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Everything posted by ExplorerKlatt

  1. To equip the tool it needs to be in the Kerbal’s inventory. Also, it is a known issue that the new suits do not have the correct inventory amount. Each Kerbal is supposed to have 100L of inventory space.
  2. Use Dropbox or google drive to upload the log. They are both free. Also, igorz needs the ksp.log.
  3. @Markus29 First, this should be in the KIS thread. Second, the part is configured properly because KIS follows stock attachment rules. IE the hubmax does not allow parts to be surface attached to it. When trying to attach the part, use the “r” key to change attachment type. For a docking port you want it to be nodebottom. There are tooltips near the cursor. That is where you will find the attachment type.
  4. @MikeO89 yes you can use this mod to fix. From the OP: >>> PLEASE, READ THE MANUAL BEFORE USING THE MOD!!! The manual can be found here. If you want to download a PDF, use this link. You can also bring this manual to the flight by adding the "KIS for Dummies" item into the inventory. This way you'll be able to read it without leaving the game.
  5. It is intended. The cc-r2 now serves as a pipe connection and the winch connection port
  6. @SuperXico The wrench does not do node attachment. That is the wrench the Kerbal is using correct?
  7. @Thorn_Ike The real life a-10 warthog wouldn't stand a chance against any modern fighter jet. The A-10 is a ground attack craft. It is slow and doesn't have great maneuverability. It was primarily designed to support friendly ground troops.
  8. A little more info on what you are trying to do would help us help you.
  9. Currently it is not possible to put subassemblies in a container.
  10. You can put them in the crew inventory that is part of any crewed part. Right click on a crew part and then click open seat inventory.
  11. I think he is referring to the fact he has the science tab selected but it is still showing aero parts. @AirArs please follow the instructions in the "how to get support" sticky thread at the top of the page. You will get more help that way.
  12. @MacEriu do you have fuel transfer obeys crossfeed rules checked on in the game settings?
  13. No the Kerbal would go MIA or KIA depending on settings. Parts in inventories are "destroyed" then recreated when taken out.
  14. Can you post a screenshot of you GameData and umbraspaceindustries folders
  15. @Landwalker The .25x multiplier is the default for USILS now. It changed a while back. Also I posted an explanation of the difference between hab and home somewhere in the last few pages.
  16. @capi3101 sorry to say those items are gone. It is a conflict between KIS and Ship Manifest. Personally, I keep an SC-62 container near a hatch and store equipment there when using ship manifest. You could try talking to @Papa_Joe see if there is anything he can do.
  17. Habitation is how long Kerbals can stay in the current vessel. It can vary greatly depending on the vessel they are in. Homesickness is how long they can stay away from Kerbin. It is based on the best vessel they have been in since leaving kerbin. Example: if a Kerbal launches in a vessel that has 2yrs of Hab time and once reaching orbit transfers to a lander that only has 15 days hab time, the habitation timer will show 15days and the homesickness will show 2yrs - the current MET. So he then transfers back to launch ship. His habitation timer will go back up to whatever that vessels hab time is. 1 yr later he transfers to a station with 10yrs hab time. Habitation timer goes to 10yrs but the homesickness timer will go to 9yrs. This is because that Kerbal now has a total homesickness of 10yrs - the year he has been in space.
  18. 1) yes you can. Press and hold g key. Then left click and hold on part. Drag to inventory the release mouse button. Make sure you have the inventory open first. 2)yes. 3)no. It acts just like any other empty tank. 4) go back in to station. Then EVA again. Or carry eva fuel canister in inventory and when you run out or get low right click on canister and click refuel.
  19. I am assuming you are asking if you can place it in an inventory. IIRC, the answer to that is no. The game will see it as a destroyed part.
  20. If the supplies are in any KIS container they will not be useable. The supplies tank must be attached to the craft. From my understanding, parts in KIS inventory do not physically exists until removed from inventory.
  21. It is an issue with other mods adding modules to the parts. Mods like dangit or any other mod that affects all parts. Is going to cause this issue. Edit: Ninja'd
  22. Like what? If you look really close in the one I posted you can see the star regulus.
  23. Helps to live in totality zone and be married to a photographer.
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