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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. If you read the link in the Twitter thread, it goes into a bit more detail. Basically, there was an Air Force engine development project for a fixed extension, so the Airmat went ahead on the J-2 to not be redundant.
  2. This serves the dual purpose of making sure people know I have a Twitter I'm trying to use more, and giving me an easy way to upload this video clip.
  3. Don't have time to get them up on Github tonight, but 4 more new parts! Using the space leftover on the Transtage texture sheet. 4-way, 2-way, and radial RCS as well as an antenna based on one of the instrumentation/engineering antenna on the Titan 3A launches. (It's a launch antenna, think RemoteTech Dipole antenna) The later Transtage (23C and 34D) switched to a 6 pod design. 4x linear RCS, 2x 2-way RCS. Early (3A, 3C) launches used 2x linear and 2x 3-way. The 4 way RCS is meant to be used with X-20 or other similar payloads. It's intended that these give you a good set of "medium RCS" to use in the midgame. (While the Apollo would be the "large"). Titan 3A Transtage with engineering antenna (above and to the right of the linear RCS pod) Titan 23C with the 6-pod RCS configuration (need to zoom to see) Titan 3C rocket with 4-pod RCS layout
  4. I'm sure @Dragon01 could name them all, can anyone else? (by far the roughest out of all of these)
  5. Not the worst idea... I will see what I can do. But, in the meantime, maybe another WIP part would make you feel better...
  6. Other way around - the C version shouldn't have gimbal. Unfortunately, I don't have texture room to have two different versions of the upper thrust chamber (uh... everything between the aspirator "plate" and the gimbal pivot, basically), and if I got rid of the gimbal hardware there would be ugly black shadows all over it. Fortunately on the Saturn 1 you can't really see it that well anyways...
  7. Alternate Titan IV textures - filament wound case for SRMUs and white texture variant for the second stage! EDIT: ಠ_ಠ
  8. Engines are 25% IRL thrust for SL engines, 37.5-50% IRL thrust for vacuum engines. Past that, I don't know much. @Jso's balancing is some sort of black magic. Dev pre-stream going up in a minute, dev stream starting in the next 15 mins or so!
  9. Another day, another WIP engine... and a stream announcement! I'm going to be trying to do an evening dev stream tonight, starting sometime around 6-6:30 Eastern over on Twitch (2-3 hours from this post, basically)
  10. Sounds like an issue @Rocketology ran into on stream recently. I don't know what's causing it but I'll keep an eye out. Also, does anyone know what causes this? I'm blanking on it too. It's been in the plans as an 'eventual' thing, I'm not planning on doing it right now though. This is really just trying to get the existing Saturn engines updated; the only reason I'm even messing around a little is I want to make sure the J-2X is possible with the way I've UV'd everything. I need to see how hard the J-2T variants will be.
  11. I think J-2S will stay as just a stat upgrade, the amount of different piping and stuff it would need is a little more than I want to put into it. How'd you know?
  12. I'm planning on remaking the Saturn stages at some point, and definitely giving serious consideration to using that sort of scaling. I'm more resistant to changing the 260in diameter (Saturn 1, Skylab) away from 3.75, because then that necessitates remaking Skylab to some extent, and all that is a lot of work. I definitely think I would remake the 33ft diameter parts in 6.25m though. However, that's all a lot of work and frankly too much for me to immediately consider given the general... idk, the Saturn stuff largely holds up well despite it's age, compared to some of the other... lackluster parts in the mod. Everything, except, the engines - which is why I'm prioritizing remaking them first. I believe I scaled them properly against actual measurements this time (usually figuring out what a 'properly' scaled bottom engine exit diameter, and using that to scale as many orthographic drawings I can find from the era and taking the 'average', with as many verifiable pictures I can find that support the drawings as a check), so they'll fit cleanly into a proper scaled Saturn. If I were to redo Saturn V, it would incorporate all the things myself, Jso and our contributors have been working hard on for the most recent updates. Better use of B9, more accuracy, more detail, more fleshed out, well researched, accurate parts, better more consistent textures, proper AO baking, better emissives and FX, etc etc. For example, I want to have a single S-IVB engine mount, with B9 switching for the ETS S-IVC dual mount, maybe a 4x engine mount, and a LASS engine mount with spots for 2 RL-10 engines, all in one part. And yeah just generally more fleshed out... but that's a long way off. I'm just redoing the engines for now.
  13. The tech tree is a complete mess right now, not just for the Titan stuff either... definitely has to be looked at before release. I'd rather the decoupler be in the construction node line but definitely need to make sure it's in the proper tier. Y'all wanna see the worst photoshop I've ever made?
  14. I usually attach the LR-101s in the same position that @Zorg attached his in the post after yours, using the new standalone Titan 1 shroud. Yeah, need more info like @StarStreak2109 said. Do you have Community Resource Patch? You mean you were trying to use an engine powered by LH2, right?
  15. Going live for ~3 hours on Twitch, going to be working on... probably a variety of stuff. Helios, another payload, Titan stuff...
  16. Know what we haven't talked about enough? Payloads. Coatl Aerospace already has a great (if, slightly different styled) Voyager and Cassini, with Viking on the way. I've been looking for some other payloads for the Titan stuff that would be interesting to have, and preferably would be large enough to require the higher end rockets. Here's a peek at one of the payloads - Helios!
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