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Everything posted by blu3wolf

  1. Very nearly. Its worth pointing out that if you do leave it there, and you use RemoteTech, its an additional node in your comms network - and those are generally useful things to have, for redundancy.
  2. Yeah, hence the attaching things to ground pylons/concrete bases. Used that to get the surface magnetometer report - although it still was not suitable for the contract I was trying to complete. Probably an issue with the contract pack in question (Kerbal Academy).
  3. Giving it a go now, will report if I find any issues. @Zhetaan I believe it is from NearFutureSpacecraft, yes.
  4. Isnt that something that should be handled by SCANsat?
  5. So I just used the debug menu to complete the boot camp contract with a scientist, and he did not go up a level. Winry's issues started with the contract itself. The contract was to recover on the launchpad, with the experiment Surface Magnetometer Data. I did not read this in full, and promptly built a craft with a DMOS Magnetometer on it, performed the experiment, and was confused when the contract requirement was not met. Okay, read it again, and realised it must be looking for the Surface Magnetometer, from the Surface Experiments Package. More hassle, but still doable, I figured. More hassle, because it meant I needed to hire an engineer to assemble the SEP kit on the ground, on account of my only other engineer still being up on the KSS. So. Hired Wellsy, built out a SEP setup next to the launchpad, did science, collected the Surface Magnetometer Data. Collected the data, so it was in Winry's inventory, and wandered back to the launchpad. Only to discover, the contract requirement was still not met! Got back in Science Craft 3 - still not met. Recovered - still not met. Completed using debug menu - contract complete, but Winry still at level zero. Im purely guessing here, but I figure there must be something special about the SEP science reports that meant that Boot Camp had issues with it for the contract. Some compatibility issue somewhere. If there is any supporting data I can provide that would help, let me know.
  6. I cant recall if its been reported or not, but Im still getting explosions out of the gravimeter and the surface magnetometer. This was on Kerbin, next to the launch pad.
  7. Is there a MM patch I can look at to see about applying these RTG configs to a stockish RTG? I have a number of mods installed, and one of them has added an RTG inside a crew module, which Id like to configure through this mod. Cheers!
  8. So heading to 90 was one mistake, because Pioneer 11 didnt enter an equatorial orbit at all. It used a direct ascent to earth escape velocity. It also did so on the 6th of April, not the 4th. Unfortunately, I have not as yet been able to find details of its keplerian orbital elements during that ascent after engine cutoff. I have found several conspiracy theory websites though.
  9. So basically, our poster was in the wrong orbital plane then, if he needed any normal DV. So thats that sorted then.
  10. Well, if you headed 90, I guess it doesnt matter when you launched, as far as that has no effect on your orbital plane. Mission architect, used correctly, even without putting the mass of the vessel in, will give you perfect results. Exactly. Still, if you are in an equatorial orbit, then the RAAN is fairly negligible.
  11. Well, this mod does only add two components unless I am very much mistaken, so I think you may be doing something wrong.
  12. Reads like all you have to do is go to the moon and stay in contact, to meet that requirement.
  13. Very useful. An option to copy paste nodes would be useful, too. Was handy to me for fixing a career save multiple times this morning alone.
  14. Well, the last time I reported it, you conveyed to me your expectations that you had already fixed it, and Ive seen others report it after me... Glad to hear its working.
  15. Nah, they are literally plugged into the ship, and require ECs for sustenance.
  16. This would be the point where you start installing mods again, one at a time, to see which mod is causing the conflict.
  17. They have, multiple times. Its a recurring bug that keeps showing up again, after being fixed.
  18. With FAR, you can have takeoff speeds lower than that, too. Takeoff speed is related to L/W, and most parts in KSP are pretty heavy... I see no issue with FAR being intended only for realistic use. Suggesting it should cater to more users sounds like an offer to make your own mod that does so.
  19. I assume so. I would have to uninstall to easily check, and Id rather leave it installed. It has a valid and current .ckan entry for all its dependencies again though, so it should be back to being visible in the GUI. It was properly listed the entire time, just not displayed. A failing of the GUI client, not the listing.
  20. One takes a couple minutes, the other a minimum of a couple hours. When I looked at it last, I figured DMSA would be getting an update soon enough that meant no metadata change was needed - NetKAN would see the new GitHub release, and add a new .ckan entry for it. Seeing as that has not been the case, I can see a good argument for updating DMSA's metadata. For any given user though, its presently easier to install DMSA first, then SEP. EDIT: seems we are debating after the fact. I see DMSA has already been updated in the .NetKAN list, and its .ckan for 0.14 lists it as compatible with 1.1.2 and 1.1.3
  21. Its called RO. Its worth pointing out that its not so much about rebalancing the game to fit FAR, but rebalancing the game to fit RL. You want to make the drag term bigger? Its 0.5 * p * v^2 * Cd * A, so you have some options there for making it bigger. You want to make it bigger independent of v, so we leave that alone. You likely want it bigger independent of A, so we leave that alone. That leaves our Cd and p. Increasing viscosity would mean increasing Cd, so that will work. Your issue I suspect is that you want more drag without more lift. Leaving that can of crazy alone, I wonder if AJE might end up making a F110-GE-129 engine at some point? If AFBW lived up to its name, one could see about making a flyable F-16 in KSP. That would be something!
  22. Yes, SEP is in CKAN, but due to a CKAN bug, is not displayed in the GUI, regardless of filter settings. If you use the command line you can install DMSA first, then SEP will be installable through the GUI or the CLI.
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