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Everything posted by peachoftree

  1. If you are going to do Target orbit rendezvous, use kerbal alarm clock, it would be way too hectic without it
  2. It could be contained in a small chamber which can be shaken and has a toggle-able magnet that pulls down the closest side.
  3. It's where people build crafts that violate the laws of physics via exploits in the game's simulation. An old one was where if a kerbal was climbing up a ladder, it would accelerate the ship forwards.
  4. What exactly is causing it not to lift off? does it not get off the ground, flip over, or something else? Some screenshots or a video would be extremely useful here.
  5. I mean closed loop (sort of) support, with substrate, water, and organics galore!
  6. Yes. If you never utilize most of your ram then you have wasted your money on ram you don't need and therefore have too much.
  7. I only disable roll and pitch on the rudder and I disable yaw on pitch and roll control surfaces
  8. I feel stupid now that I think of it. of course its IL so it might have a JIT compiler.
  9. I was looking through the unity awards when I saw this. I was simply floored by how cool it was. It's a VR painting tool that allows you to paint in three dimensions. Enough talking let the video show you what I mean. Enjoy! http://www.tiltbrush.com/
  10. Also if you want dev replies to devnotes, don't bother with the forums, go on reddit.
  11. linux fanboy rant incoming. [rant] And there lies the problem. Windows simply uses too much ram. In this case > 2GB. it basically turns 4GB into 2Gb, 8GB into 6GB, and so on. Of course having a windows system with only 4GB is silly, you would have <2GB of effective RAM! On my linux install on by laptop (which has 4GB) The system uses around 500-600 MB of RAM, however on the mac side of the laptop, I can't run more than one or two programs at a time without suffering significant downsides. (The laptop is from 2011 however). The problem is that Windows and OSX use too much of the system resources. An OS should be out of the way, and use minimal resources. Those should be the number 1 concerns when building an OS. People use computers for the applications, the operating system should not be using precious resources that do not help the user and only get in the way of the applications. [/rant]
  12. I don't think so, DLL's seem to be compiled code.
  13. "We should sell bigger rockets so that you can launch rockets off of rockets with a side of rocket"
  14. Long exposure photography gets me every single time. In this case it was probably multiple exposures as opposed to on long one as the rest of the image is fairly dark
  15. Another possibility is to keep Avalon exactly the same and disable heating effects to make it viable for reentries.
  16. does anyone have configs for full USI-LS support, I tried making one but for whatever reason it gives all the parts negative costs
  17. I finished the mockup of my duna base, 190 parts:confused:
  18. 409: 5 things to do now that clickbait has been invented
  19. I believe this is because other planet's atmospheres don't scale quite as nicely as kerbins and are still quite thick near the top. It's not a problem at duna because the atmosphere is so thin to begin with
  20. I don't think it does, because the rear wheels are much closer to the CM, they have much more of the planes weight riding on them. I suspect any sideslip on landing is because they are acting as a pivot. In fact, having the gear far forwards may even act as a stabilising force on account of their distance from the CM for the same reason that tailplanes are more effective the farther back you put them. I could be wrong though.
  21. 8 gigs should keep ubuntu running without a hitch, RAM is probably not your problem.
  22. I was cleaning out my PC this afternoon and I somehow killed one of my sticks of RAM in the process. My theory is that I somehow shorted it, even after I grounded myself before beginning the cleaning. so now I am down to 12 GB
  23. Its gotta be the K.S.S Betelgeuse. Has SRB takeoff assist, 6 crew capacity, and can get to orbit with 3 km/s delta-v in the tanks, perfect for servicing my minmus base.
  24. Whenever I fly I think "could I land this plane?" and sometimes I convince myself that I could. Even if its a 747.
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