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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. Just now I was reentering a space plane when I realized that I forgot Air brakes. crap. Instead of doing what I might normally do and quicksave my way back into orbit and try a much shallower approach, I decided to go for it. my AOA was around 40 degrees during reentry and by the time I hit 30 km I was still going mach 6.2 and I was sure I was finished. But I managed to level out and gain altitude after that, as I watched KSC whiz by at 1.8km/s 30 km below. I pulled the plane around and went in to land. I quickly realized that I had slowed down too much and did not have enough fuel to reach KSC. Then I remembered the Island runway, I did have just enough for that. I set navutilities for Island runway 27 and began my ascent. when I was 10 km out I was still going 500 m/s, too fast to close. I ruin my perfect lineup and do some s turns. I manage to get my velocity to around 200 m/s at 2 km out. I descended, knowing I would have to touch down right as the runway began. I then realized there is a hill in front of the runway! I hit the engines and pulled up, narrowly avoiding firey demise. I touched down going 150 m/s, but thanks to tail-strike preventive landing gear, did not yaw too much and slowed to a stop with only a few meters left on the runway. I love this game.
  2. I cant get much above 1300 m/s on jets with FAR (any jets, R.A.P.I.E.R included) it's more realistic but it makes spaceplanes harder.
  3. your problem sounds like a lack of control. your center of lift and center of mass need to be very close in order for you to have the control authority to land. The thing to remember that as long as you are below around 170 m/s, your horizontal velocity does not matter, only your vertical. when you are just about to touch down flare the nose up as much as you can. This kills your vertical and horizontal velocity so you can land. I recommend having a quicksave on your descent to landing so that you can try a bunch of different profiles and see what works. Also airbrakes are the greatest, they negate the need to do s-turns on you descent allowing you to be lined up from a very long distance.
  4. ^this. MK3 joints are disproportionately weak for their size, leading to them being prone to structural failure. IMHO, KJR is essential for any MK3 plane -edit- 500 posts!
  5. I always thinkof the peninsula east of KSC Korea, but have never named anything else.
  6. If you are going to do Target orbit rendezvous, use kerbal alarm clock, it would be way too hectic without it
  7. It could be contained in a small chamber which can be shaken and has a toggle-able magnet that pulls down the closest side.
  8. It's where people build crafts that violate the laws of physics via exploits in the game's simulation. An old one was where if a kerbal was climbing up a ladder, it would accelerate the ship forwards.
  9. What exactly is causing it not to lift off? does it not get off the ground, flip over, or something else? Some screenshots or a video would be extremely useful here.
  10. I mean closed loop (sort of) support, with substrate, water, and organics galore!
  11. Yes. If you never utilize most of your ram then you have wasted your money on ram you don't need and therefore have too much.
  12. I only disable roll and pitch on the rudder and I disable yaw on pitch and roll control surfaces
  13. I feel stupid now that I think of it. of course its IL so it might have a JIT compiler.
  14. I was looking through the unity awards when I saw this. I was simply floored by how cool it was. It's a VR painting tool that allows you to paint in three dimensions. Enough talking let the video show you what I mean. Enjoy! http://www.tiltbrush.com/
  15. Also if you want dev replies to devnotes, don't bother with the forums, go on reddit.
  16. linux fanboy rant incoming. [rant] And there lies the problem. Windows simply uses too much ram. In this case > 2GB. it basically turns 4GB into 2Gb, 8GB into 6GB, and so on. Of course having a windows system with only 4GB is silly, you would have <2GB of effective RAM! On my linux install on by laptop (which has 4GB) The system uses around 500-600 MB of RAM, however on the mac side of the laptop, I can't run more than one or two programs at a time without suffering significant downsides. (The laptop is from 2011 however). The problem is that Windows and OSX use too much of the system resources. An OS should be out of the way, and use minimal resources. Those should be the number 1 concerns when building an OS. People use computers for the applications, the operating system should not be using precious resources that do not help the user and only get in the way of the applications. [/rant]
  17. I don't think so, DLL's seem to be compiled code.
  18. "We should sell bigger rockets so that you can launch rockets off of rockets with a side of rocket"
  19. Long exposure photography gets me every single time. In this case it was probably multiple exposures as opposed to on long one as the rest of the image is fairly dark
  20. Another possibility is to keep Avalon exactly the same and disable heating effects to make it viable for reentries.
  21. does anyone have configs for full USI-LS support, I tried making one but for whatever reason it gives all the parts negative costs
  22. I finished the mockup of my duna base, 190 parts:confused:
  23. This would only work for planets with oceans, but what if the continents were outlined on the dark side of a planet but remained dark, for a cool neon effect that is still somewhat useful.
  24. 409: 5 things to do now that clickbait has been invented
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