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Everything posted by ExplorerKlatt

  1. We just came out of totality. FYI, the next total eclipse visible from the USA is in 2024.
  2. During the launch of a space shuttle, the roll program was simultaneously accompanied by a pitch maneuver and yaw maneuver.[2] The roll program occurred during a shuttle launch for the following reasons: To place the shuttle in a heads down position Increasing the mass that can be carried into orbit Increasing the orbital altitude Simplifying the trajectory of a possible Return to Launch site abort maneuver Improving radio line-of-sight propagation Orienting the shuttle more parallel toward the ground with the nose to the east From Here
  3. @Kurld do you have crew in the seats that are missing inventory? The inventory that shows up in the VAB as "seat x inventory" is for a Kerbal. If you put stuff in that inventory then do not put a Kerbal in that seat, the stuff will disappear. This is not a bug it is by design.
  4. I second this. Kinda silly to expect people to remember every action group to every vessel over the course of a game.
  5. If you do decide to do the streams, could you also record them for those of us that may or may not have to work or be otherwise engaged?
  6. Module manager goes in the GameData folder not the KIS folder Also it looks like you have KIS installed incorrectly. The final result should. Be GameData/KIS/... the "..." would be the folders such as parts, plugins, patches, etc
  7. Green cube on toolbar at space center screen
  8. That is no longer the default and hasn't been for quite some time. It has also been covered many times in this thread.
  9. If anyone would bother to check you would see @Whitecat106 hasn't logged on to the forums for several months. I believe it is time for someone to take this over.
  10. The bug he is seeing is that all timers are green but Kerbal is still a tourist.
  11. Can you try to get a screenshot of your GameData folder and the ksp folder.
  12. @Fair_Player[PL] @closeToMun Check your settings. If you have transfers obey cross feed rules then it will not work.
  13. @The Moose In Your House In the future, please only quote the relevant portion of a post; not the entire first post.
  14. Yeah it's fine. Save it to someplace like Dropbox or google drive and then post a link.
  15. @Sam Forte Could you post a pic showing the ship and one showing the life support window please?
  16. Silencing an alarm is in the part right click menu.
  17. Not the most current versions. There was a zip of all craft a few pages back but it is from before all the updates.
  18. @Yeet Yeet No the mod isn't broken. You most likely installed it incorrectly. First, the pipes are part of KAS. They just connect the parts to your vessel. You need to use the stock resource transfer system. Your other two problems are due to an install issue. The mod comes with all sounds and textures but the are very sensitive to where they are placed in your GameData folder. If you could provide pictures of your GameData folder and the KIS folder and copies of your logs we would be able to help you more.
  19. They are supposed to be in their own life support tab. If not, something is wrong and we need to get some more info to help you. Start with a pic of you Gamedata folder and the umbraspaceindustries folder.
  20. Where are you looking for them?
  21. It sounds like you downloaded the source code. The source code is not a finished product. You need to download from Here. Inside the zip there will be a Gamedata folder. Inside that there will be a folder named Explainer. That folder is what is placed inside the Gamedata folder for the game.
  22. When you grab an item you have to hold the g key then click and hold on part and then drag to inventory then release the mouse button.
  23. ORS is installed with KSPI it is in warpplugin/plugins. You should ask in the KSPI thread.
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