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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Wild Blue Tools 1.57.4 is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases/tag/v1.57.4 Changes - Fixed situation where the geology lab could generate a NullReferenceException while performing a biome analysis and the local biome hasn't been unlocked. - Fixed an issue where drills would generate an NRE upon startup when BARIS isn't installed. - Fixed a situation where drills don't realize that the biome has been unlocked.
  2. Like the Flapjack, I decided to keep the interior sections of the mothership parts simple to reduce the rendering burden. Here you can see the hatch arrangement, which hints at where the decks are: I'm finding that creating usable decks in a flying saucer is a challenge, but I've shaped the Excalibur so that the outer sections will have two decks- enough space to house a Jumbo 64 fuel tank... Now that I know the basic shape for the sections, I can unwrap them and start on the texture design. As I did with the Flapjack, I'm starting with the storage tanks. The crew areas will emerge from them. I'm looking at a pattern similar to this: but with color tones that match the stock Mk3 shuttle parts. The way I see it, the kerbals have figured out how to grow the nano-particle hull, but they can't make a large seamless hull. So instead, they make panels and fuse them together. The discolorations are the result of differences in manufacturing.
  3. As @JadeOfMaar mentioned, the Hacienda has a built-in drill. Specifically, configure the part as a Claimjumper. You don't have to worry about digging up specific resources; as long as you unlock the biome, you'll dig up all the resources that it has. If/when I get to Sandcastle, I have a permanent drilling structure planned... Speaking of drills, look for a Wild Blue Tools update later this weekend. It'll have some needed bug fixes.
  4. That’s ok, I’m not entirely sure when the mothership will be done. Shooting for end of the year at most. My thought on the question: What is your favorite color?
  5. Bug reports are finally slowing down, so I'm working on the Excalibur again. I did a review this morning of where I left off: The Engineering Core will have an IVA so you can check out the central gravitic displacement manifold and the fusion reactors under the lowest gangway. Elevator access is in the back. I need to decide upon the storage hull exteriors before unwrapping and creating the basic look. Lots to do!
  6. That there is an incentive for me to complete the Excalibur mothership...
  7. Stock,surface scanning module: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Surface_Scanning_Module
  8. There must be something different about your system then. I tested play mode switching without issues on my end. All files were renamed properly. I suggest you try uninstalling all Wild Blue mods, and removing WBIPlayMode from your GameData folder. If that still doesn't fix the problem then I don't know what the cause is. You'll have to manually rename the files yourself. Have you tried using the stock surface scanner to unlock the biome? There's not enough information to go on. As for the drills, they've been updated so that you no longer need to switch the resource that they extract, instead, they extract all resources available in the biome. Be sure to unlock the biome first (see if using the surface scanner helps). Do you have BARIS installed? It's hard to say what's going on with the NRE without more information.
  9. Way cool! Interesting take on kerbals who “EVA” to the surface in SeaSpace suits filled with water and then venture into the black sky. Gives me inspiration to keep working on Rocket Shark and its mini mods. Looking forward to seeing what happens next with the frogs!
  10. Pathfinder is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/releases/tag/v1.27.3.0 Changes - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  11. Mark One Laboratory Extensions is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/MOLE/releases/tag/v1.15.11.0 Changes - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  12. Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.3.8 is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/FlyingSaucers/releases/tag/v0.3.8 Changes - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  13. Deep Space Exploration Vessels is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/DSEV/releases/tag/v3.1.9.4 Changes - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  14. Buffalo MSEV 2.6.5 is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Buffalo/releases/tag/v2.6.5 Changes - Fix for Grizzly colliding with extended ladders. - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  15. Heisenberg Airships is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Airships/releases/tag/v2.12.11.0 Changes - Fixes Play Mode failing to rename certain files. NOTE: You might need to reset your current play mode. Simply open the WBT app from the Space Center, choose another mode, press OK, and again open the app, selecting your original play mode. Then be sure to restart KSP.
  16. I found the issue with the files not being renamed. Another update coming this weekend.
  17. As I said, I am not saying that I will add the suit and small sub. I am just thinking about what it could do. My focus for the rest of the year is to finish the Excalibur mothership. After that we’ll see.
  18. If it had a magnet/recycling arm like the one from Buffalo, and a drill arm, you can do both.
  19. Submersible, Heat Resistant, Implosion Mitigating, Piloted (SHRIMP) suit... It would be a pita, but just think of having a portable walking drill to mine resources with... Not saying this will, happen, just brainstorming...
  20. The problem was with the colllider for the wheel itself. It was too large for the wheel. It is set to wheelcollidersignore so not sure why it still affected the rover...
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