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Everything posted by ExplorerKlatt

  1. You will have to navigate to the directory that contains ckan.exe
  2. I think you got that backwards @IgorZ Electric screwdriver does nodes. Wrench is surface attach only.
  3. Please post a pic of your gamedata folder. This is usually an install issue.
  4. You can also ask questions in that thread. They will get more responses there.
  5. You have to inflate them from eva. It will also require a significant amount of material kits.
  6. Ok two things I noticed in the pictures. First, the vessel type is set to "Lander". Try switching it to "Ship". Second, IIRC, a lot of the tourist contracts require a pilot on board.
  7. Start with a list of mods and their versions. A picture hosted on Imgur or similar showing the issue. Finally upload your output_log.txt to Dropbox or similar and post a link. See this thread for further info.
  8. Try updating to the latest release. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases
  9. Pretty sure this isn't possible without editing the source code and recompiling.
  10. This is not nearly enough information to diagnose a problem. Which autopilot are you trying to use? You need to post logs and/or screenshots of the ship in question. Is it giving you any error messages?
  11. You place it just like you do any other part. You need an engineer on EVA with an equipped tool. See the user guide Here
  12. This is why I always save the download then print from there. P. S. check your pm's.
  13. Nothing compiled for 1.2 will work for previous versions due to major changes in the code.
  14. This isn't the IR thread. Also, a description of the problem helps, along with game and mod version.
  15. Nope. Currently there is no way to make an orbital station completely self sufficient. Keep in mind though that with enough storage an the right parts you can make a station that will take decades to need resupply.
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