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Everything posted by ExplorerKlatt

  1. There is a new thread for this mod. Please post in it.
  2. Gonna post this for the third of fourth time in the last few pages
  3. There is a USILS settings file in the MKS folder. Also, you can change it with the in game settings menu. Accessed from the main KSC screen.
  4. Yes it is correct. The wiki is out of date since the newest version. All of Roverdude's mods underwent a rebalance for KSP 1.2
  5. IIRC, the wrench was never able to node attach just surface attach.
  6. There is a UI to repoint dishes without switching vessels. You access it from the map screen.
  7. Don't need the full list was just thinking I had quite a few that never got officially updated to 1.1.3 but worked just fine.
  8. Please read the post directly above yours. This incarnation of the mod doesn't work in the current version of KSP.
  9. You are requesting the exchange of spacecraft so you are within the bounds of the forum.
  10. All drills pull from the craft's center of mass. So drill will only ever pull from one biome.
  11. Has anyone else tested the viability of the STS-7 in 1.2? Both of my test flights ended in failure. First flight I couldn't clear 20km with the Fuel Pod loaded. Second flight I lost control at 55km with no payload.
  12. @DMSP So it looks like I'm going to be too busy to take my turn. Please skip me and sign me up for October 1st. My time off work starts the first.
  13. @ZooNamedGames It would probably get more attention in the Spacecraft Exchange forum. I did follow your missions until the thread was locked
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