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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. What about this video by scott manley where he uses the oberth effect to get a 50% efficiency gain from just escaping from a high orbit? (skip to around 9:30 for the quote)
  2. but what about the oberth effect, isn't it hard to get a proper ejection angle when you have a days long orbital period?
  3. At first, minmus seems the obvious choice, but the inclination and longer distance seem to overweigh the low gravity benefits. My plan if I set up a moon base is to do all my refueling at the moon, since I don't want to do a ton of aerobraking. My question is if it's worth it to aerobrake every time you have a fuel delivery from minmus or to refuel at the moon. (refueling at minmus is not an option due to its very long orbital period and inclination.)
  4. I find myself in the "oh gosh dang it its 2:00 AM" situation far more often than I should.
  5. The best way to do large inclination changes is not to use maneuver node, rather you should stay pointed at your normal marker (the purple triangles) all the way through the burn for maximum efficiency, for timing you can find the delta-v by using the formula DVi = 2* v * sin(IncChange/2) to find delta v and then making a manuver node with the same delta-v to figure out the time. just split that time 50/50 and your good to go! Source (better explanation than me): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_inclination_change#Circular_orbit_inclination_change
  6. I also like how it determines the shape for you, I find making stock fairings to be quite tedious, especially bigger ones. Also there's this:
  7. I understand your concern with ions, but the nukes should be working. have you drained all the oxidiser out of the tanks and could you post a screenshot of it please.
  8. If you plan on doing this, it only works if you have 2-way symmetry, as it is the only symmetry that is not really glitchy on a procedural faring.
  9. Learned about it from a friend, forgot about it. Remembered it 2 years later and here I am
  10. If you dont want to line up docking ports, just use this.
  11. Adjusting to linux doesn't have to be an issue if you don't want it to be, you can use linux only for KSP. Install a lightweight OS (I recommend elementary os), then install KSP. The whole setup could take up a minimum of 7 gigs of storage space (I recommend allocating more) and will only take around 20 seconds to boot. Windows probably takes about that long to shut down. I think that 7 gigs and 40 extra seconds of loading time is a small price to pay for 64-bit ksp. Or you could even install linux onto a 16GB+ flash drive and not even bother with partitioning your drive Brought to you by a full-time linux user and from viewers like you
  12. I once got this thing into orbit. thats a 10m faring with 3.75m boosters!
  13. I don't know if you use mods, but if you do KAS is a huge help for this. Connect everything with pipes and land your refinery in sections rather than one huge ship. Also have a station in orbit that can hold fuel so that you can have a dedicated ship for ferrying fuel from the surface to the station and so that you don't have to land everything you want to land. (a waste of about 580 m/s on the moon, also ship has to be designed to land.)
  14. Honestly, I like it when my rockets keep flipping around, It forces me to try new methods to keep them straight, from adding more fins in unexpected places to just going whatever andding add moar boosters to power through the atmosphere (guess how that one worked out). Basically its the failures that make this game fun for me. Also playing without quicksaves is a blast, it makes everything way more tense.
  15. I know right? the titan is all but unusable at full thrust, rendering many 3.75m designs useless
  16. What Conics mode are you in? I know 4 does some pretty weird stuff
  17. Nertea has an in development radiator pack that seems to be working quite well for me so far. you can get it here
  18. Nope, I feel the same way. Unless were both insane:0.0:
  19. I made a little script that automates the calculations for a pinpoint landing on an airless body, (for more info see )download Instructions: 1. get your self in a low orbit above your target 2. give the calculator all the values it asks for (when it asks for speed make sure your navball is set to surface velocity) 3. when you are the calculated distance away from the target, start your burn. However, do NOT follow the retrograde marker, stay pointed at the horizon until you are falling straight down, then you can maneuver around to get your retrograde marker on top of your anti-target marker. 4. profit.
  20. When I was landing my resource harvester today, I noteced something very strange, the moon's textures were all distorted and stretched out, you can see visible lines of textures Specs: KSP 1.0.2 Ubuntu 15.04 Mods: Astronomers Pack (all of it) Active texture management 5.0 Distant Object Enhancement 1.5.5 FAR 0.15 Improved Chase Camera 1.5.1 Raster Prop Monitor Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Flight Data R17Pre Kerbal Flight Indicators R10Pre Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.1.3 Kerbal Inventory System 1.1.1 Lights Out 0.1.3 Module Flight Integrator 1.0 Hot Rockets 1.0.2 Procedural Fairings 3.13 Real Chute Smoke Screen 2.6.0 Stock Bug Fix Modules 1.0.2b Tac Fuel Balancer 2.5.1 KAC
  21. have you ever tried to install scatterer?, if so make sure it is completely uninstalled or try turning off antialiasing
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