more or less fixed - adding more segments increases thrust, not burn time Yeah, so I think here is a good chance to share my thought process with the LDC Titan / Titan Barbarian / Titan IIIL parts... They are meant to do these things, in decreasing order of importance: Fill out the 3.125m size class and make it actually useful and fun to play with, giving players a lot more to experiment and play with in the Saturn 1B sort of payload size class. This is, first and foremost, why the LDC parts are 3.125m. Bridge the art styles between the Titan and Saturn parts. While they are related to the Titan part set, the Saturn family is the one that is likely going to interact with LDC the most. I don't want the parts feeling out of place next to Saturn stuff. Represent real-world designs - it shouldn't be surprising why this is so low down. There is basically NOTHING to work with for real world designs for these rockets. Apart from a handful of obscure drawings, that are themselves mostly just educated guesses, there really is nothing to use for reference or even inspiration. So yeah, really, the LDC parts are meant to just be fun to play with. That's why I'm adding some weird and different engine mount options, to try and give you all fun and interesting stuff to play with. I'm looking to get back into the LDC parts to finish them as part of this update, so please feel free to give me feedback on them, check out this issue on Github to see what I'm planning on making for these parts, and let me know if there's anything I'm missing. I'm not entirely sure why they're separate. I don't know if the extra stuff would be useful for the official wiki but certainly the pages for the actual BDB stuff should be ported over I think In the meantime, something to look at... This is why I'm redoing so much of the mod. So much looks like this. This is the difference 2 1/2 years makes.
I have to say, that is an absolute work of art.
Alright so... update from the stream: SOLTAN didn't get done, the new Transtage parts are up on Github, and LDC Titan got two new WIP engine mounts. Not bad, I think. There's a bonus extra new part hidden in these screenshots, if anyone can find it... LDC First Stage 2x Mounting Option (Basically untextured still...) LDC Second Stage 4x Engine Mount
Yeah, those are known issues that I'm not fixing because the parts in question are getting remade from scratch - indeed, they already have been, just not packaged into an official release. Well, not "folders in gamedata" - but if you go into Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts/ the folders in there can be deleted, keeping only what you want to use. Maintaining multiple releases isn't something I'm interested in. Dev stream going live on Twitch!
A Tantares early game expansion would be lovely. There isn't enough early payloads to make the early game interesting Sputniks, Lunas, early Veneras and Mars probes? Would be great to be able to design our own 50s/60s style Soviet probes!! <3 <3 <3
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