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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. if you want to embed your album you can do it by doing [noparse] [/noparse]
  2. Seems like it from here. And by the way, it is almost always o.k to load it into your gameData and see for your self, and then report your findings. Asking if it works just clutters mod threads.
  3. One thing to keep in mind is that in business, you have a finished product where you (mostly) stop developing. In KSP's case, squad has been pretty open about their plans for continuing development, and that means at least some new features for every release, and along with that some new bugs. That's why KSP does not really follow a traditional release cycle
  4. I think its because of the server load from 1.0
  5. Im sure it's vacuum I even checked the config! Maybe nuFAR has something to do with it.
  6. Im sure it's vacuum I even checked the config! Maybe nuFAR has something to do with it.
  7. Am I the only one who has an lv-909 with a max vacuum thrust of 14? Is this something new with 1.0.2 or have I failed to notice it all along?
  8. Why does it look so strange for me from space? take a look at the pics to see what I'm talking about it's way easier to see when the images are big linux (ubuntu 15.04) ksp 1.02 nvidia gtx 760 only other visual mods are distant object enhancement and planet shine
  9. if you go to the FAR github page (link in OP) and go to the VoxelAeroPort branch and select download zip on the right side that zip will have a GameData folder with nuFAR in it
  10. I am trying to write some code for the heating management mod. My initial approach was to extend the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel Module and adjust it so that it rotates itself parralell to the sun instead of perpendicular. After looking in the assembly browser I found a field called sunAOA, so I thought perfect, I'll just write a property for this that modifies it's value so that it rotates away from the sun. However, when I tried this nothing happened. the debug statements don't even show up. So now I'm stuck and have no idea what i'm doing wrong. any suggestions. Here is my code: using System; using UnityEngine; namespace HeatManagement { public class ModuleDeployableRadiator : ModuleDeployableSolarPanel { // public override void OnStart (StartState state) // { // print("TESTING"); // // } private float modSunAOA = 0; public new float sunAOA { get { print ("TESTING"); return modSunAOA; } set { print("[HEATMANAGER] sunAOA: " + sunAOA); modSunAOA = Math.Abs(value - 1); print("[HEATMANAGER] value: " + value); } } } } - - - Updated - - - New Development (pun intended)! I tried adding a kspField to the start of my property, just to see what would happen. I changed the GUI name so I could see if it worked and when I opened the right click menu It was still "Sun Exposure", the old GUI name. new code: using System; using UnityEngine; namespace HeatManagement { public class ModuleDeployableRadiator : ModuleDeployableSolarPanel { // public override void OnStart (StartState state) // { // print("TESTING"); // // } private float _sunAOA; [KSPField (guiName = "radiator occlusion", guiUnits = " ", guiFormat = "F2", guiActive = true)] public new float sunAOA { get { print ("TESTING"); return _sunAOA; } set { print("[HEATMANAGER] sunAOA: " + sunAOA); _sunAOA = Math.Abs(value - 1); print("[HEATMANAGER] value: " + value); } } } }
  11. For better textures, you could use the ones from the interstellar pack, it also has some radial radiators and retractable ones, and I beleive it has a share-alike licence so you would be allowed to use them EDIT: I would also be willing to write you a plugin that rotates your radiators 90 degrees from the sun
  12. CKAN still does not see it as a 1.0 mod, just letting you know
  13. orientation is automatically correct if you turn off angle snap (works for many instances of surface-attachment weirdness)
  14. My 4-line heatsheald fix (requires module manager): @PART[HeatSheild*] { @PhysicsSignificance = 0 ]
  15. I have only gotten an "explore minimus" contract in one of my career runs. It always seems to get skipped and go to duna. (fine by me. sending a probe to duna is easer than sending a manned lander to minmus anyways). If you want to go to minmus (I recommend it, the low grav makes it a biome hopper dream), just do contracts for minmus (fly by, science) or LKO to get your funds.
  16. The new aerodynamic system is perfect for me. pre 1.0 I used FAR, found it too complicated, so I tried NEAR and found it too simple. But the new stock aero seems to hit the sweet spot (at least for me)
  17. you can fit 4-5 goo containers in a single 1.25m service module, great for biome hoppers
  18. If you want to scale them down, go into the part config and in the field that says something like scale = 1 and change that to something like scale = 0.75, it will make the part 75% its original size. If that doesn't work, try rescaleFactor, I don't know what it does but the name sounds promising Disclamer: may yeild unexpected or no results
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