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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. wow. I'm genuinely surprised to find myself on the low side
  2. I'm just curious to see if my 1257 patches is a regular amount.
  3. when trying to install a bunch of mods, I get this error after a bunch of popup windows that said mod failed to download (the urls also told me they were all from kerbalstuff) EDIT 2: After looking back through previous pages in this thread I found a solution. I ran mozroots with sudo and did sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev Oh no! Our download failed with a certificate error! If you're on Linux, try running: mozroots --import --ask-remove on the command-line to update your certificate store, and try again. I ran the command but nothing changed when I tried to install again. EDIT: the popup window says: Failed to Download "https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/132/B9 Areospace Pack/download/R5.2.8" - error: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailuer
  4. Does anyone know how to get it so that ksp only has one Icon on the unity launcher? It's a minor issue but one I would greatly apreciate a fix. ksp.desktop: [Desktop Entry] Comment=Kerbal Space Program Terminal=false Name=Kerbal Space Program Exec=ksp Type=Application Icon=/home/[redacted]/KSP_linux/KSP_Data/Resources/UnityPlayer.png ksp is just a script to run KSP.x86_64 with some optimizations pic (the one without the rectangles is the one that sticks around after I close ksp):
  5. I'm trying to install CKAN, did all the steps for installing on ubuntu 14.04 (I am on 14.10, but I assume it's the same process). But when I try to add my KSP directory all I ever get is this ./ckan.exe ksp add "Main" ~/KSP_linux/ Sorry, /home/[redacted]/KSP_linux does not appear to be a KSP directory I have some mods already installed and am running ksp 0.90 any suggestions?
  6. Thanks for all these suggestions! I have An idea of what i'm going to do now (pics to come)
  7. I am considering building a base on duna, but the one lingering concern I have is that landing all the modules in one place will be really hard. I use FAR and the trajectories mod has always been buggy for me (does not give a very accurate impact)
  8. You work for a defence contractor. defence contractors are hired by the government. government prints money. money has 4 sides. 4 - 1 is three. gabe newell can't count to three. gabe newell owns valve. steam engines have valves. steam engines were used in the 1800's. The civil war happened in the 1800's. the illuminati caused the civil war... jake9039 is illuminati confirmed
  9. I know this is a stretch, but official API documentation would be awesome!
  10. try kerbalmaps.com Edit: after reading the O.P more carefully, I realised you wanted to build a base. I recommend using kerbalmaps to pick out a general site, landing a rover there to find a perfect spot, then use excellent guide by scott manley to precisely land on the rover
  11. 6/10 by scotch I assume you mean scotchman scott manley *wink wink*
  12. 2/10 I've seen your avatar a couple times
  13. are there any FAR patches for this? Everything I build is uncontrollable
  14. Ubuntu 14.10 (stable 64 bit for the win ) intel i7 2600 @ 3.6 Ghz 4 cores (8 with hyper threading) nvidia GTX 760 8 GB DDR3 RAM KSP loads like lightning (thanks to atm basic) and runs smooth as butter with astronomers + B9 + KW + many other small mods
  15. I am aware of that, but there are still many mods not on CKAN and this script will work with all mods.
  16. I believe Kos Has the ability to activate action groups,, so you could use that
  17. I've already tried putting struts In every possible configuration, but still, no dice. Maybe quantum struts will be different EDIT: Apparently, the reaction wheel was the culprit, I tried switching out the reaction wheel for a probe core and it worked
  18. Why is this happening? I have KJR Installed, the Hinge is connected to the reaction wheel, and It will lift heavier fuel tanks but not this payload.
  19. I followed your instructions for linux installation and chrome just shows up with a redirect loop when I try to open port 3000 rails s -e production just shows up with this over and over again: Started GET "/" for at 2015-02-04 17:36:36 -0500Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered instances/_form.html.haml (0.9ms) Rendered welcome/index.html.haml within layouts/application (1.5ms) Rendered errors/500.html.haml within layouts/application (1.6ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
  20. I was tired of using Ubuntu's archive manager to install mods, so I made this simple script to do it for me! download Instructions: 1. download the script and place it in ~/bin (If it doesn't exist make it) 2. remove the .sh extension from the script. (its there so the more scrutinous among you can see that it's not evil without downloading) 3. cd into ~/bin in your terminal and enter "chmod +x ksp_mod_install" (without quotes) 4. to use it type "ksp_mod_install /path/to/mod.zip" (e.g. ksp_mod_install Downloads/FAR.zip) 5. it will automatically install if it finds a GameData folder in the top level of the zip. 6. If it does not find a GameData folder it will ask you if you want to copy everything from the top level into GameData. (Only do this if your certain it will install correctly) 7. Profit This will probably work on mac too, I'm just not sure how one would do it
  21. Just to clarify, we can use the SPH to load modules onto the runway, just not the plane itself?
  22. Love the HL cockpit, makes some beautiful planes
  23. That's why I said sort of in the title. My favorite is "don't do counterclockwise rolls, screws will come undone"
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