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Everything posted by ExplorerKlatt

  1. You could just try it to see for yourself or read a few post above yours.
  2. Second picture in album on first post. Bottom right corner. Do you have that part?
  3. Just checked the wiki linked in first post. Failures only happen on active vessel Here
  4. Trying to download this mod, but the link takes me to blue hawk industries download.
  5. Did you delete or change any mods before this behavior started? Also, can you post a pic of your GameData folder?
  6. IIRC, that is a feature of MKS.
  7. I've been out of contact for a while, can anyone tell me what page chapter eleven starts on?
  8. The Dropbox links work fine for me. Which link are you referring to?
  9. Think of them as consequences not side effects. It is what happens when you run out of a particular timer.
  10. If I understand you correctly, you want a mod that adds planets that doesn't have any dependencies. This doesn't exist. AFAIK, all updated planet packs use kopernicus.
  11. Could you post a list of your mods? Maybe go have a look at the how to get support stickied thread.
  12. You could attach a girder segment to the winch then attach command chairs to the girder.
  13. IIRC, the mk16 can't be surface attached and the wrench can't be used to node attach.
  14. Go to KSP_Root/GameData/KIS Open settings.cfg and scroll to the bottom. Change the this: StackableItemOverride { partName = addWhatYouWantHere1 partName = addWhatYouWantHere2 } To this: StackableItemOverride { partName = KAS_Strut1 }
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