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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. It's probably because you are still a curious george, if you post some more than the forum should still let you vote on polls
  2. Max, you have done the forbidden. Whackjob has been appeased. May the probe have mercy on us all. :hailprobe:
  3. How many times have you told yourself during testing that you were going to add reaction wheels, fins, batteries, etc to a craft when you got back to the VAB and then completely forgot when you got there? The solution: testing logs. The game should have a text field where you can write whatever you need to add/change on your craft and then the next time you open said craft in the VAB/SPH it shows you the file so that you don't forget. What do you guys think?
  4. Instead of turning at 20 km, lower your nose around 13-15 km and try to maintain a 5-10 degree ascent, with enough patince I can get a plane (with nukes firing) to around 23km and mach 4.5 before turning on the jets
  5. I have to image that they don't test new parts on an unstable dev build
  6. It probably wont, it goes on the end of a craft so the only parts that would be attached are radial, and therefore trivially easy to move
  7. If you really want to keep it, just remove the part folder for the cockpit, change the name and title fields, update, then put the part folder back in.
  8. I think they're going to use the old IVA, and update it when they get the chance, which is fine by me.
  9. Am I the only one who thinks the new MK1 cockpit looks awesome, better than what we have now?
  10. :0.0:We have a god among us, what cpu do you have?
  11. I believe that interstellar fuel switch applies itself to all LFO tanks, but that might be one of my other 90+ mods I have installed link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117932
  12. If you make regular backups of your computer, you could restore your savefile from a time when it was still working
  13. Before you go around buying more ram, you might be able to take some out of your laptop, assuming it's compatible with your CPU (DDR3, DDR4) and stick it in your desktop. Look for a better guide that's not not me though.
  14. you don't need fuel lines for jets, they draw fuel from all tanks equally
  15. I have to imagine it would be 1.0.4, AFAIK 1.1 has not entered QA, meaning it is probably still a fairly buggy mess.
  16. I wasn't aware that ram came in amounts other than powers of 2 I run linux too (elementary os + ubuntu), but was wondering because when squad considers updates they probably have their much larger windows user base in mind.
  17. Will there be a report for people with bad internet who can't watch twitch streams?
  18. Did I say minimum specs? I meant to say recommended specs, which have >4 gigs in plenty of games.
  19. We might know more by the end of today #1.1AnnouncementToday
  20. As long as one of your instruments is a radar altimeter, in stock it's basically suicide
  21. I ask this because with the upcoming unity 5 update, you will be able to use all of it! And also so that if people do have a lot of RAM on average, maybe squad can see this and raise the recommended specs a bit, for things like clouds and maybe even procedural cites, more planets and parts, the sky's the limit. Well the RAM's the limit but you get my point.
  22. I got into space with only a single turbojet and RAW POWER (seriously this thing can pull +15 g's)
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